
Physical Interaction Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"The human connection and people getting together and laughter and ideas, and not doing it digitally, doing it in a physical space is great to see."
"In Stormland, you can do things like fly just above the slipstream with your outstretched android hands. You can shoot a laser into the cloud surface and then make a ramp, kick off of that, climb up a cliffside, literally launching yourself with your synthetic android strength, and then push off and glide back down using your hands to control your descent."
"But wouldn't it be even more cool if you could just reach out and grab that as a physical object that you can hold and touch? That would be super cool."
"Handshakes, hugs, physical interaction like that, I think is a nice thing that's to be respected."
"Physical touch is very important, yet 95 percent of guys out there never do it."
"Life is short, you need to try new things," he said, gripping my shoulders.
"I merely put my hand up to guide her. I didn't choke her or manhandle her."
"The physical tension is there, the emotional tension is there."
"Our digital lives are really connected through our physical one, so there are some stakes at hand."
"Dude, stop! That hurts. It's gonna leave a bruise."
"It really sets into stone how important it is to have an actual physical connection."
"I get to know the instrument on a physical level."
"Proximity and physical touch are crucial for building attraction and intimacy."
"We need a little bit of vulnerability even on a physical level with people."
"I thought it was really interesting when he comes in and puts his hands on her head as if he's healing her."
"Giving more like physical reassuring hugs and stuff like that relieves tension."
"It was clean it was crisp it a good sound all the stuff on the table went flying up."
"It's so hard to form connections when you can't shake hands."
"The majority of video games are about physical interaction with one's environment."
"I love the tangible experience that we've lost so much."
"Virtual interactions are not embodied. We're physical creatures. We evolved outdoors. We're physical creatures."
"I thought it was you I was gonna slap your ass really hard because I thought you were like Ben."
"Objects move because they're pushed, not pulled." - Newton
"Malfoy was screaming and holding Harry so tightly it hurt."
"I found a hole... So we tried to move the door, and it slid very easily, stopping hard at a loud echoing thud."
"Stretch and squeeze his body to see him flex his muscles like never before!"
"Isn't that scary? He just smashes you with his chin."
"He would go like... like that. Would he bump her? When a headbutt will literally make contact."
"There's power and energy that travels through the handshake."
"She put a hand on my shoulder though and moved me away from the door."
"I'm getting a little oxytocin high right now? Yeah."
"The thing I love about seeing paintings in person is seeing the brushstrokes."
"A lot of just physical touch...high fives but slaps and just being present with each other."
"Wow. Oh, that was fun. Uh, this, this is tons easier to get it out. That's for sure. It helps me when I make faces to get out. That's it. There's his head there's his foot and let's do his hands."
"You steady getting disrespectful, let go my hair K."
"It felt like that explosion of like touching that first physical contact with another person."
"...slapping the ever-loving [ __ ] out of each other."
"She climbed on my back, on the backs of my legs, the full shebang."
"my friend raced from the kitchen into the hallway and virtually tackled me to the ground"
"We are so deeply wired for physical interaction, and there's so many things we get from physical interaction."
"What if I just tackled you, like, just really just?"
"So you can just go out and maybe grip onto someone like so, and so that's interesting right there."
"There's something different about actually holding the physical dice and rolling them on a table."
"When you mix this physicality with touch, that's when it's just a deadly combination."
"It's a regular handshake, and then you go to arm wrestling position."
"Physical interaction is very powerful and empowering especially in recovery."
"Knowing how to escalate physically... it makes a significant difference, it's massively powerful."
"The AI that understands the physical world and interacts with the physical world is almost independent of use cases and independent of hardware platform."