
Global Shift Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"We are approaching the Age of Aquarius; there is a massive awakening happening on planet Earth."
"The power of Western powers is undeniable, but it is also undeniable that the world is increasingly moving towards multipolarity."
"You're seeing the collapse of this Western hegemony, you're seeing it before your eyes."
"There will be a shift in global consciousness."
"It's a revolution that's going to change the world."
"We're going to create a whole new world order. This is exactly what's happening right before our eyes."
"China has promoted the shift towards a more Diversified international monetary system."
"The world is Shifting to EVS with already 20 percent of new car sales in China being electric."
"You operate your business strategy with a shitload of empathy and give back."
"We're no longer going to have a unipolar world; it is now multi-polar."
"Get ready for that kind of shift in the ethos of the world."
"With everything that's taking place, this is all part of a grand shift that is transforming your world."
"China will overtake the USA as the largest economy in the world by 2035."
"The world is going down the path of decentralization."
"India could become the next global manufacturing epicenter."
"This truly is the new world order that we've been talking about forever."
"Investing in alternatives... slowly but surely help tilt everything towards multipolarism."
"You don't need theoretical deduction to understand that the world is changing. This multi-polar world that is taking shape is happening pretty quickly, and as a result of that, even people in the West are waking up to what's going on."
"I think there's a shift though. Like I feel like something's going on in the world that people are starting to wake up a little bit."
"China has displaced the American Empire by deftly projecting economic power over the past decade."
"The world is shifting from the West to the East. It's already shifted."
"This is a spiritual revolution that's occurring on the planet right now."
"We're already in a post-American and post-Western world."
"We've entered a new era in global politics, and Russia's military intervention in Ukraine marks a point of demarcation."
"There's so much incredible developments in the world of renewable energy, energy storage, massive batteries being installed all over the world. Globally, there's an enormous shift going on."
"Norway is now 40% of new car sales are electric and then and that's pure electric, this isn't plug-in hybrid plug-in hybrid sales are dropping pure electric sales are going up all around the world."
"The US dollar is losing its dominance, other countries are de-dollarizing."
"Every country in the world... should turn to cryptocurrencies, gold and silver."
"The energy is finally shifting on the planet and within our individual lives."
"We're watching the demolishing of the old cabal and we're seeing the new rise of a new earth."
"Signify this massive shift in the world and the power balance."
"If we don't change, we will see the rise of China to economic parity with the United States."
"My purpose here is to help shift the planet into a higher state of consciousness."
"Our daily choices, thoughts, and emotions are powerful catalysts in the global shift."
"Just enough of us, just a handful of us, can shift the consciousness of this entire planet."
"The rise of the rest, and we should welcome this and embrace it, but we have to adapt to it."
"Your personal transformation has ripple effects that extend far beyond your immediate environment."
"As you evolve, you are not merely altering your own state of being but are actively participating in the global shift toward a higher consciousness."
"A Monumental shift in global Consciousness that beckons each soul to rise from the Slumber of routine existence."
"China is really supplanted the United States quite comfortably in terms of trade and manufacturing."
"The world has radically changed in the last 10 years."
"The center of economic weight in the world has been shifting relentlessly from North America toward East Asia."
"A huge shift is taking place on planet Earth; people seem to be waking up."
"The global investment landscape is shifting with changing protagonists, and China undoubtedly faces significant historical challenges."
"The shift will be more pronounced as instant payment schemes globally become interoperable."
"We're at a turning point in geopolitical and geo-economic systems."
"The world could witness a significant transition, transferring economic dominance from the West to the East."
"We advocate a global cultural shift that elevates kinship with nature and communal well-being."
"Deep down I see this slow glacial shift towards universal enlightenment on this planet."
"There's a big shift now into, for the want of a better word, regenerative agriculture all around the world."
"We're going through a seismic shift in human globally."
"I do see us at a global reset at a time where we are shifting in Consciousness."
"When China starts thinking, the rest of the world is just going to be a tourist resort."
"The advantages of the global shift are that waged work is created particularly in China, India, Bangladesh and so on where we see higher incomes, stable incomes more regular and reliable wages."
"The consumption center of the world is moving to India and China, 2.3 billion people."
"The global landscape has now changed; global trade is coming under the control of the East."
"We are ascending, we are moving out of an old energy globally."