
Historical Leadership Quotes

There are 154 quotes

"Franklin Roosevelt was slowly dying during his last campaign... But during that last year of his life, he was also personally strategizing... about the single largest military operation in history, the D-Day invasion."
"Elizabeth was more tolerant of Catholics and maintained peace in England between different religious groups."
"Empress Elizabeth is also remembered today as continuing her father Peter the Great's modernization of Russia."
"Ramesses II is considered the greatest pharaoh in Egyptian history, and his reign was the most prosperous and extensive."
"From his hilltop home, the Iron Age chieftain who ruled this corner of Anglesey could see the source of his power laid out before him, and he made sure that anyone looking back could see it too."
"Churchill's leadership saved Britain, Europe, and the world from Nazism."
"Maria Theresa transformed Austria from one of Europe’s most indebted nations to one of its most financially sound states."
"Alfred's reign was monumental in securing the survival of the kingdom of Wessex and the Anglo-Saxon independence."
"The second empire had been declared, and the man who now called himself Napoleon III took up residence at the Tuileries."
"Mackenzie King secured for Canada something extraordinarily important: political independence from its former colonial master."
"Both of them showed that a woman could do the job just as well as a man."
"He united the concept of God and King, literally by uniting the crown with the ultimate symbol of the Shabdrung's divinity: the raven."
"Tankred had seized control of one of the most important cities in the region."
"Failed relationship when defeat looked on the cards" - Mussolini leading Italy astray.
"Ashoka attempted to create a religiously tolerant environment."
"What Reagan showed us is that if we're not strong on the world, we are inviting more and more global troubles."
"Finally, by 522 BC, after restoring order, Darius became the rightful Shahanshah, or King of Kings."
"Germany was, as it is today, a world leader in both science and industry."
"Stalin is one of the great leaders of the 20th century."
"Under his leadership, Athens flourished almost unlike any other city in history."
"A ruler ahead of his time: Frederick's reforms laid the groundwork for a prosperous Prussia."
"Frederick's Prussia: A testament to his vision and leadership."
"Damocles was a great, no, revered leader in a vast army!"
"Napoleon began stabilizing French society. He restored the Catholic Church and got rid of that crazy calendar among other things."
"The president's fireside chats lifted the spirits of the nation during the depression years."
"Churchill was backing the extreme end of an unpopular cause and the impact was devastating."
"Lincoln's greatest qualities included his ability to think ahead and his determination to preserve the union."
"Amin would hold power for eight years in one of Africa’s most brutal dictatorships."
"The Polish King's actions rallied the resistance movement together."
"He was fixated on dispensing his own brand of justice, upholding Mughal traditions, and expanding his grip across the subcontinent."
"Haile Selassie now became Africa's biggest champion uniting the continent through the Organization of African Unity (OAU)."
"He'll be remembered for steering Britain through its darkest hour and inspiring the nation with both his leadership and his courage."
"McClellan talked the talk, but could he walk the walk? No, like Lincoln's other generals, McClellan was maddeningly cautious."
"Alexander would spend the next year consolidating his Empire, attempting to create even deeper ties between his Hellenic and Persian subjects."
"He had continued Nur ad-Din’s efforts to rally the Sunni community."
"At the suggestion of his wife and Rasputin, Tsar Nicholas took personal control of the army."
"Osman Gazi, who had fought the Byzantines for more than forty-years and won countless victories for his Beylik."
"Mussolini led his people to triumph and tragedy despite the pain and suffering his reign ultimately inflicted."
"Mussolini saw himself as the person... ever seen."
"I think it's fair to say that Hitler doesn't take bad news very well."
"Baldwin IV of Jerusalem lived up to the challenge of facing Saladin, emerging victorious again and again despite being outnumbered."
"Most important of all perhaps was his founding of the Department of Health a hugely significant step which paved the way for the National Health Service and which reinforces Lloyd George's claim to be the true creator of the welfare state."
"Historically speaking, is it good to be a good king? Uh, no."
"Get a Peter the Great, you get Stalin, then you get a Gorbachev, and those dice have landed again on Vladimir Putin."
