
Elusive Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"The true wants are so counterintuitive that they... slip out of your hands."
"He's like a shadowy figure, he just moves through the shadows, he's a total void."
"The one true love of your life called the Great White Buffalo because of its Rarity elusive status most people go throughout their entire lives without ever encountering a great white buffalo."
"The truth behind the objects remains elusive, tantalizing mystery."
"He always seemed confident that he would never be found."
"I'm like a panther, these are Charlie subtly scooped."
"Despite her incredibly helpful information, he was never able to be caught."
"The Voynich manuscript is one of the most elusive and famous pieces of literature in all of recorded history."
"Everyone has heard about him, no one has actually seen him. He's like a ghost."
"Time has always eluded me, it is a mistress."
"You're a mystical creature that cannot be captured."
"He was elusive. We never knew where he would be at any given time."
"Located far from wherever you reside, Antarctica remains elusive, invoking images of a science fiction-like Frozen World."
"Poetry: discourse overheard, private, elusive, teasing, sly, idiosyncratic."
"The hide behind's defining trait is its uncanny ability to remain unseen, always hiding just out of view behind the tree or the person attempting to spot it."
"Over 30 years he was one of the world's most elusive criminals."
"Happiness is a butterfly, try to catch it like every night, it escapes from my hands into moonlight."
"I think for every artist finding their own style is pretty elusive."
"You're hard to get, like you really are hard to get."
"The beauty that shimmers in the yellow afternoons of October, whoever could clutch it?"
"Justice is a very complex and elusive concept."
"Perfume is about magic, like it's so undefinable, it's so untouchable, it's so elusive."
"Big Mona, who's never been caught, she's like that fish in 'Big Fish' that Albert Finney is always trying to catch."
"He's definitely tough to catch, definitely no R to him."
"Hazel Head is a very street-smart woman. She flies below radar, elusive, almost like she's here and she's gone."
"It just seems so ephemeral and elusive and weird."
"I'm a good time. I'm hard to get. But once you got me though, I'm a good time. Doors closed, shirt off, movie."
"The legendary Oak Island treasure, wrapped in myth and whispered about in hushed tones, seemed impossibly out of reach."
"The Loch Ness monster, such a sweet little monster, evasive and shy."
"Despite all the time, money, and effort invested, the Oak Island Treasure remains elusive."
"Oh it is intangible and elusive, and yet within its image."
"We have a bandit of sorts on that mountain; most see evidence of him passing through but very few have been able to catch a glimpse."
"It's a cloud, never lit. It smells expensive."
"So far, Bigfoot has not at all been cooperative in standing still long enough to be photographed."
"I am the smartest and fastest cookie man in the world; yes, everyone hear me, nobody can catch me because I'm the Gingerbread Man."
"These lights reported have the ability to move, follow people, and disappear suddenly when approached or shot at, only to reappear elsewhere."
"You can't put a price on Sasquatch."
"The moment I try to get the one meaning, the meaning moves somewhere else."
"It was all just a dream, but a lot of people share the dream, they just can't."
"He's kind of got a special place in our hearts because, you know, he's been very elusive to us."
"I am like the name 'Ice' because I'm cool, I'm hard, yet when you hold me in your hand, I slip right out."
"It's almost like those dreams where you're looking for something, but you just can't seem to find it."
"Many of the largest bucks I ever hunted, nobody ever shot."
"I'm very hard to catch... and if they can't catch me, they can't kill me."
"That which you can't put your finger on, that which always escapes you, that which is completely elusive, the blank, seems to be absolutely necessary for there to be anything whatsoever."
"True love is a fickle creature, difficult to find."
"He always finds a way to get away from you, no matter what you do."
"True love... it's like always seems like it's just a little bit out of reach."