
Film Review Quotes

There are 726 quotes

"I thought '8 Mile', Eminem's movie about his life, I thought he did a phenomenal job."
"I just saw Dune part two and it was good. I liked it."
"Black Panther is now in theaters, and we are here with our review. Do you think this movie lived up to the hype?"
"Alien Resurrection went for entertaining trash and succeeded."
"The Batman is not a perfect movie, nor is it the perfect comic book movie, but I have no qualms in saying this is the perfect Batman movie."
"The Great Mouse Detective was good but damn this good."
"Tangled is great, a gorgeous return to form for Disney's traditional fairy tales after Princess and the Frog started to get there but fell a little short."
"The film received generally positive reviews from critics with praise for the visual effects and action sequences but criticism towards the human characters."
"The film was positively received by critics for its world-building, animation, and characters."
"The Hollywood Reporter called the film a bouncing bundle of fun saying that it is inventive inspired and a delightful blend of clever and tender that's certain to tickle audiences of all ages and stages."
"John Wick is great. When I first saw it, I didn't get it because I was like, 'Oh, so a dog got killed. That's sad.' But then I watched it again and I was like, 'This is terrific.'"
"From start to finish, it's a fun, smart, touching film."
"There were also a lot of genuinely funny lines I laughed a lot in this movie Robert Downey jr. was hilarious as usual and so was John Favreau even Gwyneth Paltrow."
"This one is vastly superior so that's luca and it may not be the best thing that pixar ever created but it was undeniably adorable relaxing charming and kinda like wish dragon exactly what i just needed at the moment."
"I really loved this movie and I'm giving this one an 8 out of 10."
"I feel like audiences generally will like Shang Chi more."
"Avengers: Infinity War absolutely delivered on the promise of that build-up."
"Avengers: Endgame delivered on an impossible promise."
"I was actually very pleasantly surprised with the film overall."
"Black Widow definitely lived up to the hype."
"It's a very entertaining film from start to end."
"Toy Story 2 received universal critical acclaim."
"So funny, clever, witty, all that fun stuff."
"The rise of Skywalker was plain and simple a poorly constructed movie."
"It's not as strong as some of the later films on this list, and it doesn't meet your expectations, but it's not an abomination either."
"I tried rewatching 'The Condemned' with Stone Cold Steve Austin... holy crap, could not make it very far. So bad."
"It's almost a 10 but it's like literally one of the greatest superhero films ever made."
"This is the best predator movie since the original."
"Is this the best retaliation Pixar's ever made? No, but is it still entertaining in an unexpected way? Hell yeah."
"Everything in this movie feels like lightning in a bottle."
"Mission Impossible 2 received generally positive reviews with critics praising the action scenes, stunts, and overall fast pace."
"The new version of It, however, is much sharper and more intense, and also presents the heart and wit of the novel's characters."
"How to Train Your Dragon is a very very good movie."
"Possibly the most glowing praise, however, comes from Matt Zoller Seitz, who writes that: 'Godzilla vs. Kong just might be the best studio film so far this year. If it isn't, it's for damn sure the most fun.'"
"It was a dope movie and I'm not saying that to Pat myself on the back."
"Captain Marvel is fun and most of the negative reviews are written by men. Shocking."
"It's one of those things where not only am I excited to see the movie again but I also can't wait to do the schmoes spoiler review."
"All in all guys again this is a very solid movie."
"From start to finish, it's an incredible whirlwind of WTF moments."
"This is a Thor movie on acid. I could not stop smiling." - Mark Riley
"The Red Door is returned to form with terrific performances from the entire cast."
"I'm glad I've watched both but this one is definitely more my cup of tea."
"The Suicide Squad looks to be a funny, bombastic alternative to the more serious side of the DCEU, and -- true to its name -- already promises a high body count."
"Anyway really good movie thank you so much for the recommendation it was hilarious."
"It was kind of fun, but I think my problem with it is that it didn't feel like it knew what it wanted to be."
"I expected this movie in my mind to be awful it was like I was my favorite spider-man it's like no it's not and then we watched and she was like yeah Stefan that was like wow that was a lot better than I liked in my memory room."
"Spiral is the most recent Saw film that is actually really good."
