
Artistic Intent Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"Doom describes himself as a writer, and he's trying to write a classic book that you'll want to recommend to someone."
"To me, this is Ito reminding us that the absurdity of his horror is a feature, not a bug — an essential part of what makes his work so consistently unpredictable."
"I don't mean to sound too pretentious, but I want to make art. Content is meant to flow through you... it's meant to help you through life because life [expletive] sucks."
"This movie is really, really layered, and it's done so on purpose."
"We're watching a Kaufman movie so we can discover what we didn't know about it."
"They deserve that we appreciate their work for their intended purposes."
"Maybe the work should be unabashedly meaningless."
"I'm trying to create pieces of work that's going to outlast my lifetime."
"I think there's deeper meaning hiding on the all that, something that the person who created it wanted to express, something true."
"Parody serves its goals, whether labeled or not."
"I hope that 'Views from the 6' brings joy to people's lives. I've always tried to make music that transcends and unifies people."
"Mala wanted his music to have this transcendental almost religious power of expression."
"Satire requires clarity of purpose and target, lest it unintentionally contribute to that which it means to mock."
"I just want to connect and make people feel something."
"2001’s ending is intended to evoke -- images, sounds, memories, suggestions, associations -- all of which seek to produce a response in us, mental and emotional."
"This movie really had something to say and exists for a reason not just as a cash grab."
"I wanted to make my take on it as original and high quality as possible."
"Just come and watch a good film. We are not trying to preach anything, we're not trying to advocate for any agenda, we're just telling our stories."
"Music is supposed to make you feel, love it or hate it."
"I didn't make it for other people, I made it for myself."
"Art is the convergence between viewer perception and artistic intent."
"I'm a firm believer in the idea that the artist's intent doesn't invalidate the listener's experience."
"I just wanted this album to feel like happier and just like free."
"The point is, like the 2018 Halloween reboot, the goal of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake was to capture the same mood and feel of the original by applying the necessary provocativeness."
"Art without a message is not art. Art without a message is doodling."
"At a point it wasn't even about selling the music, it was just about being heard."
"I mean, isn't one of the points of art to make people feel and think?"
"These films are made by writer directors... that wanted to push past what people would expect from these films and deliver something truly unique to them as filmmakers."
"Sometimes you've got to stir the sludge, in order to make change."
"He's not just painting or drawing a tree. He wants to paint the perfect expression of what a tree is."
"It's the meticulous calculation and attention paid to the spatial arrangement of objects that invokes the feeling of an omnipresent designer."
"Everything was kind of done with intent for this album."
"Morbius tried to take the subject matter seriously."
"That's what I want to do. I don't want to make something funny out of it. There might be fun in it, but I want to look this in the face and make something beautiful."
"I wanna make more fun music. I like feel good fun music and I accidentally always make sad music."
"Always be aware of your intentions with what you're painting and drawing."
"It's less of an idea of like whether or not something should or could be remade but it's about who's doing it and what kind of goals they have."
"Representation is in the service of telling the story instead of fulfilling a political frustration."
"Creating something that captures and holds somebody's attention is what it's all about for an artist."
"Thank you. Creating something that captures and holds somebody's attention is what it's all about for an artist."
"Being obscure is not the point of art. Art is supposed to communicate with you, to give you an experience."
"I want to take people on an emotional journey."
"This record goes right for the gut, vocally lyrically, I am trying to tap into vibrations that make you feel like I'm giving you a giant hug."
"Every note, every sound had a specific purpose."
"All I want to do is just make music that makes people happy."
"I wanted this one to be at the forefront, I wanted it to be very musical and organic."
"Camera angles play an enormous role in the intent of a photograph when combined with composition and your intent as a photographer."
"You're not going into filmmaking to be the next Kubrick. You're going into filmmaking to tell your own stories."
"I'm not trying to look my best. I'm trying to make an interesting photograph of the most ordinary, commonplace daily life rituals."
"This might sound counterintuitive, but the fact is that it's never clear if anybody has the right to speak up about the artistic intent behind a project."
"Because we all sit here and we talk about things like the artist's intent. Well, let's be the artists and let's share the intent so that when we make whatever we make and we put it out there to the world, you can be like, you know what? I know the guy that made this."
"Total accuracy wasn't necessarily the point."
"A work is finished when the artist has realized his intentions."
"...when you're following along with this song is going to really deepen the understanding of the song but also the artists and you can start to appreciate the choice of words that we've got in there..."
"It's nice to bring it here and feel the friction of what she's trying to say."
"I really want this record to be kind of consumed in the way that I've originally made it."
"What's important is making a good movie, and that was what our intention was."
"I wanted to make something of course that enhanced your experience of this landscape without destroying it."
"The most important thing to think about is the intent and the narrative and the story and the emotion and the character behind your images."
"Someone who can so carefully construct a piece of art to beautifully convey the exact intent to as wide reaching an audience as possible."
"When artists have a kind of authentic genuine intent of celebration and love, it just was so apparent."
"I want them to look as if they're just suspended."
"The great artists of the past didn't care one wit about reflecting their times; they cared primarily about how it looks."
"There's intent behind everything you're seeing; I love that, I really admire that skill."
"I wanted to just take a picture that only referred to perception and the essential nature of photography itself."
"I wanted to capture more than just something that was happening; I wanted to pull something out of the subject."
"I'm trying to make whoever's listening to this feel it. As long as you feel some type of way, that's all that matters."
"With filmmaker mode, you know you're getting what the artist intended you to see."
"It's not just does it look exciting, but does it serve the subject of the artwork and the mood."
"We managed to erase that sort of tag and cliche that got put on us... when 'The Stairway to Heaven' came out, they realized that we were a group that was intent on change."
"West Side Story by Leonard Bernstein was written as an opera, he wanted it to be seen as an opera, not as a musical theater piece."
"Color has to be in service to your value design; your value design needs to be in service to your overall composition, and your overall composition needs to be in service to the idea, to the intent of the painting."
"Every drop of paint really serves a purpose on these."
"The purpose of my paintings is to take the viewer to nature's eternity, to that which is eternal or that which is real in nature."
"They celebrated medieval simplicity and a closeness to nature in representational clarity and a deep moral seriousness of intent."
"This show is exactly what its creators meant for it to be."