
Iron Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"Iron plays a most important role in our physiology, in the way we live and breathe."
"The Quran says the following on the origin of iron: ‘We sent down iron with its great inherent strength and its many benefits for humankind’"
"The iron in this dagger doesn't come from this planet."
"The iron in this dagger has been on an extraordinary journey."
"The iron has a power; it's from the gods."
"Iron is a very abundant mineral, so that coupled with its great malleability and workability and toughness made it the super metal that would power us into the Industrial Age."
"The kind of iron that you consume on a plant-based diet is different than the kind of iron you consume on a meat-based diet."
"Iron will always be a central part of our lives."
"This is a little portable iron, it's called the ts-100 and it's freaking, it's really amazing actually for a small."
"Magic may have beat himself more so than iron beat magic."
"I love that people are still interested like I said this is the hottest the Iron's gonna get."
"You know what happens here, production? What is life after Iron? Do you just stay here?"
"Now all of these massive stars these supernova massive stars can be iron rich supernova."
"Iron is the most common nutrient deficiency in the world."
"Out of all the goals I gave for today I did not think getting iron would be the one we wouldn't achieve."
"So iron n foley supplementation if you have severe cases."
"Rust can actually be quite good for your plants...it releases lots of iron and can actually help to strengthen them."
"Fun fact my grandma has the opposite problem and she has to get blood taken every set amount of time otherwise she will die from having too much iron in her blood."
"Iron plays a vital role in the chemistry of life, particularly in the transport and storage of oxygen within living organisms."
"The abundance of iron made way for the mass production of agricultural tools which gave them a distinct advantage over their neighbouring societies."
"It's a beautiful piece of iron, a standing firm."
"Your iron is very important to the functionality of your entire systems in your body: your brain, your lungs, your heart, your organs."
"Iron was the key starting point, it was the key moment of transformation in my business."
"This snail has a shell that's literally made out of iron."
"Iron supplementation decreased the risk of ovulatory infertility over an eight-year period."
"Iron supplementation is almost always contraindicated in thalassemia."
"It's not just anemia; iron affects everything in the body."
"The presence of iron in all of those things that's giving it the green color."
"Iron is very important, but it's not our friend; it's a very reactive element that we've been misled to think that we need more."
"Donating blood once or twice a year can bring down that stored iron."
"Iron is the most stable configuration you can create."
"Lentils are by far one of the highest plant sources of iron."
"Laterite is basically a clay granule which was very rich in iron."
"Iron carries oxygen in the blood, so it helps prevent anemia and brings oxygen to the baby which is key in brain development."
"Give it a boost of iron, and rust promotes oxygen."
"Magic! A bit of iron and your plant magically recovers."
"Iron is critical in terms of that defense and so it's part of our body's innate immune system."
"Iron fortress comes from 'angren' which means iron, and 'ost' which means fortress or fortified town."
"The greatest proportion of our total body iron is located in the erythrocytes."
"Our bodies can only use a certain amount of iron, and any excess collects in the liver and other vital organs."
"Leafy greens are one of the best sources of iron and a key part of anemia."
"Cook with a cast iron skillet... it will significantly increase the amount of iron in your food."
"Humans' blood contains iron, that's why it's red."
"Iron plays a powerful role in our body when it sits between 25 and 27, the square and the cube."
"The rusting of iron requires both oxygen and water, and the process can be accelerated by other factors such as pH, the presence of salts, and stress on the iron."
"Focus on foods that are high in iron, there are plant-based sources that are high in iron."
"Having a good iron is essential to having really nice, clean, professional looking garments."
"80 percent of the world's iron supply comes from old microorganisms that used to use iron atoms as a molecular switch for their ATP/ADP mitochondrial reactions."
"This can be iron, which can be easily magnetized and demagnetized."
"Iron helps blood carry oxygen throughout the body, and deficiency can lead to fatigue or headache."
"Isn't it interesting that the foods that put nitrate and nitrite into our bloodstream are also foods that provide us with lots of iron?"
"Under ambient conditions, pure iron is body-centered cubic."
"Iron is required for oxygen transportation in blood, increases oxygen carrying capacity, decreases fatigue."
"Without the magnetic properties of iron, we would not have civilization as we know it."
"Beef liver is one of the best sources of heme iron available, crucial for oxygen transport and energy production."
"Women, toddlers, and persons recovering from injuries need extra iron in their diet."
"Iron ores are basically rocks and minerals from which metallic iron can be economically extracted."
"Production of iron outstrips every other metallic material put together, and of course, cost is extremely important."