
Anthropomorphism Quotes

There are 145 quotes

"B stars is about a world of modern, civilized anthropomorphic animals who live in a society with a cultural divide between the carnivores and the herbivores."
"Apparently, humans' original form was a four-legged, four-armed, double-sexed entity."
"When it comes to fiction, where 'human' becomes a speculative gradient and anything from an alien to an android to a stuffed toy can be a person, anthropomorphization becomes an extremely complicated subject."
"It's a nation of snooty overachieving animals who are the best and know it."
"Humans have an amazing ability to anthropomorphize almost anything."
"You know, I don't envy chairs. They stand around all day, thinking, 'Oh, great, here comes another butt.'"
"Anthropomorphic animals in both art and media sounds like a surreal concept but also seems very normal to us."
"Congratulations on completing train. So funny we just get to be racist towards bugs now and robots. Perfect. Only good bug is a dead bug."
"It's funny to see them in everyday situations and acting like humans do."
"I love when animals are given personalities."
"A furry is someone who enjoys characters that have animals with human characteristics."
"Both Mew and Mewtwo feel anger towards humans for creating a connection between them without their consent."
"I think the rocket just was alive—it was less, I think it was more the rocket than..."
"Animals are reacting like people... fighting for their freedom and rights."
"Anthropomorphization of brands makes us trust them a lot more. This cognitive bias creates an emotional connection between you and a product or company."
"In bird culture, this is considered a dick move."
"I think if we could just take a moment to recognize insects have motivations that are not even remotely foreign to our own."
"Many captains claim their ships have personalities or have miraculously navigated themselves."
"It was only two waters that decided to be covered up, they were shy, I get it."
"We always try to apply human level logic and thinking to something which is inherently non-human."
"In conclusion, we need to stop anthropomorphizing animals."
"The gods of Sumer, like the Greek gods, were anthropomorphic."
"Personifying AI is not as harmless as it is when we ascribe the same kind of traits to our pets or our toys."
"Humans will anthropomorphize anything they see... especially machines they rely on."
"Food is not a morality. Food is a question of well-being."
"What a daring dream to combine the finest qualities of humanity with the elegance and nobility of the animal kingdom."
"If you guys found this video helpful always remember to leave a like, comment, and subscribe to this channel for more updates in the future."
"Rhaegar's plans would not have come to fruition, Liana died."
"You never know until you watch an anthropomorphized hot dog and an anthropomorphized hot dog bun flirt."
"He thinks he's human. When he looks you in the eyes, it's as though he's looking straight into your soul."
"Because they're the ones that promote a human looking god in some way, an earth-centric god that looks like us."
"I don't know that any of us would be particularly thrilled if our coffee maker waddled up to us at six o'clock in the evening and said hey why aren't you talking to me."
"They all sound like they're laughing, like the hippos, the donkeys, the hyenas, it's so funny!"
"I feel like the animals have secret meetings and joke about humans, they laugh at us!"
"There was something so humanlike to that voice."
"Gary’s just a house-snail trying to live his best life."
"She wonders if Dragons, just like humans, dislike wearing dirty clothes."
"The Torah speaks in the language of man, hence the anthropomorphic verses."
"Humans are remarkably good at imbuing things with an agency. I've had cars before that had entire personalities."
"This was a God more like the best of us and the worst of us, a God made in our own image."
"Furries write about animal features the way male writers write about women."
"I decided to go with more of the idea that they were more like anthropomorphic animals than animatronics."
"The tomato faces an existential crisis, realizing it's a fruit and de-animates to become a regular tomato."
"But we humans find personality and character in everything around us, especially our automotive pride and joy."
"If the bag was alive, I'm sure it would prefer to be in the hands of a cute owner instead of rotting in the garbage, right?"
"Our mother, the Earth, was pissed. Kind of like that, oil. Things are fixing to change."
"I genuinely think my dogs do that. They think that we all survived because they barked at the door."
"My penis lies to me all the time."
"I can see that I'm bringing a sentimentality to the idea of animals that's like anthropomorphic."
"Lambda views Mina as its mother, its father, as a parent of it."
"The Earth could speak if you had a voice it would be screaming in anger and in pain and in frustration."
"Worms be like yes this is a mighty finds oil my good sir."
"You were right, Clem. The building lives. It loves life, all the things you and I love. It wanted me, Clem."
"Clem, I told you the building wanted me. It heard us planning to get married. It was jealous and took me away."
"There is a universal tendency among mankind to conceive all beings like themselves."
"Please do not speak to me while I'm counting," replied the bomb.
"When we as humans see a line, we empathize with it. We tend to anthropomorphize it, which means we project our thoughts and emotions onto it."
"Isn't it possible that people are just attributing their natures to God? Isn't it possible that people are making up gods that just happen to be a lot like themselves?"
"I feel bad for cotton cuz like he's never done anything."
"For years people have joked asking if the Cars characters would have car insurance or life insurance."
"If something starts to behaving intelligently, then we project onto it all of these other human characteristics."
