
Torah Quotes

There are 237 quotes

"The Torah is Incorruptible because they use chapter 6 verse 115 to prove it says 'None can alter the words of Allah.'"
"Muhammad confirmed the Torah in his possession and didn't say a single word about it being corrupt."
"Who is wise and he shall understand these things who understands these things understanding and he shall know them who's gonna know them who's gonna understand them how do you figure this stuff out by keeping the Torah."
"The Torah of Yahuwah is easy. That burden, that yoke is easy."
"Jesus reads the laws of the Torah discovering their wisdom by reading them in connection with their hyperlinks."
"The Torah laid a revolutionary foundation for standards beyond human constructs."
"The Torah radically changed the way right and wrong were viewed by introducing moral laws as primary."
"The Torah is described as the most beautiful, wonderful thing in the planet."
"The Torah doesn't differentiate between religion, everyday life, and politics."
"The Torah talks about such things. The Torah is about real human life!"
"Hasidus is the ultimate secret part of Torah that should no longer be a secret."
"Once you once you figure out the law statues and Commandments and the way you're supposed to abide by the Torah then that's your second chance to be drafted into who you truly are if you're an Israelite, yeah, okay."
"One of the most important keys to reading the torah is to realize how important the last days are and its theology."
"Their enthusiasm for Torah and Mitzvah was contagious."
"The African family does not teach the Torah; they live it."
"What if the Torah was given not to prescribe an eternal fixed truth, but to challenge us to think and continually evaluate its claims?"
"Zionism is just an aspect of Judaism but Torah."
"The respect for intimacy which the Torah gives us adds to the respect for women. It makes the whole relationship respectful."
"The Torah was not meant to stay with Israel only. Through Israel, God made his righteous ways known to the whole world."
"Even Gentiles are to keep that part of the Torah which applies to them as non-Jews."
"The Torah's commandments are connections that connect us to God and to our own souls."
"The Torah predicts the eternal survival of the Jewish people despite challenging circumstances."
"The word 'Torah' means instructions, and God provides hundreds of instructions for what his people are to do and what they are to avoid doing."
"The essence of Torah Judaism is that the Jewish people received the Torah."
"Jesus is intensifying the Jewish Torah and it making it almost impossible to keep but he's still expecting his disciples to keep it."
"You won't believe my words. Return to synagogue, search Torah, and listen to the word read aloud. Let it affect your heart."
"The Torah is the only national history in the world that does not begin with its people. It begins with the creation of the world."
"The Torah is for all people. It is universally applicable."
"The Torah is the greatest work ever written. There is nothing comparable to it."
"Love and loyalty to God are the foundation of the Torah, and Torah is the fulfillment of this love and loyalty."
"Rambam will change your life. I've seen it personally. He's the only one who wrote halachas like a Shulchan Aruch for the entire Torah."
"The Torah requires an actual, successful living requires a tremendous amount of discipline."
"The Torah is not just about knowing intellectually, but about feeling and living according to what we know."
"The Torah was given through Moses, grace and truth came through Jesus the Messiah."
"Happy is the person whom the eternal one disciplines and from the Torah you teach them to give them rest from the days of evil."
"Hashem gave us a gift, He gave us a Torah code, He gave us a pure and awesome emet, and it's for us to have enjoyment in it."
"The Torah itself is like a drug, it's the antidote for the yetzer hara."
"The Torah is the center, there is a very good reason why this is the number one bestseller of all times."
"The more a person knows about Hashem and Torah, the more they want to serve Hashem."
"Jews have the Torah, and the Torah says you'll always have the poor among you, so extend your hand to the poor and needy."
"Jesus didn't only follow the written Torah; he also followed the Oral Torah and accepted rabbinic authority."
"The Torah will be the light for the nations."
"The Prodigal Son, Ephraim, the northern kingdom, is returning to the Father and pursuing His ways, His Torah."
"'So, don't just take things with a grain of salt, friends. Throw out the poison, throw out the error, throw out the falsehoods, and embrace the truth of Scripture, starting with the Torah. God Himself is referred to sometimes as appearing as a malach, an angel. Truth!'"
