
Jury Quotes

There are 161 quotes

"The task for the jury was daunting; they had to assess the culpability of the accused in the context of a society struggling to grapple with its own issues."
"The jury system that we have frankly is the greatest criminal justice system in the world."
"It's much more difficult to sway every member of a jury than a single judge."
"That's very bad advice from her attorneys because they're telling her that she has to connect with the jury and look at them at any moment she can."
"Ultimately it's going to be who has that stronger case to present to the jury."
"It's a good route for the lawyer to do this, it all depends on how the jury sees it bro."
"A fair jury is a jury that's just not yet ready to lynch."
"I wanted the smartest jury I could find... because I knew that if they were just lazy not smart people, they wouldn't spend the time to understand the science."
"The evidence against Plant must convince a jury of his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt."
"This is going back to, you know, any juror who's going to possibly vote acquittal in, um, the Derek Chauvin trial. It's, it's, you can't imagine what it's like to have your life totally upended because of this."
"We feel that if you apply your reason and common sense, I'm confident that you will return a verdict of guilty in this case."
"There's just always room for surprise with the jury."
"The jury deliberated, and it only took them three hours to determine that Billy was guilty."
"Jurors are definitely not stupid... They're watching everything."
"The evidence was enough to convince the jury."
"It took the jury all of three hours to return the verdict."
"Whether it's overcharged whether she accidentally killed him it almost doesn't matter you have enough ingredients for a jury to come to a point that they decide you know what there's Reasonable Doubt we're not going to convict this lady."
"Getting a jury to listen to you is fascinating."
"Looking at the 12 jurors it's like you guys have my life in your hands."
"Without that video, the jury couldn't believe he wasn't at the scene."
"You can never pre-judge how a jury will react or how they will analyze that evidence."
"What I found through the years of covering cases where there's a battle of the experts, the jury pulls back from the experts and then looks at the rest of the evidence and what makes the most sense to them."
"This case must be decided by you, the jurors, based on the evidence presented in the courtroom."
"We, the jury fix the sentence at death."
"People outside of this building have rights and voices, but this trial will be decided by you, an independent jury free from outside interference, based only upon the evidence presented in this courtroom and the law."
"we the jury find the defendant Leticia Stout guilty"
"Gentlemen of the jury, I'm curious. Bear with me. Are you aware that we're making history? This is the first murder trial of our brand new nation."
"If you apply this ten step formula, you're going to be well on your way to winning the jury over before the case even begins."
"That's enough! I don't need to hear no more, uh, uh, jury, which what you have for me? Guilty. Send them to the back."
"I think if the jury was white, he would have been convicted. Period."
"I don't care about the jury. It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter."
"The duty of the jury is to determine the facts and then apply the laws set forth in the instructions I will later give you to those facts. In this way, you will decide the case."
"Women get things done man, six women on the jury they get things done."
"We the jury find that the deceased came to her death through the agency of a person or persons unknown."
"Should Nayanka and Purple Kelly have been on the jury? No, absolutely not. They should not have been on the jury."
"He would have swept the jury if he won that final challenge."
"We appreciate the jury for their work and dedication to justice."
"The jury, after long and arduous deliberation which lasted 44 hours, were deadlocked. A unanimous decision was required, and they could reach only a ten to two majority for not guilty. A mistrial was therefore called; there would be a fresh trial."
"If any of the attorneys... misstate a fact or evidence, you should go with your collective memories. You guys are the jury."
"You don't have to have a mic drop. It's better if you can, I think, if it's really memorable and you've convinced the jury and you've brought him along with you the whole time."
"It was upon that foundation that the learned judge postulated those questions, and those questions resounded, as they must have done, in the jury because we know that it was the second question that the jury asked. They asked to be reminded of the scratch."
"The jury only took 40 minutes to see through his lies and find him guilty."
"The jury has been sequestered, and you would do good to tell your audiences what sequestration means. That means no contact with the outside world at all, including this press conference or anything that's said or anything in this lawsuit that has been filed."