"I just watched Gran Torino for the first time a couple weeks ago, loved it."
"She's wonderful in the movie, all the performances top-notch, movie's great, utterly [__] satisfying."
"I really really liked that movie and I did not think I was going to like it."
"Wonder Woman 1 is pretty [__] good... it's really good."
"I enjoyed my experience watching this movie overall."
"Welcome to my spoiler review of No Time to Die where first I'm going to respectfully complain and explain about the ending."
"Of all the Disney sequels, Peter Pan II gave me the best combination of exciting moments, magical moments, relatable characters, and emotionally touching moments."
"I will be judging all of these movies according to the standards of a 27 year old adult man, and that's how it's gotta be."
"This is probably one of the best trailers for Marvel Studios there is."
"Who Killed Captain Alex gets a ten out of ten from all of us."
"Just trying to be a comedy. I'm just a smidge under. I'll give it a 7 out of 10, I reckon. But, uh, you talking about the dub makes me want to check that out."
"I definitely liked it more than you...but I'm still not fully sold on that runtime."
"All the elements of this film work pretty well for me."
"I loved this movie I thought this movie was completely fantastic in Concept in allegory in execution and a really wonderful finale."
"I like both these movies. They're very charming."
"Dunkirk is going to be like, there's three like it's one of the best war movies I have ever seen."
"It's the best predator movie in [__] forever, probably the first original."
"It's a visual masterpiece with jaw-dropping visuals, a perfect soundtrack, and a great cast."
"I'm giving this one a nine out of ten. Love this movie, love the director."
"Despite receiving generally mixed reviews, Permanent Record was famously championed by Roger Ebert as one of the best films of 1988 with Reeves perfectly cast as outsider Chris Townsend."
"Desperado never forgets to do the one thing so many movies seem to completely forget today, and that is to be thoroughly entertaining."
"Just watched 'Top Gun: Maverick,' amazing movie."
"Thor: Love and Thunder hitting 69 on Rotten Tomatoes."
"Spider-Man: No Way Home delivered on all the promises. It's fully loaded, funny, emotional, and a joy to watch." - Roxy Striar
"Spider-Man: No Way Home makes you feel every feeling you could possibly feel. It's two and a half hours of non-stop emotion, action, quips, and heart." - Matt from The Direct
"Here we have a movie that shows us how to take a simple 2005 animated short and turn it into a god-awful feature."
"I really loved it. The first 30 minutes are killer in this thing."
"Suspiria: Amazing! I can't remember the last time I film actually made me just say 'Wow.'"
"The Hyperions is a throwback superhero meets dysfunctional family meets quirky criminals movie. It is 100 worth the stream."
"But I thought that like generally the storyline was great."
"It's the worst movie I've seen this year. Like just so lazy and and it's like a total waste of time."
"Fallen might have seen flat to critics, but revisited today, it comes off as unique, self-assured, and just the tiniest bit weird."
"As much as we loved the first two, this one felt different. It felt bigger."
"It all works here because it's satisfying and it gives you all the best aspects of the movie."
"I'm gonna give this movie an 8 out of 10 just because of how good the animation is."
"Honestly, the side characters were some of the best parts of the movie."
"And it was very well done and depressing and sad and emotional at the end."
"The Joker's movie is extraordinary. It is the best movie of the year."
"I don't have anything negative to say about this movie. I get the hype now."
"The Devil's Candy is a very surprising little flick."
"The Conjuring is a really, really good movie."
"It Follows... I really, really like this one."
"This is the Transformers movie that we have been waiting for. This is the best Transformers movie we've ever had." - John Campea
"Empire Strikes Back is pretty much a flawless movie."
"Visually sumptuous Aquaman is everything a movie is supposed to be. When you put down your two bits or 10 bucks or 20 depending on where you go, you want to escape, take me somewhere, show me some [ __ ] I had never seen before."
"Return of the Jedi is very moving and it definitely works."
"It feels like a film that set out to be carefree and fun, and I think that's exactly what you get."
"I think all in all, Jurassic World Dominion really did deliver a Jurassic Park experience that we hadn't seen before."
