
Unique Features Quotes

There are 206 quotes

"This has features that no other headset have that make them so usable."
"The Blue Planet is an organism in its own right, and it has its own unique features. It's going to take us hundreds of years of meticulous research to figure it out completely."
"Bugatti, I've never seen one of these and yeah, it's got the boss number plate."
"Let's move into one of the most exciting and perhaps biggest reasons why players might like extinction: its unique and exclusive creatures."
"What really makes Quake special is something much deeper."
"Perhaps one of the absolute best secrets that the museum has to offer."
"There's a very real sense of progress to building up a character in New Vegas because perks add genuinely unique things."
"Valve once again resisted, and they did it in a way that's so quirky it actually contributes a lot to the game's charisma."
"I thought it was kind of neat and I wanted to give it a try. It has some unique features."
"The S Pen separates the Galaxy Note 9 from every other phone on the market."
"Everfrost, the only item in the game to give hard crowd control. I mean, what more could you ask for?"
"Absolutely wonderful, I will say the alien figures are definitely the standout of this set."
"That's kind of what separates GTA from other games."
"The Grenadier is one of the quirkiest and I think most interesting."
"This game's full of weird little trivia like that like here's one more to this day GTA Advance is one of only two fully exclusive GTA games."
"The Cherokee is the only entry in this segment to offer a two-speed transfer case, it's the only entry to offer a locking rear differential."
"There's something so elegant about this leaf and the way it's thin, you know, it has the red bottoms."
"Thinking about it, reading into all of this is what makes the game really stand out."
"Without a doubt the easy number one spot goes to Bowser Jr and the Koopalings. Each costume is its own unique character with special announcer calls and voice lines."
"Ultimately I believe that the zapping system and the lack of item boxes stand right alongside laser sighted targeting and being hounded by a hulking monster as some of the best re mechanics."
"This has got the x factor, the soul of a real performance car."
"Strongholds on their fortresses when they like, this is a never fortress that generates with a giant basalt pillar going through it. Pretty cool in my opinion."
"The second thing is something I think fortnight is doing that actually has to do with the gameplay itself and it's kind of unrivaled in this way."
"Every single monster in the game has their own kinship ability that is totally unique and equally hype."
"Nintendogs on the Nintendo DS boasted unique features that made it perfect for de-stressing."
"There's a dog on one specialist, but I don't think we've seen dogs as a streak."
"This Easter Egg, though, in and of itself for the first sea strike, I gotta say, was very innovative and very unique."
"Here's another room. Look at this crazy bathroom."
"It's nice that they gave it its own set of mechanics."
"The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask is a much beloved game that has many distinctive features."
"The turn-based battles in Persona 5 are unlike anything else."
"XRP is what sets Ripple's own digital asset apart."
"The partial crossfader is a very powerful feature... you don't get on other synths."
"The face is just more Jeep if that makes sense."
"It's the only NFL stadium that comes fully equipped with its own pools."
"Even with those caveats, Guardians of the Galaxy is definitely worth at least experiencing one time through."
"Every stage there's unique enemies or even power-ups specifically made for the level."
"The only controller that allows you to get a rod and go fishing."
"The Acura is unique platform really starts coming through when you start driving the new RDX."
"What makes these moments special and last in our memories is more than any other factor their gaminess."
"Mail takes everything that makes EU4 interesting and unique and amplifies it."
"One thing that is so different in this car, I think, from many car I've driven before, I feel like it's really quiet."
"No one else has really done that part of the Assassin's Creed core fantasy."
"Magnet... it's the only form of cc crowd control in the game."
"It has these cool secret pockets that's why it's called a Fendi Spy bag."
"Love the way they do the lighting large led tail lights very unique to Volvo."
"Wow, that was the first time in an all-wheel drive car that is one wheel."
"This game may again seem very similar to the Isle and Isle of Yore and Beast of Bermuda and Par for Titans, however, this one is very unique."
"The Switch is the only one that will actually sync up to your AirPods...it's really weird to consider that."
