
Nature's Beauty Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"The Seven Colored Earths of Chamarel... nature decided to show off its artistic skills."
"The Tianzi Mountains look like they've been lifted from the pages of a fairy tale."
"Every time I see a rainbow, I will think of you."
"Nature loves surprises, even in the most ordinary things."
"Ice can reflect an image and like amber trap and preserve a thing forever or until it melts."
"A double rainbow, a happy sign and just wonderful kind of what we all need right now."
"Eventually, somewhere along the way, you'll be faced with all the astounding beauty of Pacific experience."
"Rain it's absolutely beautiful and mesmerizing."
"Nature's hues: structural color creates vibrant blues."
"Palm trees make me happy. Palm trees are so cool. There's just something exotic about palm trees."
"It's finally misting and it's nice."
"I love how amazing mother nature is that she creates these flowers with this complementary color scheme right it's be they're beautiful together and so that was just something I kind of thought about I thought that was really kind of cool and I love how they go together."
"How wonderful it would be to have all this wildlife and habitat on your doorstep."
"When the sun shines, nothing beats it."
"The apricot blossom is just the most stunning, just the most beautiful."
"It's a Friday afternoon going into the evening, we just had a little hail storm, wind blowing, it was all dark and now the sun is out bright and beautiful."
"Everything grass was greener, I wanted to look for God more."
"Friendship between animals is a wondrous thing."
"That's what the sun does when he says good night to the mountains. He throws his most beautiful rays over them, so that they won't forget him before morning."
"There is nothing better than a summer storm."
"I am reminded of the beauty and power of nature."
"The sound of the waves is just spectacular."
"It's getting more colorful, more beautiful, and more full."
"Camp out among the grasses and gentians of glacial meadows, and craggy garden nooks full of nature's darlings. Climb the mountains and get their good tidings, nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees." - John Muir
"'Just as the first faint streaks of dawn gleamed from over the treetops in the east.'"
"God warms the earth and paints a tapestry of colors to give our journey more joy."
"This campus though it's empty is full of the aroma of orange blossoms from our orange trees."
"If you live in a beautiful place and on top of that the weather is good, then obviously you'll be more inclined to go out and adventure and exercise."
"If all men went blind tomorrow, it would not diminish the glory of the sun or the moon or the stars."
"Ideas that just kept morphing and expanding as I saw that fresh beauty that was available."
"Nature, so beautiful, calming, and yet it can be so dangerous."
"The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and it was just lovely."
"You can't capture the sunrise, you can't stop the rain."
"What a beautiful way to say goodbye than just fields of these spikes of yellow flowers."
"I'll let the sea speak for itself."
"The last class of my old professor's life took place once a week in his house, by a window in the study where he could watch a small hibiscus plant shed its pink leaves."
"The heavens declare the glory of God, and the earth shows forth His handiwork."
"See, the winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come."
"You look peaceful. The sunshine out here feels like Heaven."
"As dewy dawn gives way to early morn, the sun's first rays shine their blessings on a land long receptive to it."
"It's amazing how beautiful of shows nature can put up sometimes."
"There's more that rises in the morning than the sun, more that shines in the night than just the moon."
"They almost glow like a full glass of Mountain Dew; they're semi-transparent and the light passing through their bodies literally causes the entire fish to glow a bright and brilliant yellow and green."
"After a strong afternoon rain, the tropical forest looks amazing."
"Whenever I question the Lord, I just have to look around me, look up into the sky, look at the stars."
"The garden glowed with life and power."
"Clouds change from minute to minute, hour to hour, every single day; you're going to get a completely unique set of clouds."
"The flowers changed colors, look at this, beautiful colors."
"The view is absolutely stunning; I mean it's just jaw-dropping, breathtaking."
"I cannot wait to get to the water, but I get a little distracted because there's just shells everywhere."
"There is nothing in this world quite so amazing as the first winter snow."
"Watching a flock of birds take off is just the most magical thing."
"Spring is here... the days are longer, the birds are chirping, my grass is getting greener."
"I will never get over the wonder of fireflies."
"What makes the best fall the one with the most color is one when we have plenty of rainfall and night temperatures drop to around 45 degrees followed by bright and sunny days."
"Mother Nature showing off her skills."
"The setting sun poured gold into the cabin."
"Look at that heavenly glow coming through the trees."
"Everything changes as the seasons go, there is a lot to enjoy."
"You see all the foliage and the trees are turning yellow, orange, reddish, and it's just so beautiful."
"Absolutely stunning, thousands and thousands of fish."
"When you see those sets marching in, there's nothing quite like it; they're stacked to the horizon."
"Birds were singing, and forest flowers opened their petals and filled the air with delicate scent."
"God's world is beautiful today, the morning sun's out bright and clear, and the dew sparkling on the grass and trees just like diamonds."
"Life is good in the spring to be a bee."
"We sit and watch the orange sky darken and begin to make way for the stars once again."
"A full rainbow, what does it mean?"
"Nature is beautiful. I mean, what can I say, nature is just beautiful."
"Humpback whales are known for their acrobatic displays and haunting songs."
"The sky was of stainless blue; the stream descending the ravines, swelled with past spring rains, poured along plentiful and clear, catching golden gleams from the sun."
"It's magnificent, this is what happened to me last week, just as I was about to leave, I was just like, oh God, but this time of the evening when it's been a warm day and like the sun's just... ah, it's just beautiful."
"It always amazes me how it feels like you kind of wake up one morning and the world has gone green."
"See the sun that shines on thy brow, see the grass, the flowers, and the trees which the ground here brings forth of itself alone."
"On the day when the moon is bright and the wind is still, I will definitely have them perform."
"How is it possible for trees to be this beautiful?"
"The very first thing I experienced when I landed in Moldova is how green everything was."
"I always love how when it's raining, and you have the spider's web, then it catches all these little droplets, and it looks a bit like fairy lights."
"Every single time I come down the mountain, I'm blown away by something."
"What a beautiful sunrise to start or open our day on such a lovely sunny morning."
"The green mountains beyond, and the towers afar, cannot be compared to the birds singing in the willow trees."
"It's so much more green and lush and just alive with colour."
"Hear the birds and see the sun, side by side our fears are done."
"I love the waterfall features here."
"This plant with its magic, with its beautiful colours, is such a blessing."
"Sometimes a mountain fills you with beauty and wonder, sometimes with temptation and awe."
"It's an electric turquoise flash or flashes we will see as it flaps its brightly colored wings."
"Have you ever watched a butterfly? Its beauty so delicate and rare, all the colors of the rainbow, you can't help but stop and stare."
"We just had quite a bit of rain so everything was nice and green and lush."
"It's been dry like this for so many months when you get that little bit of rain and everything just changes and becomes lush and green and full of life."
"Wonderful time for baby animals and soon for wildflowers."
"As soon as there's a little bit of Sun, that wing starts to take on this almost sort of emerald blue color."
"Mother Nature puts on such a fantastic show and has for us."
"There is a God in heaven who created the wind and the waves, the sky, the clouds, the leaves of the trees, the grass on the ground."
"The afternoon sun, there's just something about it... the sunsets here on SW are just magical."
"After every rainstorm appears a Rainbow."
"There's blossom in the trees and there's happiness blossoming within me."
"I can't help but dream away, standing on the fields with you and flowers everywhere."