"By following the Torah, you repair reality. Reality is broken at some level, and so the fix is the very strict following of the Jewish law."
"The worst tragedy is because of the lack of Torah, Israel did not feel the moral strength and justification that Eretz Yisrael is entirely ours."
"Jesus as someone who was not out to throw out Judaism, his agenda was not to rebel against the Torah."
"Jesus was essentially a Torah observant Jew, loyal to observing the Torah."
"Choose Torah, choose... Start making the Free Will decisions that make you feel good about yourself."
"Together we'll commit all the sins of the Torah. It would be a big warning for me, red light."
"The Torah will never be changed. Now, one mitzvah from the Torah will ever change. That's the Divine perfect book of Hashem. One of the 13 principles of Judaism is that this Torah will never be changed."
"Torah always gets me back, it humbles me, it focuses me because you can really lose focus."
"The way that we fulfill the Torah is to walk wholeheartedly with God."
"Paul says, 'All of the law, the whole of Torah, is summed up in this idea: love others, love God supremely, and love others.'"
"The reverence of Yahuwah is all wisdom, and in all wisdom is the performance of the Torah."
"The good seed is you and me who've adopted Torah into our lives and through obedience, through selfless love, to get back to God, we seek to not only be hearers of the word but doers of the word."
"The best we can do is follow Torah in our lives."
"The most high sent his son, Messiah yahusha, to reconcile us back and show us the perfect way to walk in the Torah."
"Remember the Torah is a tree of life to those who take hold of it."
"Yeshua sought to unwrap the Torah from the entanglements of men and to show that living a life of Torah by faith is not a burden but a delight."
"Jibril has 600 scriptural evidence for his legalistic amendments in the original Torah."
"Thanking God for the Torah, for its wisdom and guidance."
"Gratitude for being chosen, for receiving the Torah."
"Yeshua didn't merely come to complete predictions contained in the Torah and the prophets; he came to embody the full extent of the Torah and the prophets in his commentary."
"The process of conversion is simply a person who decides and seeks to accept upon themselves the observance of the Torah."
"For all of the wonderful narratives that we love so well, the Torah is at its core a law book."
"From the very first moment, the Torah was never an easy text."
"Blessed are you, Adonai our God, king of the universe, who gave us his Torah."
"May it be your will, Adonai our God and the God of our forefathers, that you accustom us to study your Torah."
"Torah is the word that expresses all the values and goals and ideals and dreams of the Jewish family."
"Torah is the Jewish Vision, a way of embracing and enjoying life, an articulation of human responsibility to others and the way of celebrating life with those we love and with our entire community."
"To be a Jew is to be a member of a family which has Torah at its core, a way of life at its core, so much a religion since Torah is much less about what a person believes and is all about how a person is to behave."
"The Torah is eternal; the Torah has many, many reasons, not just one of them."
"Torah is not only about information; Torah is about the spiritual connection between one neshama and another neshama."
"If the oldest and hence most original copy of this biblical book was different from the traditional text, then it stood to reason that the Torah had changed."
"The Torah has one message, and wherever you look, you'll find that message."
"The Torah is not a historical book; it has history in it, but that wasn't the purpose."
"Happy are the righteous who look at Torah properly."
"As wine must sit in a bottle, so Torah must sit in this garment."
"Torah must be protected or conveyed by the story, by the words."
"God looked into the Torah and created the world."
"Studying Torah is a spiritual activity; in the Zohar, one of the main mystical techniques is that Torah becomes a mystical act."
"The basis and the root of the entire Torah is to raise up and exalt the soul above the body."
"Torah is not about childhood; Torah is about maturity."
"Anyone who delves in the Torah and clings to it has life."
"It must have meant that something happened when the Torah was given at the mountain of Si 3,318 years ago that made such an impression on the people who stood there."
"How fine, lovely, precious, and sublime are words of Torah!"
"The feminine experience of Torah often articulates the kindness, the compassion, the empathy, the love, the spirituality, the depth of Yiddishkeit."
"Open my eyes so that I will see the wonders from your Torah."
"The commandment is a lamp, and the Torah is light."