"The G-Wagen is totally different to everything in the way that it handles the way that it sounds and the way that it looks."
"This ride is a work of art, plus who doesn't love that dive off the quarry wall into that sweet tunnel?"
"For me I think tetra 99 was just a very intelligent addition and it's something that the other services don't have something that just relies solely on switch online."
"I really like when EA do that with objectives, I think it's really, really, really unique."
"The magical tattoos already seem to be a bit of a fan favorite, lots of players asking for them, and they do offer some cool unique abilities."
"I challenge you to find a Buick badge on the outside of this car. It doesn't exist."
"This is the first sword to ever roll with chain reaction and the way that chain reaction works on the sword is really cool."
"The ice cream might be the best weapon in the game, wow, we found it."
"Uranus is the only planet in the solar system which spins on its side."
"Some prehistoric creatures had some crazy-looking features."
"It's the wall of branded clocks. I had no clue they would do such a thing. This movie just got awesome."
"Every level stands out with memorable themes and unique aspects."
"I think it's very very lovely obviously the best part though is the shoulders there are these almost like flounces that fly over the shoulder."
"Welcome to the highest river in the world, and not because it's a popular place to visit. The river is actually boiling."
"I love the brick wall effect, that's really cool."
"It's got a really bad reputation as being, you know, a hair stylist car. But who cares? It looks brilliant, it's comfortable, it's got a crazy amount of weird features in it, and it makes you feel special as you drive along."
"It just feels like it becomes one with your lips, which is so hard to find in a matte lipstick."
"Yes we all love destruction and I think it's something that is truly unique for battlefield."
"There's the Nintendo Switch guys, oh my God, isn't 'Super Bomberman R' so quirky and unique?"
"If you had enough money to build your dream house, what's a strange room or feature you'd include?"
"What captures the original Dead Space and why it's so special."
"One interesting thing you may not have known about the spoiler is that the F40 logo is only on one side, the passenger side, so that it can be going forward in the same direction as the car."
"The LG V60 is the only foldable phone with pen support."
"Siren 2 is a flawed gem with so many unique elements."
"They're rare versions of Pokémon that have alternate coloring. Some look completely different than the originals while others look pretty similar. But no matter the difference, they all sparkle as they enter the battlefield."
"I do like the vibrant colors it shows for the poncho which is a new design exclusive to the series as is the sombrero's color and printing."
"Why is it called that? Because El Oscuro lays eggs. He lays eggs! El Oscuro lays eggs!"
"That back window is quite something else for people is it not."
"What can you expect from this mogul's Xanadu 2.0? A trampoline room, for starters."
"There's no better experience than the rolls-royce cullen just look at those orange seats."
"Ape Escape is extremely unique because of its control scheme, art direction, and strong sense of humor."
"Every weapon has its own unique and memorable whacking animation."
"Norman Reedus on Death Stranding: 'It's a very positive video game but scary and depressing at the same time.'"
"Look at the double monocle, let's go man, this is sick."
"I absolutely love it and it has a little glow stick on the back, it's like a little embroidered pillow."
"This year at X Games Aspen we have four jump features including the shark fin quarter pipe style take offs totally unique."
"You heard me right, this Palisade has heated third-row seats."
"I have a gas flap in my hood, that is like a super early cool DeLorean thing."
"The X-Trans 3 sensor is... special... something different, something unique, and magical about these cameras."
"This is a car that is relatively affordable and pretty short but still, you know, it gives you something special already from design."
"Beautiful pros to the r33 gtr well it's not a typical r32 which makes it more desirable to some."
"If ever I'm in doubt and I don't know what to wear I'll find a really lovely statement dress with some really interesting features like covered buttons ruffles and big sleeves and it works really really well."
"You're gonna have these cool red seatbelts which I like."
"A figure collector's dream: 'Oh, it's magnets!'"
"It's not perfect, but you'll get the red headlights from Dolores..."
"The Paper Mario series has always been beloved for turn-based combat that features perfectly timed button presses, unique party members, and humorous storytelling."
