
Strategic Failure Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"The decision to launch Operation Barbarossa would be a catastrophic mistake."
"Western pusillanimity in the face of aggressive and concerted action over long periods of time means the West loses."
"This withdrawal was nothing short of a tragic disaster and an international embarrassment."
"That match is so bad, it was the Evo Knight. I literally told you guys as soon as he gets to the Evo Knight I'm going to lose, and I lost immediately."
"Ultimately, the goal of our sanctions is to make this a strategic failure for Russia."
"The breakup of the Avengers from this film is what led to the vulnerability that Thanos exploited to win the Infinity War."
"If you don't have sales training, you don't have strategy, and it doesn't matter how many leads you have, you're gonna fail."
"When you saw the significant collapse of the top of the Afghan troops we had trained or up to 300 000 of them just leaving their equipment and taking off, that was, you know, I'm not, this is that, that's what happened. That's simply what happened."
"Putin's war was fought because they thought they could win it."
"There are unironically leftists looking at you bad faith bod who sincerely believed we would have an equal or better time advocating for leftism under a second trump term."
"Assault the quarantine has failed. You must destroy the facility. As long as it remains, something the great tempest will continue to surge unabated throughout the galaxy."
"If you play the game of your enemies and you win, you win their game. You don't win, that's not victory."
"They did something that was so [__] stupid that they did it and it became... good."
"Why take that risk? The regime realizes full well that if they pull this off and it fails, it could be the end of the regime."
"It completely blows apart all of the defenses that were delicately crafted."
"Democrats losing ground in the house is unbelievable incompetence could be 10 seats or so lost."
"The desperation has set in. Ukraine's counteroffensive is essentially over, a continuous rolling defeat."
"Commented on the situation these are either the dumbest ECOT terrorists on Earth or they are puppets of those who don't have good environmental goals."
"These kinds of tactics are going to backfire on us hard."
"The plan was inadequate on many levels and failed to take account of the impact on our gamers."
"It does start to look as if this whole Ukrainian defense line west of Deva is collapsing now..."
"Putin's first war vision has yet to be realized."
"They try to invade a country and take it over in three days and we see that it is rotten to the core."
"This has not been the cakewalk Putin expected... it is not going according to plan."
"I think that sometimes you got to let things fail before you can have the opportunity to fix them."
"Strategically and operationally, the Russian campaign has, one month into the conflict, at least in its original configuration, been nothing short of a strategic and operational catastrophic failure."
"One of the worst things you can do here is think my team's fighting without me and then blinking and die."
"The enemy did not achieve its objectives in any of its directions."
"Just figure out the worst thing to do at the worst time and that's what they'll do."
"The invasion of Ukraine has gone from being a matter of patriotic pride to becoming the Kremlin's worst nightmare."
"Like a frog unable to perceive the slowly but steady rising temperatures of the water it found itself immersed in, Putin's strategy to wait and see foundered during those dual debacles in sore need of new conscripts."
"If they fail in Ukraine... the prospects of them reasserting themselves over China and Asia do not exist."
"Who would have guessed that the greatest Wah on the planet would be defeated by 7,000 hobgoblins?"
"We have the most powerful military in the world. How come we just lost three wars in a row?"
"The bigger Putin's miscalculations, the faster he ushers in the defeat of the Russian military and his own downfall."
"It wasn't a failure; it was a plan, a plot, a scheme."
"Putin is not doing well...presently on that battlefield they are losing the war."
"Putin's plans can put so many people on the street."
"The period of collapse has begun for the Russian army in all areas."
"The most important reason why Germany lost the war... Germany needed to take the Caucasus in 1942."
"If overall city unrest reaches a critical level, Chimera Squad will fail their campaign."
"I think it's a bit like Mourinho when he finished second. We'd just been knocked out embarrassingly of the Champions League, but we got second place. Mourinho then didn't get backed in the summer, and he was gone by Christmas."
"The mistake that the Biden Administration made in Afghanistan is... called losing that's called giving up and going away and the enemy wins."
"Putin has essentially driven himself into a hole."
"Let's end this battle, the battle at the gates of Rome, and we just got absolutely butchered here, my Rome and her allies."
"This just made them look extremely heavy-handed and ultimately really backfired."
"Putin has lost his main source of income and he's losing the war."
"They're just gonna blow him up right off the bat. Oh no, and now the turnaround onto KaroKy, and this is falling apart so quickly for Team Enigma."
"I haven't seen this level of missing where the market is on such a degree from such smart people in a long time."
"Woodro, you can't watch your teammate get crossfire just because you're playing postplant."
"If you're trying to convince a guy to commit to you, that's a losing strategy."
"Russia's attempted offensive has backfired after months of fighting and extraordinary losses."
"You can't afford to be playing this sloppy against the team that revolutionized how this comp is played in APAC right now."
"The foundation of the Ethiopian army was broken; the remaining members were forced to flee from vast swaths of territory."
"The enemy struggles might lift a huge stone only to drop it on its own feet."
"This is one of the biggest strategic blunders, miscalculations I've ever seen that I've ever read about. This is just it's really phenomenal how much of a miscalculation Putin has made in terms of this invasion."
"Based on the facts presented by Kovalenko, we may conclude that the Russian army has reached an irreversible state."
"What happens when a side runs out of ideas and believes that they're losing the public argument?"
"What they didn't consider though was human nature."
"Emperor Lean has discovered our plans and he struck us down first, all of our men are sedated and me, he hit me with the needle, this is a tragedy!"
"Their problem is that... they despise the people who they think they're trying to attract."
"This becomes even more apparent today as their much-touted counter-offensive has failed completely."
"As the British forced the Americans off the field on the 11th of September, Washington realized to his horror that the right flank of his army was about to collapse, potentially causing a general route and destroying his army."