
Native Americans Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"The American Indian Religious Freedom Act, which finally lifted restrictions on the Sun Dance and Peyote Religion."
"The last residential school in Canada didn’t close until 1996."
"The biggest problem facing Native Americans today is not a culture of dependency, as Republicans and Libertarians would have you believe – it’s a culture of hopelessness."
"The life expectancy on Pine Ridge is only 48 for men and 52 for women."
"The number one piece of advice given to Native Americans who want to succeed in life is to get off the reservation."
"The United States government forced them into this position by preventing them from building generational wealth, stripping them of their culture, and confining them to patches of land they themselves deemed to be a barren waste."
"We need to drop this paternalistic idea that they need to be protected from themselves and give them the ability to do whatever they want with their own land."
"Imagine, the Native Americans in the US not getting American citizenship. It wouldn't make any sense."
"The Native Americans were in real terms like most other cultures around the world, with all the flaws and strengths that the human condition brings."
"There's nobody more American than a Native American."
"More native Americans died at the hands of settlers in that span than vice versa."
"This is important because the people born of this event produced the ancestors of almost all Native Americans today."
"When it comes to doing good for Native Americans today, we do a lot in this country that is rooted in sort of symbolic attempts to appease Native Americans..."
"The history of the United States government's dealing with the Native American peoples is punctuated by betrayal, pain, and death."
"Early contact between settlers and Native Americans was relatively peaceful."
"The Americas would be just as advanced as the Old World... immune to European diseases... technology and the Native Americans would be able to adopt Old World technologies."
"There's only one group in this country that competes at the bottom of the median household income - Native Americans."
"It's a story that has played out over centuries. In 2020, Native Americans made up 10% of active missing cases, even though they make up just 1.3% of the U.S. population."
"Of all the injustices done to the Native Americans, I think it was the exclusion of them from the American experiment."
"Indians got the sharp end of the stick when dealing with the Europeans."
"western Native Americans were all defeated by 1890,"
"For 500 years the American Indians have been blamed for giving Europe syphilis."
"The result on the native American populations was devastating."
"People still live on reservations. It is a horrible thing. The Native American is treated terribly."
"The Native Americans were just as clever as other cultural groups of the ancient world."
"10,000 years ago the Native Americans of the Great Lakes were among the best scientists in the world."
"Ancient Native Americans had an incredible grasp on science, technology, and medicine well into the remote past."
"...it was mainly due to the help of the Native Americans that the colony survives."
"It's important to note that in reality, the Plains Indians led a nomadic lifestyle."
"This is the story of the folsome culture, an ancient people whose Spirits continue to resonate across the Majestic mountains, vast plains, and deep Canyons of this remarkable land."
"This find was so significant because it undeniably proved that the ancestors of Native Americans have lived in the Americas since the place the scene 3 years later in 1929."
"there has been a concerted movement to denigrate the native culture of India had happened throughout the world Native Americans were totally denigrated we grew up with the image of Native Americans as massacring poor white immigrants"
"There is no such individual group or person. Native Americans were an incredibly diverse group of peoples and cultures."
"Many settlers married and raised families with Native people from the region."
"Dances with Wolves dared to show Native Americans not as savages but as a complex, vibrant culture facing brutal displacement."
"It'll be pretty funny if back in the day Native Americans knew like modern people here would go search for their arrowheads."
"It's far more interesting and certainly more important to tell the story of Native American survival, resilience, adaptability, and the construction of more sustainable societies."
"It's not saying that the Native Americans came from another planet, let's put it that way."
"Now, long before Europeans came here, in the time of Native Americans, this island was basically, or it was, uninhabited. It was covered in bones because this was a communal burial ground for Native Americans."
"The Indian Wars were supposed to be over in 1890."
"All Americans are immigrants including Native Americans because they immigrated 13,000 years ago."
"This is a whimsy these were made by Native Americans and sold generally to tourists."
"I am a firm believer that if we never left the era like with that that like if we just follow what the native Americans taught us like everything would be so different these days and probably better."
"...the Lakota were a little on edge for all they knew their enemies, the Omaha, had sent Lewis and Clark in as some type of distraction."
"The English settlers trying to colonize as much American land as possible, the natives were once again caught in the middle by simply being where they'd always been."
"A lot of Native American Indians, what you're going to find out, sir, is that most of them, the real ones, don't live on reservations. The ones on reservations, I'd say eight out of ten of them, are what's called $5 Indians."
"Native Americans claimed ownership of vast tracts of land, on which they lived, hunted, and farmed."
"So let's start with our Native American societies as they existed prior to European contact."
"Native American history is abundant in the Red Desert."
"It was the last major conflict with the American Indians."
"People like Native Americans got through, they're just fine."
"By no means were Native Americans a group of people who were incapable of survival."
"For us to move forward as a country, we need to reconcile our past, especially with Native Americans."
"We must never forget the Holocaust of nearly wiping out the existence of Native American population."
"The center or the Nexus of all the trade networks carried on by the Native Americans in the Americas."
"Scientists have essentially confirmed that Native Americans all came from a group of early humans in Eastern China."
"These were lost souls of the Native Americans who died defending this land."
"The impact was catastrophic for Native Americans and caused a tremendous population drop, almost to the verge of extinction."
"Both sides actually enlisted the help of Native American tribes throughout the war."
"The British had treaties in place with many of the Native American tribes."
"Native Americans are citizens of the United States, they have every right accorded to the United States citizens."
"Period one is all about Native Americans and European contact."
"Over a thousand years ago, Native Americans lived in this area, and there are some petroglyphs around the park that you can visit."
"Native Americans had already been here for thousands of years."
"There's probably some real value to re-embracing and asking why were the Native Americans doing this, why were the Central and South Americans doing this."
"Dances with Wolves was one of the first films to actually show Native Americans in a positive light."
"This is a very interesting point about Native American history and it's often misconstrued."
"I've come to believe that the spirits of Native Americans reside there; some are protective."
"A lot of natives did farm, the agricultural natives in particular, a lot of the ones in the Southwest and in Mexico, they farmed and they had corn."
"Contrary to popular beliefs, the trail was not full of violence between whites and natives."
"His portrayal was so much more than just a character; it was a role that challenged stereotypes and offered a new representation of Native Americans in mainstream media."
"Native Americans were alive, living in the area, and likely witnessed the formation of Crater Lake in present-day Oregon."
"I think the Native Americans must have been intrigued with this."
"It looks prehistoric and it is actually where the Native Americans were 6,000 years ago."
"California had the greatest population of Native Americans in all of North America."