
Family Connection Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"One thing that's changed this year more than ever is I feel like our connection as a family has gotten so profoundly amazing. He is easily one of my favorite people in the entire world."
"My eighty seven year old grandma watched your Venice videos with me and she loved them. She's from Venice herself."
"You give little kisses, you get bigger hugs."
"I still believe that baby girl is alive I might have not had her but that's my baby that's my heart and I want her home."
"It's my look, they're waving, hey buddy, because that reaction is priceless, and it proves this family will find ways to keep the energy flowing."
"With Thor in a slump, he runs into his mother as he and Rocket are looking for the ether in the past."
"Probably to Spain to see my family because it's been about three years since I've seen everyone, so definitely, definitely to Spain."
"It's kind of about the power of song and how it connects our family."
"Our family trees must connect, our parents must be more related to each other than we think."
"There's no relationship that you should be in that should isolate you from your entire family."
"I'm seeing the pictures of my own grandkids. But I'll tell you, take it a step further, the doctors that are performing surgery in utero now are using more than 3D imaging."
"There's a spiritual connection, an unbreakable bond."
"I now have both my lucky socks. Does this mean that mama gets the hug? She found the socks, I guess she does."
"Mommy, if you are watching this video, God bless you, I'm so good."
"It's amazing to meet this person that I've never had any contact with but is part of me."
"All of you, all of those kids, are my heart and soul. I have pieces of myself with all of them."
"Is there a way in which just knowing that there is someone out there that is a sibling... does that act as a salve or an anesthetic somehow to life's vicissitudes?"
"I can't stress this enough and I've said this before call your mom call your dad call your friends time is short."
"He's done running. Yes, let's go! Circled back to his dad's words."
"One of the most important use cases for me has been the Sunday calls I have with my dad."
"That literally tastes exactly like my grandmother's cooking."
"Gee, it's nice being with your own folks."
"I finally got a vase so I'm able to like put my sister's flowers in here."
"Your children want to know their cousins. The more you have a connection with people who are connected to your brothers and sisters, the more your children actually feel that they belong in this world."
"The first thing my mum said to me, she said she was in tears when she started tasting the fish cakes because they really reminded her of my grandma. So I think it was a good result and I'm really pleased to have been involved."
"She wanted me to sing. She always wanted me to sing, really, yeah."
"It's a direct connection to your father."
"You are associated with someone older in your family who's dead... by getting in touch with one, you get in touch with pretty much all of them."
"I'm hanging in there. I'm relieved to see you're well too, Dad."
"Barbie, the true icon, the bow which ties this whole family tree together."
"How's it going, fam? I missed you guys, you look great."
"Your grandmother will be really happy to hear your voice."
"Whenever I travel, I love to send postcards to my young family members."
"I felt like my grandparents were giving me a hug."
"We're a non-profit, we want to help all people around the world to connect with their families."
"I do really sort of enjoy the thought really of her sitting in this chair and reminiscing about her time with her Granddad."
"I just think it's such a lovely thing to have, you know, to have that's connected you to Grandpa really."
"Feeling the feeling of having grandparents that we've kind of lacked throughout majority of our lives."
"That beautiful mountain behind you, Dad, you can just see it up there, that's pretty spectacular actually."
"It's never too late to connect to that side of your family."
"I love getting handwritten cards in the mail, and I always miss my family, so that means so much to me."
"I'm actually really excited because I just got off of FaceTime with one of my older sisters."
"We send you love and best dishes from our kitchen to yours."
"Call your father on Father's Day... it'll make you feel good, it'll make that person feel good."
"We finally get to touch our loved ones, you know what I'm saying, with an hour, hour 30 visit, we can touch them, hug them, sit on the grass."
"I remember growing up seeing Mama in the uniform, and not a lot of girls can say that they have a connection with their mom, but I'm very thankful that I'm so close to it."
"The clock is a link between me and my mother and my grandfather."
"The typewriter is a way of connecting to her grandfather."
"You're always going to have a good bond with your kid."
"My daughter and I were in my bed; she was in a profound sleep when all of a sudden, she sat up, looked me dead in the eyes, and proceeded to tell me about my deceased father."
"I'm your mother. I've watched you when you were just a tiny person."
"They speak the language, they know the culture, and they got to know their family really well."
"One to go to the patient and the other to go to their family so that even though they can't physically be together just now, there is something that is there for them."
"I'm so, so happy that I got to FaceTime my Nana."
"She had called her brother who was at home waiting on her. She said she was walking to her car and wanted him to stay on the phone with her until she made it."
"I never feel close to my dad as much as when I'm sitting in the workshop with soldering in my hands."
"You might know me better than you think; we're sisters."
"I'm sorry. Just that shield's the closest thing I've got left to a family."
"I definitely felt from the entire venture that I had only connected with family that I had already loved so much and had already built a relationship with."
"I soon came to look forward to her calls."
"Connecting with some of those cousins can actually help you with real ancestry research."
"The group gained attention as Krystal was the sister of Jessica of Girls' Generation."
"It's really important to me when I come out here to try to reconnect with my family as much as possible."
"I love how connected you are with your kids and even doing the TikToks with them."