
Extreme Measures Quotes

There are 177 quotes

"If you want to become successful, you have to take extreme measures."
"Do I write my name in blood to make sure that you trust me? Probably not, because maybe it's not the last one."
"A total lockdown that nobody can have access to."
"The only way that this stops is you put heads on pikes."
"If it keeps going, you could potentially freeze it to death, which is good fun."
"There is no law so obscene that a police officer would not be willing to enforce it up to and including executing innocent children."
"You are reducing the world's population down to 500 million."
"This is only like a nuclear option to tell the CCP you know you can't."
"Inquisitors hold absolute power – dealing out individual death or planetary scale annihilation."
"It's a way of War where the only way to stop you is to kill you completely."
"In such dire situations, it is not hard to understand that an estimated two million people committed suicide."
"Sometimes you just really have to kill guys. Let's move on."
"The idea of purging any and all positive imagery of police, even when that media or material is completely unrelated in any conceivable form to police brutality of any kind, is the modern equivalent of book-burning."
"Just act like you don't exist and just drive off a cliff."
"Ten stabs to the back of the neck are her solution to make him forget about that."
"Dude, [__], kill the baby right away. Yeah, no questions asked. Because you can't deal with that question."
"He's made of such tough stuff, taking off his own arm like that. It's just insane."
"If trapping my own family in a block of concrete is what it's gonna take to keep us together then that's exactly what i'm going to do."
"Unless there is one way to do it... purge everything and start over."
"This house needs to be like bulldozed completely."
"Desperate situations require desperate measures."
"If you have to cut your [__] hands off to prevent spending, do it."
"I just want him back, I don't care what I have to do."
"Oh my god, if Naruto dies I quit. Bought a bottle of bleach, straight ass."
"I would just as soon be left alone but if somebody's gonna come to my house to rape and kill my children I'm sorry all bets are off."
"I’m specifically proposing this because I want to take the independence which Turning Red empowers Mei with to the absolute extreme."
"It is perhaps the most frightening thing in this world what humanity does to protect itself."
"Sometimes the only way to hide a secret is to burn it."
"We would have moved heaven and earth, we would have burned down whatever town we had to get to, that man would have taken out whoever he had to get to in order to find you."
"Spies May Kill Their Own to Protect Their Cover."
"To the guillotine for expressing sympathy for the royal family."
"How do you restrain an invisible man who's virtually invincible? Well, shoving some C4 up his colon will likely keep him in check."
"If you got these idols, you do it where they can't worship, they can't worship it. Don't knock the head off, yeah, get a hammer, bust it out, that's right."
"The best way to save everyone from hell is to put them out of misery while they still not know."
"Remember the guy who got plastic surgery to become a Korean woman?"
"If your house was infected with vermin, would you burn your house down?"
"Instead of buying scalped tickets, this guy took it a step further."
"It's not really something you want to be doing letting off nukes and stuff but um hey you know if you want to make an extremely large explosion out in the desert I'm not gonna stop you."
"The only way to really stop them is to kill them."
"It might be the worst thing they've done. I'd rather have Batman kill a thousand people than squander his talents."
"Being locked up in this subterranean hole might seem like the ultimate deterrent."
"DMCA on YouTube is literally not even the nuclear option but pulling up with the Death Star and Blasting it and its moons."
"I just wonder what is Ted Cruz like? Did they expect Ted to go there with like a blowtorch and start defrosting all of the pipelines?"
"The council would rather kill everyone in New York with a nuke than have some maybe die in an alien invasion."
"I want a warrior, I'm going to feed them red meat. I want them to have the blood lust necessary to kill someone."
"It's a pity extreme precautions weren't taken to prevent the outbreak in the first place."
"Burn your boats and you will take the island because people, when they're gonna either die or succeed, tend to succeed."
"What parent wouldn't go to the ends of the Earth in order to save their kids?"
"Hey, I have a solution to end the doll beef: all the dolls, all deathmatch."
"The idea of having your child taken away to a quarantine camp is appalling."
"I learned that if you want to be a good artist, you gotta be [expletive] weird. You have to, like, do some crazy [expletive], you gotta cut off your ear and you gotta die."
"I have a wife and I love her so much that if she didn't love me back, I would lock her in my garage and set her on fire."
"What happens if someone comes to your door and tries to pull your family out and put you in a quarantine camp? Oh yeah, that's when things go real dark."
"If you're not willing to go to the same extreme, you're probably not gonna win."
"No one should actually die from that but it should be the death penalty."
