
Fitness Myths Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"The pump is not nearly as correlated with hypertrophy as many think, and mechanical tension is far more important than the pump for muscle growth."
"You can't spot reduce fat from specific body areas through targeted exercises. Fat loss occurs uniformly across the body, and stubborn areas will eventually lean out as overall body fat decreases."
"One mistake that people make is not respecting this reality of how slow muscle building is."
"ABS aren't made in the gym, they're actually made in the kitchen."
"Please, please, please do not be afraid to lift weights. You are not going to bulk up, you are not going to lose your curves."
"It's actually physiologically impossible to turn body fat into muscle."
"It doesn't matter whether you work out fasted or fed as long as you consume the same number of calories throughout the day."
"Don't let anyone tell you that you can't build muscle in a calorie deficit. You absolutely can."
"Thinking mini cuts are magic is super common, there are no shortcuts with many cuts just trade-offs."
"Just because you don't understand how to manage volume doesn't mean full-body training is bad for you."
"I'm not a big fan of people always looking for the one optimal exercise."
"Running does not get easier despite what everyone says."
"Consuming protein will not make you bulky as women."
"You have to lift weights you have to get this mindset out of your head that cardio means you're losing weight no cardio means you're burning calories weightlifting means you're burning fat period that's home period yes."
"Over exercising and under eating is not the answer."
"My issue is the overemphasis of a barbell squat, specifically a barbell back squat being like the king of exercises, like if you ask somebody, hey what's the king of exercise, it's going to be barbell deadlift or it's going to be a barbell squat."
"For all of you ladies out there who think that the only way you can get in your best shape ever is by going plant-based or vegan or vegetarian, you are gravely wrong."
"I don't really think that we have to get sore after every workout in order to make gains."
"There is no such thing as lower abs. Your abdominal muscles are one big panel to run from top to bottom."
"Spot reduction is not possible. If a trainer tells you otherwise, you need to walk away."
"More is not better, more will not burn more fat, more will not improve your cardiovascular system, more of any medication just leads to more side-effects."
"I think one of the misconceptions about individuals that are trying to lose fat, or trying to get into shape, is that we starve ourselves."
"People have this crazy misconception that you can't overreach with calisthenics."
"All these fake netties have the most memeable [__] that they attribute to their exercise routine."
"You do not necessarily need to damage your muscles to grow them. Soreness is correlated with progress, not necessarily causing it."
"All I'm saying is it saying you can grow a big ass by doing [ __ ] hip thrusts is like saying you can get big boobs or double D's by doing a lot of benchpress you can't do it"
"We know you cannot spot reduce fat, but we can speed up the process of losing fat in particular areas."
"Lifting heavy weights does not make you big and bulky."
"Most of the fat loss advice out there is complete BS."
"...the next one you listed here is that women will still believe often is that lifting heavy will make them look bulky or manly looking um this is why is this totally false and why is this uh damaging..."
"There is no spot reduction; it's absolutely a myth."
"He perceived that there would come a time where people would blame their incapability of achieving good physiques on their genetics."
"There is no such thing as an anabolic window."
"You can use a lot of weight here, and you won't get big. You can't get big with this."
"There's no such thing as spot reduction."
"Targeted fat loss isn't possible, and there's no evidence to suggest it is."
"It's not their genetics holding them back, it's simply their diet and how they're training."
"No one is 5.3% body fat year-round, and certainly not naturally."
"There is no direct correlation between soreness and pump and growth."
"Lifting heavy will not turn you into Arnold Schwarzenegger. It's just not true."