"If you were to devote yourself to any portion of the Word of God, devote yourself to the Torah."
"The Torah is important as the foundation of spiritual insights."
"If you really want spiritual health and wealth, learn the Torah."
"The transformation of the Torah from a collection of descriptive laws to a prescriptive legal code is a complex historical process."
"The Hellenistic era provided a suitable backdrop for the emergence of the Torah as an authoritatively binding prescriptive law."
"The widespread adoption of the Torah among the Judean populace may have been facilitated by the proactive support of early Hasmonean leaders."
"The emergence of sectarian groups with differing interpretations of the Torah during this period suggests the widespread promotion of the Torah was a relatively recent development."
"Torah, in the Hebrew Bible, is a term used a lot, over 200 times, and comes from a Hebrew word that means to teach or to instruct."
"Without serving our fellow man, study of Torah means nothing, for selfless love is not put into action."
"Only God can make us righteous; we need the Torah written in their hearts."
"The greatest secrets, the vast majority of the Torah's secrets, are encoded into Aggadah."
"The halakic Scrolls are very, very important because they help us to try to understand the relationship in interpreting the Torah."
"When three eat at one table and the words of the Torah are not spoken there, it is as if they ate at the altars of the dead. But when three eat at one table and bring up the words of the Torah, it is as if they ate from the table of God."
"The Torah describes itself as the architect or the blueprint of creation."
"A Sefer Torah is the Torah when it's in a scroll form."
"Torah is a much broader word and it begins again with a way of embracing life, a philosophy of Life."
"The Torah is God's mind, the Torah is God's wisdom."
"The light of Torah brings people back."
"The Torah is not a timely book, it's a timeless one."
"The desire to become a learner, to become a student of Torah, goes down tremendously."
"Everything can be found in the Torah."
"It is through your efforts that Torah and holiness will be maintained."
"You shall live by the Torah, not die by it."
"The greatest blessings given in all Torah are found in Moses's blessing over the children of Israel before they enter into the Promised Land."
"The Torah that Moshe commanded us was a Heritage for the congregation of Jacob."
"The Torah... teaches us the general principle that God created the world for the sake of Torah, which is called the beginning of His way."
"The primary focus of these Torah portions and what God is trying to reveal is the power of our speech."
"The only thing that accompanies a person in the afterlife is his Torah and good deeds."
"The Torah attitude is that before you start learning moral principles according to Torah, you should be a right-thinking, fair, moral individual."
"The Torah believes in capitalism, that believes in private property, it does believe in heavily regulated capitalism."
"Moshe, Isaiah, and Yeshua reveal a model for reproof that leads people to repentance and back to Torah observance."
"They're the kings of Torah philanthropy."
"Praise to you Adonai for the revelation of Torah, for your servant Moses, for your people Israel, and for the prophets of truth and righteousness."
"The character of the Torah is love."
"Israel was saved by God's grace and then given the Torah as the way to walk out their relationship with God."
"While we are generally going to proceed verse by verse through the Torah and explain its meaning and its content thoroughly, we're going to come upon sections of scripture that demand that we pause and discuss them as a topic."
"The Torah's punishments are aimed at helping the sufferer correct his ways and begin a new life, corrected of his former faults."
"I feel like the thing about Torah is that it kind of explains the world."
"What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor. That is the whole Torah; the rest is commentary."
"I do believe that there is a man named Yeshu Hanotzri or Yeshu Ben Yosef that was a teacher of Torah."
"The Torah is said to be a living tree to those who hold on to it."
"We must think of ourselves as part of a chain, another chain of Torah."
"Pray, repent, learn Torah, live Torah, keep the chain alive."
"Rashi made Torah accessible to everyone, from the giants of Torah who would follow in his footsteps, to the most ordinary."
"And it is up to us what we do with the knowledge He gives us and how we all use knowledge in harmony with the principles of Torah that makes all the difference."
"There's a rebirth of Torah that no one could ever imagine."
"A person who's immersed in Torah all day long and is connected to Hashem has a spiritual sensitivity that's amazing."
"Noah was a righteous man, the only man who is called a righteous man in all of the Torah."