"Sancho the First's weight loss surgery: stitched lips and liquid diet. Medieval lap-band at its finest!"
"I don't know if there's any coming back from this outside of Good Men capable of intense violence."
"Our win involves gulags dragging people off a whole bunch of nasty."
"All it takes is one cray-cray person and I just can't. I don't know, you need like a maximum security facility, exactly."
"Am's suicide planning shows how insanely far he is willing to go."
"He really went to some extreme lengths to do so."
"Every single shot looks like one massive story."
"This is pure survival. Salange called the cops on her own father because she said he was going to kill him. Stone Cold snitch on your father survival."
"If it gets to the point where I have to take a [ __ ] on this thing, I'm hoping it explodes."
"Cutting off your arm is no different than cutting off my own fingers."
"Shouldn’t the extermination of all life be a last resort?"
"Parents go through every extreme to get exactly what the kid wants."
"Sometimes when the mission just needs to be completed, there's no other option but to bend over and take one for the team."
"The appropriate behavior, the scientifically non-political appropriate behavior, is to banish Mike Pence to an island in the middle of the Caribbean."
"You don't sacrifice your life, quit your job, desert your family, and prostitute yourself under a bridge for something that's okay. You only do that for something that's like, 'Wow, I need this in my life.'"
"Revenge is a dish best served cold... or in this case, freezing and covered in cow manure."
"It was completely worth it. I effing took her house."
"Are the controllers desperate enough to orchestrate a limited nuclear exchange as a last-ditch effort?"
"It's not murder if you're simply making the world a safer place."
"A dad who is willing to off his own firstborn son for the glory of his future empire is a dad who does not mess around."
"Let's just say that I'm willing to unleash the power of a quantum singularity white hole on them if need be."
"They just want to win so desperately they'll do anything they can to do it."
"I decided that I was going to level the airplane, turn on the autopilot, go to the back of the airplane, and kill Callaway."
"Just kill everybody and eventually your enemies will be dead."
"I was like, 'I'm gonna burn this [__] down.'"
"Desperate times call for desperate measures to an extent."
"Murdering someone is never, never going to fix your marriage. Why would they even land on that?"
"Sometimes for it to get through thick heads to not trespass you have to go there it took calling the police several times and eventually a firearm to make these random strangers understand that my yard and property and not their personal roadways."
"As the only person that has the financial means to destroy me, I'm afraid I'm going to kill Brian."
"They should throw them in prison and throw away the key."
"On one level any book ban undercuts Free Speech but it is a whole nother extreme level to literally jail people for reading a book or sharing it; it is despotic in America."
"Getting rid of some people on Earth is the root of all these plans."
"The only way out for Audrey was to commit the unthinkable."
"If somebody did anything to my child, anything, you break into my house, you do anything, I think is going to harm my child, there's never been a question in my mind about whether or not I have the capacity to kill a human."
"It's like trying to stop a train by throwing a boulder on the tracks. It's going to make the train jump off the tracks; it's going to cause a disaster."
"I'm willing to do anything. You can punish me in whatever way you want to. Just don't leave me."
"Veganism could be it dude veganism got the potential brah TJ you've been caught with an illicit meat item in your house the penalty is death and earth."
"To beat crazy, you've got to be totally batshit insane."
"Freezing bank accounts smacks of stalinism and fascism."
"If you're a Green Lantern you can't like kill yourself because your ring will protect you okay so Jon Stewart orders his ring to go like 20 light years away and then come back."
"He legitimately died for that." - Emphasizing extreme dedication or sacrifice for a cause.
"Imagine being that little girl... to pretend she was dead in order to stay alive."
"Those who start by burning books end up by burning people."
"Begging friends to make the ultimate sacrifice."
"Some people think that may be a little extreme but it is what we must do to ensure that we get all of the required treasure chests."
"Human progress is entirely to make life easier, and this is that taken to the extreme."
"When law and order completely breaks down, people who would ordinarily be peaceful... will turn to extreme measures when they have been repeatedly let down by the system."
"Some of these secrets are so valuable to us that we'll do ungodly things sometimes to protect them."
"There was nothing I wouldn't do for my children, nothing. I'd kill everybody in this room for them."
"For a man especially to secure his right he has to be willing to kill, die or go to jail."
"She wanted him for herself and she was literally prepared to do anything to get him, even kill."
"The Authority: superheroes who save the world by any means necessary."
"We're willing to burn it all down just to silence people."
"Honestly, I was hoping for the guy's car to get towed away and crushed."