"Juries are always looking for an answer to the why question."
"The rest of the jury didn't like go jisen deciding everything for them."
"It was important that the jury be able to differentiate among the seven victims and see those seven victims as seven different stories and yet also see the connection among them."
"I am split. I have no idea what happened here. I would be listening to the prosecution, I would be listening to the defense. I would be so undecided at this point, which by the way, jurors are supposed to be. They really shouldn't come up with a decision at this point."
"The jury less than a half an hour to come to a complete decision. All hands voting for death by hanging."
"The jury frankly they just want to hear what they need to determine and they don't need to be told three times and they don't need a huge background to be lost in about all of these circumstances."
"She might have had a really increased chance of having earned juror votes."
"I think the jury would be more inclined to reward that kind of boldness."
"For me, I did think I could beat them and maybe that was wrong but I do think my relationships with a lot of the jurors were a lot stronger than both of them."
"Each of you must decide this case for yourself, but you should do so only after a discussion and consideration of the case with your fellow jurors."
"The jury has reached a verdict. They're on the way back in."
"It's the jury, right? It doesn't get more important than this."
"I have just a a suggestion I I think there's going to be evident issues with some of these exhibits so I'm wondering if maybe the jury should come back at 9:30 on Monday or something."
"Good afternoon, members of the jury."
"For many centuries our society has relied upon juries for consideration of difficult and complex cases such as this one."
"The jury system is a wonderful system."
"I think that the ancillary matters that have taken place relative to these questions about the police department and what it's done and what it didn't do is sufficient for this court to use its discretion and bring a jury in from out of the county."
"The opening statement is a presentation of a story that is important to every member of the jury."
"The jury likes you, they give you that great gift of credibility."
"...if you're placed on trial it's required that you are judged by a jury of your peers."
"I always like women on juries; the women were a lot more perceptive than the guys."
"People should feel privileged to serve on juries."
"I feel good about the relationships that I've made with the jury."
"The seeds of reasonable doubt are quickly planted if the jury doesn't believe your witnesses."
"I was overall pretty impressed with this jury."
"I think he wins a jury vote hands down."
"The good news is that your service here as jurors is almost complete; the bad news is that the most difficult part of your service is about to begin."
"Sometimes juries come together, sometimes they don't, but this jury was almost like a family."
"...she understands people. I think Aileen got what a jury wants and what they need."
"The jury actually decides the facts."
"A really good lawyer will not only be trying to seat the best jury they can but will also be trying to connect to the jurors to establish a relationship, to establish credibility."
"I'm grateful to the members of the jury for their careful and thoughtful service."
"The grand jury wants to express its appreciation for your splendid work."
"The jury is probably thinking a lot of the same things, like why are we here? What is going on?"
"They don't want the jury to rely on what they're reading; they want them to rely on what they're hearing."
"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, trust you had a good lunch."
"We would like to thank the jury for the correct verdict."
"You gave it your best consideration; we can ask nothing more than that."
"Thank you so much, folks. You're now discharged as a jury in this case."
"Because this jury needs to hear from me and hear the truth."
"The role that juries play in dishing out justice and ultimately freedom or conviction for the accused is a vital one."
"No one can say that any jury has sacrificed more for the cause of justice than you have."
"I think he got a fair trial, and I think the jury was untainted."
"Gentlemen and ladies of the jury, have you reached a verdict?"
"I want these 12 people that are going to sit in this box to receive the evidence from the witness stand, not from any knowledge, not from any gestures, not from any running commentary from the gallery."
"The decision that will be made will be made by these 12 persons based on the evidence that they receive."
"The power of the jury system in America... is able to do things that even the criminal justice system sometimes cannot."
"We have some very educated, very accomplished people in this jury."
"What matters in Survivor is entirely based on what the jury says is going to matter."
"He wants you to have the best information you possibly can because you're the finders of fact."
"Emphatic statement by certain jurors early in their deliberations does not disclose any improper conduct on their part."
