
Body Fat Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"Fat is an organ, and not just any organ, it's an endocrine organ which means that it's an organ that secretes hormones."
"Your body will be sending out all sorts of hormones like leptin, ghrelin, cortisol, neuropeptide Y, and things I don't even understand in an effort to slow down the amount of body fat you lose as you get leaner, to protect you."
"When you actually grow excess body fat and it starts to leak and has it becomes toxic and winds up also becoming inflammatory, we disrupt all of these functions that normally help keep us healthy."
"It bothered me so much I went down the rabbit hole to figure out why the lower belly fat is so stubborn."
"Healthy living can decrease the quantities of the visceral adipose tissue, and the visceral adipose tissue is the problem."
"You can have a great looking physique at nine percent body fat."
"Clinically known as adipocere, it’s a waxy product caused by decomposition of body fat."
"I lost about 13 pounds in 8 weeks, going from 9% to about 6% body fat."
"Right around 4% is really where I sit in terms of body fat."
"This is really something to start to pay attention to - all of us should be looking at our waist circumference, our visceral fat, our belly fat."
"If you're shredded already, as in you're too lean, single digit body fat."
"Visceral fat weakens muscles, causing abdominal protrusion."
"If you don't have as much visceral fat, you get much more benefit from exercise."
"The most important medical parameter is how much body fat you have on your body is the most thing because it feeds the growth of every other disease you could develop."
"Your body fat stores these fatty acids, and that's why it's essential to understand."
"That extra body fat is like a toxic mess that our body stands in, that gasoline that overflowed gas tank is like, it's flammable, it's inflammation which is like flame inside our body that sets us up for a big problem."
"Just don't worry about that. So listen, let me ask you a question, right? So, the reason why you stored body fat, you got, you know, I'm asking you, have you got body fat that you got loads, yeah? Load, okay, so this is energy."
"It's not that a slow metabolism causes you to gain excess body fat it's the other way around excess body fat sits on your metabolism and crushes it."
"Fat is our friend it's our Ally we all need body fat."
"Getting to very low body fat levels will usually result in some negative health consequences."
"Negative effects start to manifest when dropping below approximately 10% body fat for males or around 17% for females."
"For those wanting to maximize muscle growth, it's probably a good idea to go up to at least around 15% body fat for males or around 22% for females."
"There's no productive reason to be higher than 30% body fat regardless of your situation."
"When they compare people who are slightly have slightly more body fat with people that are super thin, the slightly fatter people always live longer. Always. And it's very hard to explain that, but that's just what they found."
"That's a percent body fat right there that you could move."
"Can you pinch an inch? The deal with that fat is you can't pinch it because it's all the way inside and the goal with that fat is to have it be as low as possible like 10 percent of your total body fat or less and less is best."
"Body fat stores influence appetite and energy expenditure."
"Low net carbohydrate diet will help you reverse insulin resistance and lower body fat."
"Your body fat becomes very different than what it used to be."
"High PUFA body fat is the best explanation for our modern epidemics of chronic disease and obesity."
"Your body fat does not determine how fit a person is, how healthy a person is."
"Body fat does nothing in the way of offering an advantage in body training. It hinders body strength. The leaner you are, the stronger you'll be."
"I think I have less body fat on me now than I ever have before."
"BMI is a method of establishing body fat stores."
"You can actually carry a higher body fat percentage and still be much healthier than the skinny fat person."
"I mean now it's like my abs show almost at almost anybody and I store body fat in my midsection that's why I store it so it makes makes a huge difference you can definitely build them uh but you got to train them like you're trying to build my laundry to wash on your stomach."
"Melatonin is intimately connected with a hormone called leptin, which tells our body about our fat storage."
"There is no such thing as spot reduction; you can't lose body fat from a particular area."
"Having too little fat is just as unhealthy as having too much fat."
"Every day, every day, and if anybody thinks that living your life like that is not going to also help you lose body fat, you're wrong. It will."
"The goal is not to eat a diet low in fat; the goal is to have a low body fat."
"Baseline body fat did predict outcomes in this lean gains metric, but it was in the opposite direction of what the P ratio concept would indicate."
"What intermittent fasting does is it helps focus the weight loss on the body fat as opposed to all the other parts in your body like muscle, for example."
"Toning isn't a thing; it's building muscle and reducing body fat percentage."
"There's a sweet spot for sure, so 10-12% body fat's great, anything over 15% is going to drop your T levels quite a bit."
"You can't target your double chin, just like any part of your body, you just got to lose your body fat."
"Body fat is the cushion and insulation within your body, so it's going to protect your organs and it can help regulate your body temperature."
"You can't spot reduce; you work out an area, your body doesn't just burn body fat from that area, it loses it from everywhere."
"The very first step to fixing this issue is to decrease your overall body fat percentage."
"Losing water weight is not the same as losing body fat."
"Fasting and exercise is great if you're trying to lose body fat and gain muscle and just get leaner."
"Estrogen influences energy balance by opposing excessive body fat accumulation."
"If your goal is long-term body fat loss, sometimes increasing what you're eating can have much more of a beneficial impact."
"MCTs have really unique properties within the body; they are a form of fat but they are a very unique fat in their own league of their own."
"Visceral fat is the dangerous stuff; it's referred to as abdominal fat, belly fat, organ fat."
"Try to be lean in the off-season, not saying you have to have single digit body fat, but the leaner you can maintain and feel good, train smart, have the energy, that is where you should maintain your body fat."
"Keep my body fat levels at least below 12 to make sure that all the food that I eat will be a lot more efficiently and effectively going to the muscles instead of the fat stores."
"Elite and world-class wrestlers usually have less than 10% body fat."
"Your body fat storage mechanism normalizes after these surgeries."
"I've sustainably got my body fat percentage to about 22% without counting calories or feeling hungry."
"When people try to lose weight, what we're trying to do is reduce the amount of body fat we have."
"When you have a lot of fat, the levels of leptin go up, which tells your brain, 'Hey, I'm kind of fat; I don't need to eat as much,' so your brain is then supposed to decrease your appetite."
"Most sources usually suggest that being leaner than around 10% for males or around 18% for females is where most people may start to see negative health outcomes."
"If we can get your body fat down, if we can improve your sleep... we'll see someone's testosterone levels perk right back up into the normal range."
"If you're 12% body fat or lower, do a cheat day once a week."
"Chronic levels of high cortisol can cause fat redistribution to the belly."
"Maintaining a low body fat percentage like this requires a lot of discipline, for sure."
"We want to be within that golden body fat range which is like eight to like sixteen percent for males."
"Leaning out is like when you're starting to get visible muscle definition and you're starting to get into the lower levels of body fat."
"We want to create that positive disconnect where your metabolic rate is higher and your body fat is lower."
"Was I able to get more metabolic rate in exchange for that body fat gain? As long as you're getting a significant increase in metabolic rate with minimal body fat gain, then it's worth it."
"The best thing you can do post-show is get back to normal levels around 10% body fat, and then you can go from there."
"Reducing body fat can improve patient-reported outcomes in both eczema and rheumatoid arthritis."
"As you begin to gain more fat, you secrete more leptin, tells your brain you don't need as much food, you can stop eating."
"No one is 5.3% body fat year-round, and certainly not naturally."
"Sit-ups do not equal abs. You can get abs without going to the gym; if you sort your diet out and you get your body fat percentage down, you're still going to have abdominal muscles."
"While we consider a low body fat to be healthy or athletic, it puts the body at risk from famine inside of a couple of weeks."