"Great peace have they which love Your Torah: and nothing shall offend them."
"Our Torah is the basis of who we are as a people, as a culture, as a religion."
"Love your fellow as yourself; this is a central principle in the Torah."
"The Torah is the fence around God's people."
"There are so many books on Torah and so many ways to read and learn Torah."
"Hashem gave us the Torah on Shavuot, and that was the greatest present ever."
"Hashem gave us the Torah, the greatest present of all, to teach us how to behave, how to do mitzvahs, and how to be so caring and friendly and good in our lives."
"The Torah was God's summary statement for the best way to live."
"The word Torah means teaching or instruction."
"I have come as a confirmation of what is right in front of me of the Torah."
"When a Jewish synagogue finishes reading the Torah together, they end by throwing a big party; it's called Simchat Torah."
"It's the end of the year, and we are coming back having finished reading through the Torah."
"Grab your Torah, and dance around and celebrate our journey through the Torah, the joy of Torah."
"We've talked a lot over this year about how the Torah is a designed, well-designed whole."
"The Torah told us everything Hashem does is measure for measure."
"We want to show how much we love the Torah, without the Torah we would not know how to behave."
"The fullness of the Torah is in one word, and that word is love."
"The Torah tells us how we were created, so it must be relevant, it must be necessary or useful to know how we were created."
"For the command is a lamp, and the Torah a light; and reproofs of discipline a way of life."
"Orthodox means following the Torah, the Old Testament, the way it was given without changing it."
"The Torah was given in the desert, it's the wide open space, the desert is a humble place."
"Like a wedding because this is our synagogue's new Torah scroll, wow so amazing."
"We are getting a new Torah, now this is a big deal."
"Tonight's like the culmination of all of this, we've gotten our Torah scroll and tonight we're getting together to celebrate this fact."
"When we stand by the Torah, our enemies are afraid to harm us."
"The Torah has to be Universal, comprehensible for all generations."
"There's nothing that brings Hashem more joy than listening to his children learning together Torah."
"The more you learn, the more you fall in love with the Torah."
"The obligation to learn Torah never expires in the life of a person."
"Every sentence in a Torah it's a lesson for life which apply in every generation."
"The secrets of the Torah are revealed in the skipping of the letters."
"Love thy neighbor as thyself... Rabbi AKA says this is a great rule in the Torah."
"This wholeness is really peace, and this is the thing that the Torah wants to bring us to know."
"The Torah is wider than the ocean."
"The only thing you take is the investments in Torah, in guys that sit and learn Torah, in saving souls, publishing Torah videos, promoting, showing the truth to more people."
"The Torah is often referred to as a legalistic burden; the truth is that it is a legal document that defines our freedom."
"The Torah was never nailed to the cross, and it is actually our means of freedom in Yeshua."
"They are an outline of the entire Torah."
"Shalom Torah fans, this is Michael Rood."
"On this hangs all the Torah and the Prophets." - Matthew 22:36
"This is where Torah will sprout up once again."
"We have to go ahead and bring Torah further, expand it, go back to those discourses and the law and make it alive once again."
"I did not come to destroy the Torah or the prophets, I came to fulfill."
"The Torah is an inheritance for the community of Jacob, not an aristocracy of scholars; Judaism belongs to every Jew equally."
"The crown of Torah is for everybody; whoever wants, come take this crown."
"The Torah as given by Moses is the word of truth."
"The Torah is really God's value set; it's like these are the things that I value."
"The Torah is the schoolmaster that leads us to the Messiah."
"There's such richness in the Torah."
"Shalom Torah fans, this is Michael Rood on the shore of the Red Sea."
"The Torah is the basis, the instructions from God."
"Judaism does not define itself by genetic origins; it is fundamentally a people who are defined by the Torah and faith."
"The Torah is the most objective literary document I have ever read because aside from talking about the greatness of a people, it also speaks of their shortcomings."
"The Torah opens up in Genesis chapter 5 by telling you about 10 generations, 20 generations, and it culminates in the book of Exodus for 26, even Moses as a 26 person in the Hebrew Bible."