
Alternative Energy Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"The only technology that we currently have today which can replace fossil fuel generation is nuclear energy."
"Find alternative means of energy... we have plenty of Natural Resources instead of oil."
"We've added the ability to... power your house with the power of crickets."
"Fusion is considered the Holy Grail of energy."
"I suspect most of us would rather like the idea of our power and heating or cooling supply being a big rod in our basement."
"You don't have to choose fossil fuels and fossil carbon, and when you don't, you can cut your carbon footprint incredibly."
"Hydrogen technology... most likely better and cheaper than the battery technology for electric vehicles and transportation in general."
"Helium-3 is a particularly promising fuel source for nuclear fusion."
"So while sodium and iron-based batteries might not hold their weight as a legitimate alternative right now, there is actually pretty solid reasons to believe that this might be the battery solution of tomorrow."
"The pyramids may have been built to produce an energy field that could power cities."
"You can do things like install this someplace that you may not necessarily have access to electricity."
"Thorium reactors might be the answer to our problems"
"Nikola Tesla was working on more than just free energy."
"The car can run on hydrogen fuel with its six-kilogram cryogenic tank."
"Clean hydrogen could help us cut down almost a quarter of the world’s emissions."
"Helium-3 is attractive in this regard because it's considered our best option for aneutronic fusion."
"The bulk of these suppressed patents involve alternative energy and healing Technologies."
"We've got a lot of alternative sources of energy, cheap clean energy. Let's get on with it."
"We're being charged for energy that's free when we can actually harness the infinite energy of the universe."
"Beyond heavy industry... hydrogen could offer a compelling option for trucks, buses, trains, and ships."
"The only way to remove your lines from the Grid... is to disconnect from the grid and have batteries."
"Thorium is the answer and I think that's an idea worth sharing."
"Three M&Ms worth of thorium is enough energy to supply all the electricity I ever need in my life."
"Thorium could provide a clean and effectively limitless source of power."
"Solar was 10 times the cost of normal power from a gas plant or something. But over the last decade, due to supportive policies, alternative energy technologies are now cheap and mainstream."
"Potential impact on alternative energy companies."
"Algae fuel is an alternative to liquid fossil fuels that use algae as its source of energy-rich oils."
"Let's get into hydrogen battery-powered cars. Okay, solves all your problems in the short term."
"Hydrogen can be made from various energy sources, offering versatility and environmental benefits."
"We moved by the wind, so we don't have to rely on diesel or gasoline."
"Having another way to have energy is a good thing."
"If you found an energy source that was more energy-dense than fusion... there would be no energy problems, you'd have basically unlimited energy."
"Free energy is not a myth... and the human spirit will always prevail."
"The brain can run as much as 75 percent on ketones as an alternative fuel."
"Thorium-fueled reactors offer a potentially safer, cleaner, and more abundant alternative."
"What if you could fill up once and then never again? That's what one company is proposing with a vehicle that runs on thorium fuel."
"Thorium is a lot less exciting. Can they be deployed in India?"
"Elon Musk... stated that hydrogen fuel cell vehicles were 'Incredibly Dumb' and others like Toyota have eventually agreed."
"Implicit in the solution to the UFO mystery is a post-petroleum world, at least in terms of energy."
"Zero-point energy is free power to all of mankind."
"The Cybertruck could power your home for about 4 to 5 days."
"I'm not doing this interview unless I can state we have the scientists prove we have zero point energy." - Dan Willis
"Hydrogen has been called the fuel of the future for as long as I can remember, and for good reason."
"Hydrogen might fill that gap where electrification doesn't make sense."
"The energy is not with these bigger, more energy-consuming vehicles, but people are expressing their interest in efficiency and solar power."
"Focus Fusion is the name we're using for nuclear fusion with a device called the dense plasma focus using hydrogen boron fuel."
"With concerns around the world about our reliance on fossil fuels, there's now a greater push than ever to seek alternatives."
"The only way these government entities and these big corporations can get you into all of this alternative energy is if they make the costs of owning the alternative unbearable."
"We could have abundant essentially free energy right now if the anti-nuclear movement hadn't stopped it in the U.S."
"I personally am a fan of hydrogen. You know, I think that's really good or nuclear."
"I live off the grid... I live off the sun."
"I'm super excited to have this e-bike as a possible means of transportation if something like an EMP were to leave my car inoperable."
"So does the hydrogen car offer anything that can make up for the severe lack of convenience?"
"Who needs an EV when you get 76 miles per gallon from a 13 year old Panda."
"A water-powered car. Now, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, 'Phil, wait a minute, that's a vinegar and baking soda-powered car.' Well, kind of."
"Vortex turbine: if you can't set up wind turbines or solar panels to power your home independently, there might be another solution."
"Porsche believes in a more sensible alternative to diesel engines."
"Relying on the sun could sometimes be a benefit over a gas generator."
"You take CO2 from the atmosphere, and you synthesize it with hydrogen to get a synthetic fuel that can replace gasoline."
"Runs on bacon biodiesel, that's pretty rad."
"The zero-point energy field exists."
"Using hydrogen for a truck has loads of other benefits, too."
"Fuel cells provide electricity as long as hydrogen fuel and oxygen from the air are available."
"I've always been a fan of geothermal heating; it's sort of my favorite alternative energy source."
"Hydrogen fuel could prove to be a game-changer in the future."
"Ketones are the byproduct of fat oxidation and essentially they provide an alternate energy source for the organism, aka us, when glucose, the energy of life, is not in the picture."
"Biogas can serve for cooking or be converted into electricity using specific generators."
"Think algae can't be an energy source? Think again."
"Sustainable fuel, synthetic fuels are now playing a bigger part."
"Renewable energy like solar or wind power would definitely help with this."
"Biogas will never replace natural gas, but it does something that natural gas can't: it helps reduce landfill waste."
"With this kind of thing on the market, gasoline can say 'bye bye' real quick."
"One last alternative fuel for use in this stove would be charcoal."
"She's fueled by veggie oil, diesel, solar, and wind power."
"Alternative power sources... we've got to be prepared if something like this happens."
"In order to solve our energy problem or in order to safeguard nature instead of exploiting nature, we are now following a different route, a different track, a different trajectory."
"I think that we need to seriously cut down on our carbon emissions and aggressively search for alternative fuels."
"Hydrogen powered engines could be part of the solution in the future."
"Given the amount of pollution and damage caused by the world's reliance on fossil fuels, it's important to invest in energy sources that are healthier."
"With the rising cost of fossil fuels, there's a great deal of interest these days in developing alternative sources of energy."
"Filmore is a mellow micrus but he knows that oil is not the best source of energy so he's out to make the world a better place one tank of organic fuel at a time."
"It's not a question of whether or not we have the technology to create an alternative energy society. The real question is the reverse. Do we have a society that is capable of being powered by alternative energy?"