
DNA Analysis Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"We have archaeological evidence of the builders of Nan Madol, including physical evidence, and the DNA of those people does seem to match the modern-day people of the region."
"His DNA is on the sheath... it's a huge piece of evidence."
"Not only can fragments be pieced together, DNA and genetic signatures can reveal even more information."
"A forensic scientist, though, found Nathan's DNA on Denise's gear shift, which was interesting since Nathan had said during his initial interview that he had not driven her car in over a year."
"Examiners profiled the DNA sequence from the blood in the van and from the blood of John Bonds, comparing the markers of the two sequences, they made a match."
"The amount of African DNA you have is so huge that you cannot be anything but African."
"Perhaps Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married... as the DNA results suggest."
"Your DNA will hit the database in a matter of days. It's going to connect to all those files, all those missing unidentified persons."
"There certainly are very early Homo sapiens in Eurasia where we can tell from the DNA that they have no living relatives so there were waves of people coming and going possibly coming and going backwards again through Eurasia."
"You don't need a large quantity of DNA. We've worked DNA in bodies that were found in sewage tanks for decades."
"But it was the DNA analysis that clinched the case."
"We actually take the DNA evidence... tell you who someone is."
"Ancestral DNA studies are important in understanding population change through time."
"To tell the true story of the skeleton, a DNA analysis was conducted."
"This was genealogy, this was DNA once removed, maybe it's not as reliable as other DNA testing."
"Identifying a killer through a DNA match increases the chances they may be linked to other unsolved cases."
"They get a DNA match and to everybody's surprise they make an arrest."
"DNA could come from the skeletal remains and we believe that it is going to come from the skeletal remains."
"You have the DNA there, his genetic material everywhere, he got cut with the glass."
"When you have DNA evidence, it's really the golden ticket in most cases."
"Is it Dr. Spence, a plausible explanation that the DNA of Jerry Burns found on the dress on the gear shift could have come about by a transfer?"
"The DNA of her attacker was recovered from her clothing."
"They're collecting DNA, matching DNA to family members, gathering surveillance, taking eyewitness accounts, running phone records, and matching those records."
"The understanding and science behind DNA testing was nowhere near what it is now."
"Scientists are now able to study the DNA of the pharaohs and are unraveling the truth about the rise and fall of one of Egypt's greatest families, the 18th dynasty."
"Investigators determined the DNA evidence was tied to a man named John Gertrude."
"Finding multiple burials from the Paleolithic period is already rare, but the fact that there was enough high-quality DNA still available to analyze was like winning the lottery."
"Genetic genealogy is the best tool that's come since DNA."
"So even if you could find DNA in the remains... a sibling only has 50 of a match for that DNA."
"Very often, there are anxious moments for investigators waiting for a DNA match."
"The DNA analysis identified Alan legere. It was his genetic material that was left at both of those crime scenes."
"It was only with DNA analysis which matched his mitochondrial DNA to a sample from descendants of his sister Anna York that the firm conclusion could be reached that this was indeed Richard."
"Dr. Lee found that Japanese underwear may have held transfer DNA from the manufacturing process and proved this by testing an unopened bag of underwear which also had borne DNA on them. The CBS program concluded that the DNA from the crime scene was therefore fallacious."
"Using the killer's DNA, Paramount Nanolabs found a relative of the killer, then they traced the killer's family tree with public genealogy databases."
"finding the 2,000-year-old skeleton buried under ocean sediment gives scientists an opportunity to push the boundaries of ancient DNA analysis"
"the DNA sample from the drop of blood taken from Crystal's leg and other samples taken from her body and around the crime scene did not match the DNA samples provided by Dennis Tom or Joanne"
"The ability to undertake reliable and relatively inexpensive DNA analysis of ancient human remains has been hailed by Professor Christian Christensen as the third Greek revolution in archaeology."
"Life will find a way, hopefully further DNA analysis and studies will reveal this kind of information in details."
"Analyzing our own DNA can uncover markers that show where we've come from."
"PCR detects the organism's specific DNA sequences."
"Ken's DNA sample had linked him to the sexual assault and the murder."
"...every piece of that DNA was from either Shanti, Jackson, who lived in the home, or the defendant. Nobody else, no mystery person, just the people that lived in the home."
"Modern DNA technology played a crucial role in shedding new light on the case."