"Seeing these little guys just kind of talk like everyday people while discussing things only animals talk about... it just kind of gets to me."
"We reduce God to be like ourselves."
"The amount of times that the statues get anthropomorphized is astonishing."
"The piranha plant is sad without his teeth."
"You can tell you've created God in your own image when he hates all the same people you do."
"Pluto with a dog is a hilarious thing to watch."
"If you start giving human qualities to a virus, you're going to get it wrong at some point because you have no idea what is driving the virus."
"Why do you think the gods always operate through humans? I just thought they were lazy," Zeus grumbled.
"If chairs could talk, do you think they would rat out the people that sat in them?"
"The ants are just people too, man."
"She dares to cross that threshold slightly, that scientific prohibition against anthropomorphism."
"That spider is going to be... 'Whoa!' All eight legs. 'Check me out.'"
"Oh look at him, he thinks he's people."
"The constant anthropomorphization of AI is misleading the public understanding of artificial intelligence."
"I really love anthromorphic characters. And when I saw this, there was a part of me that was like, okay, considering the track record of shows with anthropomorphic characters, this could be good or it could just be garbage."
"The lion killers were able to commit such feats of strength and prowess due to the fact that they were reportedly bipedal 6'5" chimps with the heads of gorillas."
"For hundreds of years it was a common belief that apes can actually speak just like us, but only choose to do so when we're not there, a bit like the French."
"What would you do if you were human? Buy more of the good wet food with the chicken and the tuna in it."
"When robots have a familiar human-like appearance, people tend to feel more inclined to form a bond with them."
"It is far more anthropomorphic than picturing him as a grave old king with a long beard."
"Anthropomorphism: attribution of human characters to animals, not living things."
"Humans have a tendency to attach human qualities to products; it's why we build relationships with our favorite products."
"As designers, the key here is to really take the time to understand when anthropomorphism is appropriate and how much of it you should use in your design work."
"We specifically rely on human-like cues in animals but also in products; it's literally how we're wired."
"We tend to anthropomorphize; that's when you attach human-like qualities to inanimate objects, plants, or animals."
"Anthropomorphic is an animal that is taking on human characteristics."
"This house got bad knees, hilarious."
"It's just cake, oh, and the cake... only crumbs now heard these words 'it's just cake' and it wept once more."
"It's okay that the moon cried, right?"
"This dog, I swear he's human, he just does weird stuff."
"This is a brilliant film that partially addresses the inhumane treatment of animals, literally anthropomorphizing them."
"What's the point of making an anthropomorphic doll if you're not gonna add toe beans?"
"Don't you wish cars had emotions? I swear some of mine did."
"Anthromorphic personifications of these crazy concepts."
"He's an intelligent animal, right? He looks like he could talk to you."
"Brian, despite being a dog, has accomplished tons in his life."
"This pattern of people associating human traits with animals or other things is known psychologically as anthropomorphism."
"She comes to you, she thinks she's human, I promise you she thinks she's human."
"The name prompts us to see these buildings and kind of empathize with them almost like they're living beings."
"Whether you're making a movie about talking cars, talking bugs, talking toys, or talking fish, we the audience still expect them to talk and act like human beings."
"...every instance of an anthropomorphism which God is said to have the form of a human body, every single one of those is predicated improperly."
"Their highly playful nature and social interaction is very humanlike, which might have inspired the otter man legend."
"People often anthropomorphize their pets - treat them as if they were human by giving them human characteristics."
"The Mary is living, okay? She knows that we're her family and she came to save us."
"It's definitely... it looks like it's smiling at you."
"The inner gommi is a being that resembles an anthropomorphic dog."
"Yeah, I'll literally talk to my cats like they're people."
"Walt developed a love of animals in Marceline, especially their funny expressions that at times looked almost human."
"What is a god but obviously, as John J. Collins would say, a bigger version of man."
"We tend to put humanlike qualities into things that are not human at all."
"They are literally our family, considering like they're humans to us."
"Humanity is inclined to invest all things with its own attributes, forgetting that outside the limitations of time and space and size, familiar laws of nature do not apply."
"It had these ape qualities, but it had human qualities about its face too."
"Anthropomorphism is attributing human characteristics to an animal."
"Every time we were playing, we created a story in our heads and pretended the animals could talk and act like humans."
"Humans naturally have an ability to empathize with and anthropomorphize animals."
"It's Stinky's world, and we're just living in it, right?"
"Lawyer Pelican lives for justice."
"There's a universal tendency among mankind to conceive all beings like themselves."
"The ice cream knows when to turn its lid on and off."
"Tom the turkey is dressed to the nines because he's going to dinner."
"They are so human-like in so many ways."
"What would your house say if these walls could talk?"
"Personification is giving things that are not human, human characteristics."
"I swear to God she is part human."
"I don't think anthropomorphism is as bad as we were once taught."
"It's natural to describe the movements of other people and of triangles and lamps in terms of intentions, desires, and emotional states, even though you never actually see them."
"They look like little old people in animal bodies."
"Why do you sit like a human? Good job, buddy."