"This movie is glorious in my best Bobby Roode glorious. It is the best. This movie is awesome, it is hilariously funny, it is oddly touching and sentimental, the action in it is crazy." - John Campia
"Jermaine Lucier: 'Prey is as worthy and badass a Predator movie as we've seen since the original.'"
"It's a dark movie that does have a hopeful ending."
"As far as the Snyder Cut Justice League is concerned, I'm very happy that they did go back and finish it."
"I liked the ending emotional... would definitely recommend it."
"This movie was amazing. This was obviously one of the best Pixar movies I've ever seen."
"Overall this suddenly looks to be a whole lot more of an enticing movie."
"It really is, I think, one of the best DC movies that's ever been made."
"It's an incredible movie dealing with subject matter that is very transversal, you know?"
"I would watch it again... I thought it was brilliant."
"This movie is not punching me in the face with stupidity."
"Word of mouth is good, I think the movie delivers."
"Characters, cinematography, atmosphere, and even dialogue are all on point and impressively done."
"I almost want to take a sin off for the show pointing out that Borat isn't all that funny."
"Ultimately, I'm going to say that this is a 10 out of 10. He took something that people kind of universally love and he doesn't write his own [__] in it."
"Didn't expect to like Josh Hutcherson's character as much as I did, elevated by his performance."
"It's not a great adaptation, but also not terrible, just fine."
"It's good to see Dredd come along and do a movie that was for adults, you know the level of sadism and violence in Dredd is not something that I would typically want to show to a kid."
"Inglourious Basterds, that film really hit me when I first watched it, you know it's the twist at the end and was like well history has changed what the fuck I didn't expect that."
"Prometheus... interesting story, cringe-worthy scenes."
"The Lobster: one of the funniest, most emotionally devastating movies you'll ever see."
"Spider-Man 3 really took it to the next level, the CGI got better and the fact there were three villains meant each action scene feel very distinctive."
"I thought it was fun, I think it's worth the watch."
"This is one of the most cringy and embarrassing movies that I saw of 2021."
"Spirited Away is just as good as everyone says it is."
"The visuals from this film are absolutely stunning both in design and animation quality." - Reviewer
"Each location has a great sense of scale and offers strikingly different visuals all of which possess such fine attention to detail." - Reviewer
"There's obviously an underlying message here which can be linked to other themes we see later on." - Reviewer
"Overall I feel this film is more about presenting itself as a visual piece of art rather than a written book." - Reviewer
"I just finished watching Inglorious Basterds. What did you think?"
"Everything about this film was so well done. The acting, the music, the way it's shot, the story."
"Just as a primer here, I'm gonna give my general thoughts walking out of the movie and and kind of what I thought about it."
"Again, there were times in this I did like in times in regards to is this a top-tier Hollywood Halloween film I wouldn't go that far I would say it's more on the middle the lower Spectrum but again I still had a good time."
"This boy's life. Young Leo with De Niro. It's great."
"The first Shrek film is an incredibly tight 90-minute animated package with unreal comedy and character."
"It's one of those movies that can escape any type of criticism."
"Birds of Prey is effing spectacular." - Scream Queens
"Delightfully devilish and deliriously wicked." - Live Wire
"A colorful chaotic and cheeky blast." - Tribune
"For me it's a high recommendation and I could see audiences means literally half the crowd strongly applauded after crowd immediately left it's fun to walk into a moving really not knowing how you're going to feel afterwards."
"It's a great movie and I'm angry, it's a great movie and I'm disappointed."
"Believe in miracles, no matter what. You've got to stay positive because events are turning in your favor."
"Saw The Whale last night editing now. It's Brendan Fraser's best performance."
"If I can save people money by warding them off from terrible movies, I'm all in."
"It's okay, I watched it. It was really good, it was Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson collaborating which was brilliant."
"Aside from some stilted acting at times, 'Marble Hornets' does almost everything right."
"Yes, at last the matrix is really that good."
"Spider-Man: Homecoming as a film and a story doesn't really matter all that much because it's not really trying to."
"I think this is a strong film uh I think it's not only an improvement over the first Captain Marvel movie but it further expands the MCU Cosmic."
"When it was released, it got some pretty good reviews saying that it may not be as good as Lika's previous films but it's still an enjoyable movie."
"And Chris Pratt is as wonderful as expected so, who knows. Maybe you'll love it."