"We've already seen that incredible numbers of people are self-declaring themselves unable to be fair and impartial."
"The jury worked very hard and very emotionally to come to what they felt was a just verdict."
"I think the photos give the jury pause."
"It shows you know how easily you can establish doubt in the minds of the jury."
"Once an unbiased jury, a jury that has not made up its mind, listens to this evidence and decides, I think things will be different."
"If a jury were instructed as to a defense even though the evidence did not rationally support it, then the instruction would constitute an invitation to the jury to return a verdict based on speculation."
"It will be interesting to see how the edge of extinction element ends up deeply affecting the jury."
"We knew that no matter what the racial makeup of our jury was, if we were able to present our facts in a clear and concise manner, we would come out on top."
"It is for you, members of the jury, to decide on the facts."
"We want nothing kept or held back from the jurors."
"I remind you members of the jury that the charge against the defendant is one of wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm."
"All right, ladies and gentlemen, I'm told that the jury has reached a verdict."
"These 12 people came here willingly to perform their civic duty."
"They deserve our respect despite whatever their decision may be."
"The government can exercise no power except such as substantially the whole people through the jury consent that it may exercise."
"The jury's second purpose is not just to judge on the individual but they're also meant to judge on the justice of the piece of legislation that brought him into court in the first place."
"Described the jury as a political institution embodying the sovereignty of the people."
"A court is only as sound as its jury, and a jury is only as sound as the men who make it up."
"It's no secret that the jury is the one that's gonna make the decision."
"This trial's gonna come down to whose story the jury believes."
"I still prefer the concept of jury duty as a civic responsibility we all have; we should not duck it."
"It's just an entirely different body of evidence that this jury is going to see."
"Jen is by far the biggest jury threat on the board."
"...everybody on that jury loved Julie."
"My fellow jurors and I feel that we did a very good job. We were fair to the process, honest to the process."
"This was my first time as a juror and I found this experience very rewarding as a civic duty."
"This is a very intelligent jury that asks a ton of questions."
"Under our system of justice, we empower our juries to decide difficult cases."
"The petitioner is entitled to be tried by 12, not nine or even 10, impartial and unprejudiced jurors."
"Our system doesn't work without getting people from the community to come in here and listen to the facts of the case and make decisions."
"Our society has relied upon juries for consideration of difficult cases."
"In a jury room, you really have no clue what's going to happen in there."
"I appreciate your time, I appreciate the fact that you feel like you're deadlocked, but if you can't reach a verdict, then another jury's going to have to come back another day."
"I'm grateful for the jury and their careful deliberation over the past two weeks."
"Members of the jury, it is now your task to arrive at your verdict."
"Please do not discuss any aspect of the case. Do not speak about anything that may distract our jurors."
"The chief point that we are going to appeal is the jury instruction issue."
"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, how do you find the defendant?"
"You've got to think about how the jury is going to perceive you."
"The jury is well capable of making this decision on their own."
"The defense and the prosecution are entitled to a fair and impartial jury."
"The court finds this jury qualified."
"Marianne understood what the jury wanted and she gave it to them in big fashion."
"Once the jury comes to a decision and the trial is over, are they allowed to share details of how they came to their decision? Yes, they are, if they so choose."
"A laughing jury is not a hanging jury."
"Juries get it, they do the right thing if you get the right facts before them."
"It shows a very hard-working, conscientious jury."
"Everything is all about how it's going to play to the jury. What matters are those 12 jurors in the box and the alternates that are sitting there listening to the evidence."
"Michael Cohen more than any other witness who has testified in that courtroom delivered his testimony directly to the jury."
"The jury has been paying very close attention to the entire case."
"They often say these juries are supposed to reflect the communities they serve."
"I wanted to give the jury the most accurate and thorough information I have."
"The jury's verdict must be unanimous, or it's considered a mistrial."
"The remaining issues are for the jury."
"Judging the witness's credibility is for the jury."
"The decision of the jury to really be one about the facts and not about qualified immunity."