
Euthanasia Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"We must always assert the positive reasons for life."
"Euthanasia and assisted suicide are a defeat for all."
"Oasis straight-up asks you to deal with a question of euthanasia in cases where the person is unable to take their own life but their family doesn't want to let them die."
"Is it wrong to take a life if it will bring an end to suffering? Is it ever right to make that choice for someone else if they can no longer choose for themselves?"
"Join us next week for a documentary about terminal illness and the right to die in the suicide tourist."
"No-kill still does mean you have to put animals down sometimes."
"Euthanizing animals isn't nearly as easy for us as it is for you. I just call him Dr. Death. Cut that out, it's not his name."
"It's like putting an animal out of its misery... like your favorite pet or something... it's that kinda thing."
"Every year 8 to 12 million dogs and cats are euthanized because there simply aren't enough homes."
"Anyway, that we've been trying to do that... Or get the cat to put these poor animals out of their misery."
"When an animal becomes so sick that the quality of life is completely gone for it, then let it go."
"Euthanasias are probably the hardest part of Jan's job."
"The kindest thing we can do is relieve her suffering."
"I find it embarrassing and repugnant that I can go take my cat to the vet to have them put down but if a person I loved was in a similar situation I would not have that ability."
"The sad truth is, dogs who are not adopted are most always euthanized."
"...it is a speedy, certain, and comfortable solution to end your life; it's legal, available, and relatively inexpensive."
"...our mission is to educate qualified individuals in a practical, peaceful way to end their life, offer a compassionate bedside presence, and defend their right to choose."
"The euthanasia coaster: designed to take lives with elegance and euphoria."
"He's not killing people, he's helping people. The Godfather of euthanasia, Jack Kevorkian."
"No, you're not euthanizing her. I refuse."
"You have to club it to death or it would suffer."
"That’s a powerful statement. Powerful enough to justify universal state-mandated euthanasia of sixty-year-olds? I don’t know about that. But powerful nonetheless."
"When life has become unendurable, it must be allowed to end."
"When life has gone on so long that it becomes pointless, when life itself has become a source of pain, the person living that life should have the right to end it."
"What Does Star Trek Actually Say About Euthanasia?"
"Legalizing assisted dying without ensuring high quality palliative care is available sends a dangerous message."
"Because it's cheaper to enable death than life."
"What is worse, killing someone who really wants to live or not killing someone who really wants to die?"
"You suffer, well, we can end it. Well, cool, let's do it."
"Death With Dignity adds a dignity to the process."
"100%, I'm for it, man. Because that, what kind of life? I think, yeah, I'm for it. It's so hard for you anyways, watching someone you love so much go through pain, and then like, you're not living. Like, you're watching everyone else."
"...if people can choose when they want to end their own life in a way that means you don't have to do something traumatic like take an overdose or open an artery or jump in front of a train."
"Our mission is to keep dogs out of shelters and off the euthanasia table."
"It's all about giving people the right to die with dignity, to not have to suffer."
"Even though this was clearly the right thing to do, having to shoot your pet is a difficult thing to do for anyone."
"Keep dogs out shelters and off euthanasia tables."
"In the end, you're willing to kill it out of mercy."
"Can't save them all but we'll have some fun with it before we kill it."
"Anakin made sure it was as painless as possible, and for Talon it would be one moment she was alive and the next she wasn't."
"You were gonna put your cat down for having incurable illnesses, but you put your dog out for having anxiety."
"In helping someone to die, you're actually responding to what they want, respecting their autonomy."
"We'll be relieving his suffering. It's the only gift we can give him."
"It's like, I mean honestly, it sounds like a more peaceful way to be able to transition and to die when you're not experiencing necessarily the acute pain."
"We kill our horses when they break a leg, in our dogs when they go blind, but we're too weak to give the same mercy to crippled children."
"We have a right to a good death and that it's possible through legislation to have enough safety mechanisms and checks and balances in place to ensure that people have the autonomy to determine what a good death looks like for themselves."
"So Steven went through the process of getting approved for euthanasia. It was quite a long process because I have to make sure that you understand what you're actually signing up for."
"It's the most loving gift we can give them, for them not to have to continue to suffer."
"He was going to be euthanized this week... because he has chronic upper respiratory issues and chronic eye discharge."
"If she finds a horse that does have a poor quality of life, we will be giving horses the last act of kindness if they need it."
"Euthanasia is when we put an animal to sleep because there is no treatment for the animal's condition or the animal is clearly suffering."
"The rest of the film becomes a devastating drama which segues into a meditation on euthanasia."
"It's better for the animal to be able to pass on with help rather than sit there and suffer."
"Euthanasia is not for old age. Old age in a pet is a blessing."
"Life is precious, but I think so is a painless dignified death surrounded by your loved ones."
"Physician-assisted suicide differs from euthanasia which is defined as the act of assisting people with their death in order to end their suffering but without the backing of a controlled legal authority."
"It's ethically okay to put a dog down who no longer has a good quality of life, but not a human, and that has never made sense to me."