"It's just a solid Pixar film. Doesn't make any big mistakes, I didn't think it took any big chances either."
"It's a real-looking adventure, it's fun, it's a fun film."
"I love the characters I love the squad and actually I really like the story... and I loved the chemistry of the team."
"This really may be the best one ever" - Mark Riley
"Rob Zombie's Halloween 2: A misunderstood masterpiece of pure genius or a bad movie with an incoherent lazy script?"
"The animation styles immediately grab your attention."
"I thought it was really upbeat, really fun to watch."
"This movie really does punch above its weight."
"The question is for you guys, what do you think about these results for the Batman?"
"Zack Snyder's Justice League was all around the greatest film I've ever seen."
"The performances in this movie were out of this world in my opinion."
"Grumpy Cat: Chadwick Boseman brings gravitas."
"I heard one person refer to it as a magic trick and I think that is a perfectly apt way to put this movie. You will not know what's coming."
"Happy New Year, those of you who have never seen this movie, never heard of this movie. I will be taking you on the ride as I usually do, so that you are not alone."
"Tom Hardy in it, though, and I liked his interactions with Venom."
"Reviewers found it atmospheric and frightening, and the story compelling and well-handled."
"It's the best solo Batman movie since The Dark Knight."
"Wall-E, the film is truly a breath of fresh air."
"It was whimsical, fun, and enjoyable for its runtime."
"It's just a lot less interesting than every other animated film out there."
"I really hope that my review has sparked your interest in Nordic Germanic paganism."
"I think it's a very good movie, don't get me wrong. I certainly preferred it over Lady Pert. I think it's a very good movie."
"The Black Panther movie was actually quite good."
"It's a three-hour movie, but you don't feel it."
"I think it's a deeply flawed film, but it's like a somber behemoth."
"It is such a good movie... I was so impressed and way exceeded my expectations... I really wish more people saw it."
"Daniel Radcliffe lands cheers and non-stop laughter for manic Weird Al biopic."
"Until the last half hour - holy [__] that was dope!"
"Suicide Squad wanted to be a gory comedy, but it felt like a horror movie. It kept me interested but also drove me to feeling ill in my seat."
"This feels like the most comic bookie movie I've seen in a while."
"He wasn't Insidious and he wasn't even particularly subversive."
"It was suspenseful, emotional, and harrowing."
"A very good twist ending which I will go on record and say that I actually liked better than the ending in the first film."
"This was just an 'I like this movie, I will go back to this movie, I enjoy this one.' This is an S-tier for me."
"Loved Spider-Man into the Spider-Verse, two thumbs up!"
"This film and this performance is truly unlike anything I have seen in the movies in a really, really long time."
"Event Horizon... it's a very crazy movie, it's a mentally [ __ ] up movie."
"The Descent... it's genuinely creepy, genuinely scary, unnerving."
"Evil Dead... just there's literally a sequence where it's raining blood how [ __ ] awesome is that."
"The first 30 minutes are incredible." - Jon Schnepp
"This movie was not terrible. I thought it was going to be."
"Let me know your thoughts, let me know what things you absolutely loved in the film, what things you didn't love, and whether or not you agree with me."
"Well, it took three viewings of 'No Way Home', but it's officially my favorite movie of the year and second favorite Spider-Man, right behind 'Into the Spider-Verse'."
"The movie itself doesn't feel bloated. It's very straightforward."
"It's a thrilling ending and is an enjoyable monster flick all the way around."
"Wonder Woman got herself right, it's the turning point for the DC EU."
"Shazam is wish-fulfillment, it gets its characters so right."
"Shazam is an emotional ride with great character development."
"Man of Steel is the best DC EU film with the best action, soundtrack, and visuals."
"I think when I review anything... I want and done or is this the movie that can keep giving... loved discovering new things every single time..."
"I was incredibly impressed by Transformers: Rise of the Beast, it turned out to be a lot better than what I was expecting."
"With an unforgettable Chadwick Boseman in the starring role, Get On Up offers the Godfather of Soul a fittingly dynamic homage." - Rotten Tomatoes
"There's a lot that I really did enjoy, and like I said, I enjoyed it just enough."
"The animation is jaw-dropping... it's just crazy."