"A lot of people say this is kinda really weird having Yoshi squirt fruit juice in this game, but like, I don't know, dude."
"The hyper scan: a CD based system with some interesting bells and whistles."
"Oh baby, this thing is sucking! That's crazy!"
"Other features that make Wrigley stand out are the hand-operated scoreboard, the famous marquis out front, and of course, the rooftop seating on the adjacent buildings."
"Red Goku mode is quite literally one of the most creative things of the game."
"This car is absolutely wildly incredibly cool and insane."
"This truck has something neither of the other two do: the RAM box storage system."
"None of them do that frustrating teleporting away thing either. This is unique to the black Phantoms."
"Still, they're worth pointing out so you don't go into the game expecting a reskin of Age of Empires 2, because that is definitely not the case."
"The new perks are pretty interesting and bringing some unique things to the table."
"It's amazing value for what is an incredibly unique and seriously impressive thing."
"It's like probably one of the best windshield angles in all of cars."
"Everybody knows about the 22B, super tidy. What I wanted to show you was this little Atlantic Delta Integrale Evolution 1."
"Try not to take things too seriously and get upset and be fighting with people and stuff like that about it because it's not worth it."
"Pixel secret Source, the things that only a pixel can do are a big part of it."
"This is a huge update and this camera is unique and revolutionary in many ways."
"One of my favorite little details that not a lot of people notice is..."
"There are a lot of mini PCs out there, but this one tries to offer a unique spin on it."
"The Tempered Dynamo fusion rifle... Opening shot and disruption break which is really unique."
"The mouse itself honestly has a really cool and unique design."
"Fun fact: out here in the middle of Kansas they have bridges just for cows."
"The sorcery behind the lightning is just unmatched."
"It's very niche but it's actually got quite a lot of popularity."
"Overall what I really liked was each forum felt really unique and being able to switch between them in battle gave us that element of choice back that I was so worried about when I first figured out how these forms work."
"157 as far as your Anthem videos goes it may not be like you know the funniest video the most entertaining but like Bar None the sickest piece of equipment we've ever reviewed."
"There's just something different about this and all the other so-called Glock airsoft pistols."
"That crisp hand cannon feeling, even if anti-competitive, is something special that should remain in the game."
"Now that's cool. That is a cool addition most games would not have."
"The Hellcat Pro blends a lot of cool stuff together that I think makes a really unique and carryable package."
"Another place that xDefiant really separates itself is in its abilities and alts."
"I like these guys because their little leaf mask kind of resembles a beard, also this one just looks short for some reason, I love him!"
"The phase 3 particularly is so valuable today because of that shaker scoop sticking through the bottom."
"Guerilla's morale feature set it apart from the competition."
"You need to tell people that there are features in there that no one else has and that they can use to make their work more productive."
"Great blade shape, it's a little bit distinctive, not a run of the mill drop point."
"I forget though that the firecracker allows you to have explosive summons, really cool."
"Every cat's eyes tells a story. This one's 16 oz."
"Nuke is finally one of the best maps in CS:GO. It's extremely unique, but in the places where Vertigo fails, Nuke succeeds."
"There are still things that only Google can do in a smartphone."
"It's the opposite of the tile downstairs, it's so cool."
"It removes so much of that flair and identity that to me made Shin Megami intensely stand out to begin with."
"Each one of these weapon types come with their own set of unique animations."
"This is pretty revolutionary, I don't think any other boxing game has really done that or any other combat game really has done that."
"The gameplay loop of bibzies involves only a couple animatronics but the way they work is interesting enough to carry the gameplay."
"The verticality of its open world sets it apart."
"This has to be the coolest one I've seen yet."
"There's a different feel to that compared to other vehicles in the game."
"At the beginning of Fallout 3, the player briefly controls their character as a baby."
"Twin flame energy showing up here. Definitely a strong soulmate bond."
"There's one last thing that makes allied races super special: the heritage armor."