"Massive blood sacrifice: You can't make a bone crusher without crushing a few bones."
"The opposite HRT to what like you and I are familiar with so obviously this is the most extreme method of reversing androgenic alopecia and you um the results though are insane like compared to any other therapy available."
"They want to outlaw the procedure and lock up the people and potentially kill the people who help you."
"I kill all my enemies so that my friends won't have to become murderers."
"But it's at the very least you can get away from places like New York California... where the lockdowns have become psychotically draconian and where they're now proposing to detain you if you... may be a threat due to contact."
"Heather allegedly covered her mother's mouth with her hands during the killing and later told one of Tommy's relatives that Sheila had to die because Tommy would have been in even bigger trouble if she survived."
"Revenge is a dish best served not just cold, but absolutely frigid."
"There's only one way to settle a grudge: total Annihilation."
"I think the only way to crush a Takashi 6ix9ine is to kill him or get him to stop talking."
"Desperate times call for desperate measures. Today we're gonna be legendary status."
"If a child it has made friends with is bullied, grandpa will find the bully's house and burn it to the ground."
"He had to go to such extreme measures, which is why he called someone by the name of Diana."
"You cannot eat fish and asparagus seven times a day and not have such a goal that you will do anything to get to."
"I'm kind of desperate I will do any means necessary any means necessary."
"There are no procedures... beyond total annihilation of all infected technology."
"I could not trust anyone and that was the reason for such a crazy way to defect."
"Now you have people literally holding on to the old guard by any means necessary, whether that means violence, whether that means going and trying to tear down the capital."
"If you attack me and my family at my house, I will kill as many of the people attacking me as I can to protect my family. That isn't I'm going to kill Democrats randomly."
"If you want to go into a movie like with spoiler blinders on, go into a cryo tube and sleep until the day it comes out."
"We've all tried to save a few bucks here and there... but this money saving scheme really takes things to the next level."
"I'm banning all of them and have it be total anarchy."
"If he couldn't have Emma, he'd see to it that no one would."
"The general hates this, since instead of facing his guilt like every human being ought to, he ran from it in the most extreme way possible."
"I had to do something that extreme to concentrate people's minds."
"...sending a feud on a damn Island. He said you know what this Feud is too personal let's take this to a remote island and we finish this [ __ ] wow that's actually pretty insane."
"Extreme cases call for extreme measures."
"Venice was not always portrayed as an outright villain. He had the idea to just kill half the people, and the problem would be solved."
"I think the point of all this is that the conditions of war, the conditions of winter, the apocalyptic tide of magic and white walkers, because of what's going on, people in this world are being forced to extreme measures to survive."
"What lengths are these bodybuilders willing to go to in order to achieve the body of a mythical god?"
"I'm willing to destroy the world for love."
"Desperate times call for desperate measures. I don't know what the heck that means."
"Lock down the city. Cut off the phone lines. Men, women, children, animals. Everything. All of it. Everything."
"Extreme times call for extreme measures."
"The following contest is our main event and is scheduled for television time remaining and is an Extreme Measures match."
"Extreme Measures: no rules, just violence. No qualifications, no count outs."
"At the end of the day, that is such an extreme measure to take that it's inexcusable."
"This woman is a [ __ ] those are the reasons that she wanted a transorbital lobotomy for her 12 year old."
"Wanting a significant other is an understandable thing but stealing someone’s hands to get that goal is a very extreme way to get someone attention."
"When put in an impossible situation, only the most extreme actions will enable you to extricate yourself from your predicament."
"You can lose weight eating a very high-fat diet if you eat two bits of it and then you wire your jaw shut and you feel like you're starving to death. You can do this, people do do such a thing."
"Expect to do things you never imagined: scavenging for meager sustenance, drinking from questionable sources, and resorting to extreme measures just to endure another day."
"You attempt a murder-suicide in that situation."
"Screw this, we're gonna nuke the site from orbit."
"I don't really understand it, it just seems like such a dramatic thing to do."
"To save the human race," Damian said, "I'll go to hell and back."
"I'd climb every mountain and swim every ocean if it meant bringing him back."
"It's about killing aloneness with love and physically killing if you have to."
"I would go to hell just to steal the devil's Pitchfork in order to prove what you mean to me."
"There are burning bridges, and then there's drying up the lake just to fill it with gasoline."
"Most people would do anything for the love of their life, but few knew just how far Brandon was willing to go for his."
"If I ever turn into something that I'm not... you have to kill me."
"Assume they have demons, eviscerate them immediately with maximum prejudice."