
Human Factors Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"The way in which we judge scientific theories is inescapably reflective, messy, and human."
"Human factors refer to those physical and psychological factors that can impact worker performance."
"Having two rows of each helps balance that by making sure that while the humans do have the best row on one end having the edge their second row is in the very middle."
"For a long time people were saying that most accidents were due to human error. It's a bit like saying falls are due to gravity."
"Advanced threats are human-motivated. They're not going away."
"The biggest difference between attacks? Advanced threats have motivated humans."
"Solving ecological problems is often less about the exact tech you have and more about the people."
"Every company invests millions in security infrastructure, but there's always a huge gaping hole... their people."
"Hybrid work isn't just about remote versus in-office; it's about understanding the human side and empowering every employee." - Nate Skinner, Oracle
"The reason we're iterating on applications and data so rapidly these days is because the human is a moving target."
"A little piece of paper with glue caused an accident but the paper and the glue are not to blame. Humans are to blame because humans use that tape in their own place for their own purpose."
"One of the elements so often overlooked in projects is the human foothold at the start."
"You have to understand the human part, the mental part."
"Every possible way you interact with the revolver has a consideration towards your human bits."
"Automation in airplanes is great stuff, but with Homo sapiens still in the loop, it can cause machine-assisted chaos."
"From 70 up to all the way up to sort of 95 of breaches and of cyber crime is facilitated by the mistake or manipulation of a human being."
"The war in Ukraine may actually be less about territory and more about people."
"What's happened in this obsession with outright performance is how the human being interacts with the machine has been forgotten."
"The Gulf War demonstrated that the human factor is as important as weapon quality."
"Players emotions don't fit on your spreadsheet."
"As long as airplanes are operated by humans, fatigue, distraction, and other human weaknesses can only be managed, never erased."
"I'm not sure that we can prevent subtle incapacitation, but we should at least try to eliminate all the possibilities that are the human factor because human factors are still the majority of most of the accidents."
"If your system doesn't account for people being people then your system's not going to work."
"He failed to consider the most important element of his entire plan: the human element."
"The main problem of nuclear or strategic strike capabilities has never been the technology it's always been the humans behind it."
"I tried to keep the human feeling and spirit and emotion in my decision-making. I know that's right."
"Science at its best because of course it's flawed because it's humans that do it."
"This is not just a story of an Air Traffic incident. It's a story of human psychology, negligence, process failure, and skilled airmanship."
"Of all the fighters in World War II, the FW 190 was the first to really put human factors into the cockpit design as a primary consideration."
"It's interesting how the non-technical factors have really dominated something that is so fundamental to kind of the existence of the human race as we know it today."
"Human factors engineering is not about redesigning humans, but redesigning the systems within which humans work."
"The type of problem we're going to see with airplane safety in the future is going to be the pilot-airplane interaction issue, so the human factors piece is crucial."
"But for us humans, that reaction time is what causes crashes."
"Vulnerability management usually comes from dealing with the humans and getting everyone to coordinate; that's really difficult."
"The reason ERP implementations typically fail is not because of the technology but it's because of the operational and the people side of things."
"Choosing a good password requires that we acknowledge our humanity and resist the urge to take the easy route."
"We owe it to our end users and to our teams to understand and design for the whole system, including the fleshy human parts."
"Human factors in engineering deal with average human lengths and what the best fit of these items in everyday things should be."
"Human factors are those elements that influence the performance of people operating equipment or systems."
"Ergonomic design will help us to match or to map the demand of the work to the capability of the human being."
"The objective is to improve the efficiency of operation, taking into account the typical person's height, strength, speed, visual capability, and physiological stresses."
"Human factors are those elements which affect our behavior and performance, especially those that may cause us to make errors."
"The greatest danger arises when two or more human factors combine in a danger zone to trigger a chain of events that causes an accident."
"Rather than creating new control systems in the workplace, the main objective for people like us may simply be to monitor ourselves better and to keep the human factors out of the danger zone."
"Photometry is the study if you include the limitations of the human visual system."
"Human error is an unintentional action or decision."
"The most exciting thing is the potential for safety payoff, right? Human drivers, we're losing about 40,000 people a year."
"The reasons projects fail are the people associated with them."
"Human errors cannot be eliminated, but they can be managed."
"Where humans enter the process, proceduralism breaks down."
"A designer will design an aircraft, but who will be flying it? A human being, a pilot."
"Human error is the biggest reason for aircraft accidents."
"The term human factors is cross-disciplinary and has its roots in fields such as industrial design, psychology, statistics, engineering, anthropometry, and operations research."
"Managing human errors is better than avoiding the same."
"Most aircraft accidents are caused by human factors, most of these human factors manifest in aircraft maintenance."
"In the huge complex group endeavor that is space flight, human nature is as critical as engineering principles. Neither can be ignored without inviting failure."
"A person has to have good technical skills, of course, to manage the systems and fly one of these aircraft, but you also must have a good human factor side to you."
"Human error is always a symptom of a system that needs to be redesigned."
"The Hawthorne studies... investigated the effects of lighting levels and incentives on employee productivity."
"You've got to design for the way people actually are."