"Stalin leads an ideological battle against the world."
"Joan believes God told her to lead the French armies."
"The Soviet Union under its eighth and final leader Mikhail Gorbachev began a process of opening relations and markets."
"Churchill rallied the populace with some of the most famous speeches ever broadcast."
"Churchill's rallying of the British population was crucial as the country was now alone against Nazi Germany."
"Al-Hakim, who proved himself a consummate patron to scholars, would sometimes attend the sessions of Dar al-Hikma personally and engage in discussions."
"Stalin inherited a fully-formed terror state, he ramped up the scale of its oppression but the machinery was there and taking over Lenin had built it."
"Richard the Lionheart was a High Point of the Monarchy."
"Having trounced the royalists standing in his way, Oliver Cromwell commanded an immediate halt of all his troops on the right wing, displaying phenomenal authority by maintaining order and discipline where lesser leaders would have faltered."
"The U.S. Navy King had shaped was almost entirely dominant on the seas."
"As history so clearly attests, it's not enough for great men to destroy; they must create."
"Malcolm X was sort of one of the leaders of that way ahead of his time."
"Roosevelt was an incredible leader... but I guess that's just life."
"Hitler commanded his popularity amongst the German nation through a series of non-violent territory gains in the latter half of the 1930s."
"Washington succeeds because of his capacity for deception."
"Stalin inherited both Lenin's revolutionary opportunism and the tsarial problem of flanking powers."
"President Woodrow Wilson went to Paris to help rebuild a new world and advocated for the independence of colonized nations."
"Alfred re-establishes the City of London, a massive base of operations for the Anglo-Saxon people."
"John Curtin: Australia's rapid expansion and cultural dominance."
"Baldwin IV showed incredible resolve throughout this difficult period."
"David is finally and truly anointed king over the kingdom."
"Hannibal's leadership has influenced military strategy for millennia."
"He was only the President never to start the war... the only politician I know of who fought to build his country as opposed to manage its decline."
"Napoleon spent the next several years systematically destroying Continental opposition to him, defeating armies from Austria, Russia, Prussia, Spain, and Portugal, among others."
"The first five years of his reign were a huge success."
"Henry of Monmouth - skillfully blocked Welsh and Percy forces from uniting with one another and then played a decisive role in the royalist victory at Shrewsbury."
"Washington had saved the revolution once again."
"Rather than Hitler dictating his decisions from above, many policies were implemented from below as his henchman, such as Himmler and Martin Bormann, fought turf wars amongst themselves."
"If you wanted a charismatic leader to draw his sword and say to his men."
"Without a strong leader like Tecumseh, the indigenous peoples were largely helpless to combat westward expansion."
"Julian, known as 'the apostate,' attempted to promote polytheism as the official state religion."
"The Roman War Machine was humming; the Empire had ballooned under the leadership of Augustus Caesar."
"The Biden administration needs to take a page from Moshe Dayan who said to the Egyptians decades ago that the road that leads from Cairo to Tel Aviv leads from Tel Aviv to Cairo."
"From Mao to Deng and now to Xi Jinping, Chinese Communist leaders believe that their willingness to sacrifice human life makes them more competitive on the battlefield."
"Black Americans need the type of committed leadership that they had between 1920 and 1940."
"Elizabeth I became one of England's most successful and loved monarchs."
"Roosevelt mounted high on Horseback and charging the rifle pits at a gallop and quite alone made you feel that you would like to cheer."
"A ruler so desperate to solidify his dynasty."
"The reason that the founders were able to be selfless leaders... shows a tremendous amount of selflessness and control and principle."
"Rajendra was a busy man. In less than a decade he used his navy to blockade and subdue rebellious lords along the Malabar coast."
"Isabella grew up in the example of a mighty king who kept an iron grip on his country."
"When he became South Africa's first black president, he reconciled the country and insisted that white people be a part of it."
"So the Hebrews called her Geduda... left alone to rule in that male-dominated society."
"Eisenhower liked them Nixon liked him you know certain Republican presidents like them but Democratic presidents didn't like him."