"With advancements in DNA technology, the swab was sent to the Montana State Police crime lab for analysis."
"DNA is valuable when it's inherited and then also when we compare it. We are going to focus a lot on that comparison aspect of working with DNA and your DNA matches."
"DNA is a fantastic method for descendancy research absolutely."
"DNA content analysis is one of the most widely used applications in flow cytometry."
"DNA evidence was produced and during hearings in the Supreme Court, it was found out that they actually found DNA from one other person that didn't match any of the three guys involved or convicted."
"DNA sequencing is a way that we can use radioactive isotopes in order to determine the sequence on a DNA strand."
"Pharmacogenomics is basically where you look at a patient's DNA and that is able to tell you in many cases what therapies are going to be best for that patient."
"If you have any Ancestry subscription, you get the DNA tools for free."
"I promise you, when you start learning to target the ancestors that you want to learn more about, you use your DNA cousins to group to that target."
"We're going to use both traditional genealogy coupled together with genetic genealogy to at least get us closer to our answer."
"It's time for you to go find your ancestors, hopefully using both traditional genealogical research and some DNA techniques as well."
"It's been eight years and technology has changed. I hope that they can do an analysis of DNA if there is any, or other evidence or the video footage... Along with a fresh set of eyes, hopefully, advances in the world of technology will lead to some new information as well."
"There are millions of DNA samples to compare with, and DNA technology is much better."
"The analysis of DNA is now an incredibly powerful tool for the police."
"DNA doesn't come with a time stamp."
"We're doing DNA studies that we've inaugurated of the bones in the different Jewish ossuaries, so pretty exciting stuff."
"The DNA analysis is a science, and as the years go on, science advances."
"The shared centimorgans and the longest block is the amount of DNA that you share with these people."
"The chromosome browser and detailed segment view allow for DNA triangulation and easy use with third-party DNA services."
"To see the fragments produced by cutting DNA molecules with restriction enzymes, researchers use gel electrophoresis."
"Finally, DNA can answer the question: Did Kenny Waters murder Katarina Brown?"
"...one of the world's leading pioneers in analyzing ancient human DNA."
"...the idea of a ghost population, a population you statistically reconstruct from the mixed remains of it in people living later."
"Microarray is nothing more than a glorified microscope slide that's been chemically treated so that you can take DNA that's been synthesized and spotted on there and it sticks."
"Bioinformatics could be used in Marine Biology to study the DNA of marine species in order to map the abundance and distribution of marine species in the ocean."
"Just with the effort and using the methods that we talked about, we were able to take the DNA information and find one of my parents."
"The DNA profile from item 36.1.3 matched that obtained from the reference sample of Tyler Ryan."
"Again, this DNA profile is at least 604 octillion times more likely to be seen if Tyler Ryan is the source then if an unrelated randomly selected individual from the general population is the source."
"DNA evidence is the bedrock for nearly all criminal investigations and is used throughout the world."
"It simply means that I would not expect to see this profile again because it's greater than 700 billion, which is roughly 100 times more than the Earth's population."
"With this 1 million copies, I can do whatever I want to do; I can clone the sequence, I can study it, I can analyze it."
"It's the first time a human species was ever discovered through DNA analysis alone."
"Scientists hope that Lyuba's DNA would unlock a number of clues to not only the circumstances surrounding her death but to her species and where she came from."
"The G rule is kind of a quick and dirty way of remembering how your DNA cousin matches might relate to your family tree."
"It wasn't until years later that his DNA was added to the CODIS system."
"The DNA profile is at least 604 octillion times more likely to be seen if Tyler Ryan is the source than if an unrelated randomly selected individual from the general population is the source."
"DNA Solves is a group of advocates that tries to solve the problems that are easy to solve."
"We use DNA to reconstruct our evolutionary trees."
"Life, as we made it, is about developing methods to recover and analyze DNA that just happens to be preserved in the remains of plants and animals that used to be alive."
"DNA is going to play a huge, huge role in them finding the killer."
"Using DNA to analyze and show relatedness has been the solution that has popped up in recent decades."
"After comparing all the DNA profiles against the one found on Nicky they finally had a match."
"The QX100 and QX200 systems are highly precise, sensitive, and reproducible molecular DNA counters."
"They match people up with all of these methods even like DNA analysis."
"If multiple STRs of a DNA sample matches a person's, there is a very high likelihood that it belongs to him or her."