"Pluto is covered in amazing ice volcanoes unlike anything else we have in our solar system."
"From Falcon Wing doors to a panoramic windshield, the Model X Plaid is in a league of its own."
"This jewel orchid is so beautiful, like the lightning stripes."
"Sunbracers comes with the exotic perk Helium Spirals."
"That five cylinder engine is the most charismatic part of this vehicle..."
"This engine just sounds fantastic. Honestly, I can't even think of another car that offers a five cylinder."
"Final Fantasy Type-0 is a very flawed game, yes, but it also shines in a lot of ways."
"Stages with special win screens is something that you don't hardly see at all in fighting games."
"How can you hate a film that has an angel with bulletproof wings that can slice through flesh?"
"I wanted to have some unique features like tunnels for them to swim through."
"These are unique features and these are important features because they are sources of water."
"...you are going to have this awesome form factor that a lot of people don't have and I think that's really worth it for a lot of people."
"Two of the real unique features, obviously, on a 300 SL, one are the gullwing doors, and secondly, are these eyebrows, and both create a unique set of problems when you're doing a restoration."
"Every manufacturer had great engines, beautiful bodies, crazy colors, over the top options, but only Chrysler had the torsion bar front suspension and those asymmetrical leaf springs."
"...the best part about this house it'll be like no other house you've ever seen in Houston because it comes with its own taco truck so you're gonna get the best tacos in Houston every single day."
"You're actually standing on the upper of the boot in the forefoot which is a really unique aspect of why these boots have such a unique feel Under Foot."
"Now, the thing that makes the banded water snake so unique is that beautiful banding that runs down the length of its body."
"...if what you want is basically a crested gecko that regrows its tail and isn't a crested gecko then the Sora might be the perfect pet lizard for you..."
"A very basic device aimed at entry level users but has some unique features that make it really useful."
"This is an Aisha with some really cool hair."
"13 is the world's first vertical Free Fall drop mid roller coaster."
"Fat-tailed geckos are in the yubel ferris family of geckos and they are more commonly known as eyelid geckos because they are the only geckos in the world that retain movable eyelids."
"Each room, its special features, has its own special pieces."
"It literally has reverse, how nutty is that?"
"This is functionality that no other camera can match."
"The great thing about it, unlike the other power banks in this review, is that it features neat animations and useful information."
"This doll actually has a really awesome feature where her feet are hoofed."
"With its powerful, groundbreaking features, simply has no equal."
"The Monta Bungo possesses unique features that set it apart from known wildlife."
"Google Cloud has features such as global load balancing which makes Google Cloud a unique choice."
"Eight sleep does certainly have a leg up when it comes to some other functions like autopilot mode and the built-in alarm clock."
"Illuminations is the onboard planetarium, I've never ever seen this on a cruise ship before and I was so impressed."
"This specific calculator is not going to be a regular calculator; it's going to have a certain twist."
"This is probably one of the coolest things about our van."
"The PB has an integral suppressor which sets it apart from similar systems."
"You get some features that can't be ordered on other city cars at any price."
"This amplifier has some very unique features that allow it to be a great choice for your high power subwoofer system."
"This cottage has come in 11,000 pounds under budget and has quirky features that have excited Lisa and James."
"I love this plant because it has these little zebra stripes all along the stem."
"I think I do prefer the more varied and unique designs that we got featuring different color schemes and different animals."
"They're actually called snake neck turtles because they do have that giant long snake neck."
"Of course, the doors come off, and the windshield still folds down, which is something that you don't get in the Bronco."
"This has a ton of modulation and a ton of really cool and unique features that make this sound like no other synth."
"This amazing pivot door with wood... it's so sleek, so modern, and I've never seen anything like that before."
"You are always welcome to Kazakhstan because Kazakhstan has its own really unique features that you need to see with your own eyes."
"The most insane feature I've seen on a touring bike has got to be liquid storage in the case of this moots fat bike."
"They have these really cool little hands; they look like little salad tongs."
"This snare offers two features that are unique and actually incredibly useful."