"I truly believe that if you really believe you can heal your body, you can."
"Shackleton learned from bad leaders as much as from good leaders."
"Here is a man who could have been King who chose to resign his commission who chose to limit his own power and he did that for the country for an ideal."
"Abraham Lincoln is now the President, the Commander Chief of the Union armies."
"At the critical moment and out of crisis, Britain gets the war prime minister of her desire; behind Mr. Churchill, the country rallies solidly and resolutely to the task of defeating the most sinister madman that ever aspired to world conquest."
"From warfare to wisdom: Akbar's multifaceted rule reshaped India."
"Akbar the Great: a visionary leader who expanded borders and minds."
"Empress Hestra led her legions in harrying the vampire king and his grey host into western Hammerfell," showcasing her military prowess.
"Britain led the way on fighting injustice. History is complicated."
"Lincoln had seen the nation through its deepest crisis."
"The Ottoman Empire would reach its apex under Suleiman's reign."
"She wasn't always perfect and had her fair share of controversy, but she was an exceptional leader."
"Lincoln knew it was his responsibility to hold himself and his family together and by doing so he hoped to hold the nation together."
"In a moment of breathtaking audacity, she even appointed a female prime minister by the name of Shangguan Wan'er."
"Churchill could say to the British and the world, 'We're not done yet.'"
"Marcus Aurelius guided the Empire prosperously."
"Torregana Katun took up the throne to become the sole Empress of the entire Mongol Empire."
"Charles VI was the ruler of France during the Hundred Years’ War, exhibiting signs of psychosis and paranoia."
"Friedrich Wilhelm I of Prussia is most remembered today for his enduring affection for the military."
"Mary proved that a woman could be as good a leader as any man."
"Napoleon's triumph demonstrated his perfection of the art of war."
"I'm gonna go with Eisenhower, he did very good things in terms of rebuilding Europe after World War II."
"All those who helped Genghis were rewarded. All who resisted him were destroyed."
"She rose to become the power behind the throne, helping to steer the country through two world wars, the great depression of the 1920s and 30s, and the abdication crisis which threatened to bring down the monarchy."
"It may have taken about six months from the moment I was told to go home to the point those six months of pay were transferred to my bank account, but it was 100 worth it in the end."
"Catherine the Great was an empress who defied both her circumstances and the opinions of those around her to shape an entire era."
"Edward assumed direct control of some major cities."
"For 17 years, Prince Rurik worked to stabilize his realm, establishing laws and formal tributary rulership over the many native tribes of the region."
"We have to be more like Franklin Roosevelt was and be willing to live with some trade-offs without things being perfect."
"The Caliph was so anxious to secure these grain shipments that he went so far as to order a canal to connect the Nile to the Red Sea."
"She reigned as an enlightened autocrat; her power was unchecked, but she pursued ideals of reason, tolerance, and progress."
"Romanus was free to shift his attention to the east where there were greater opportunities."
"Teddy Roosevelt went on these whistle stop train tours... stopping at every station, listening to complaints, listening to what the people were feeling."
"In this time of desperation, Congress turns to Washington to appoint a man to save the south."
"The concept of Pharaoh... was about expanding culture, reaching enlightenment, civilization, awareness."
"He was the greatest leader of history's greatest city."
"Genghis Khan's supremacy in the East owed much to his strategic employment of daughter diplomacy."
"War had given him the throne; war would keep him there."
"When you have great monarchs, you can have great times."
"Eleanor instead set about gathering support from the Aquitaine lords and barons who had always resented being ruled from England."
"He brought the Cold War to a peaceful conclusion; he brought the war in Afghanistan to a conclusion."
"For the Arab foreign ruler, it was always important to be a protector of a sanctuary."
"Gorbachov really did the most to de-escalate tensions in the Cold War."
"Washington's trusted wartime aide, Alexander Hamilton, was selected by the president to serve as the first Secretary of the Treasury."
"...one of Aurelian's main acts during his reign was his coinage reform, to try and bring some order to the chaos that was the coinage by this point."
"The Russian Emperor was trying to save France from devastation and lawlessness as hard as he could."