
Film Aesthetics Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"The overall look of this film was fantastic."
"I want all Star Wars movies going forward to look and feel like this movie."
"The costumes, hairstyles, and makeup worn by the characters of Black Panther are incredibly impressive."
"Eyes Without a Face is rarely discussed, which is a shame, seeing as how it's one of the most beautiful horror movies of all time."
"What I do think this confirms though is that they're aiming for a realistic look in their film without the traditional Warcraft art style."
"It gives a coloration if you're doing a film there's lots of sequences that are set in the past and it adds a little bit of character to the film quality."
"The Heist scene with all the sparks flying is one of the most gorgeous and borderline transcendental sequences in film."
"It is one of the most visually striking movies I have ever seen."
"I feel like nearly all the shots in the movie kind of look like masterpieces in their own right."
"They made a movie that looks like it cost way more than it did."
"The Celestials were enormous, every bit as imposing as you would expect them to be."
"There is not a single frame of this movie that you can say looks good."
"The giallo aesthetic of the zooms and the music... it was wonderful."
"My god, is this movie beautifully photographed and it just looks incredible."
"It's beautifully shot, the soundtrack is incredible."
"Color grading is giving it a certain aesthetic."
"The fight scenes were choreographed so beautifully to show the masculine and feminine style of fighting."
"Black Rain looks and feels like a much older film than it is."
"Loved the visual design of it, loved the sound design of it, I thought that was rad."
"The film looks fantastic it's colorful it's creative the details of an elemental City have a lot of really clever ideas."
"It does a fantastic job at building this grimy and green and yellow world."
"Hereditary has to go in horrifyingly beautiful; it is a top-tier movie."
"Under the Skin is weird and bizarre, but beautifully filmed; it's going in horrifyingly beautiful."
"Lamb is a beautiful movie; it's going in horrifyingly beautiful."
"The most impressive thing about the film is just how damn beautiful it is."
"Visually the movie is amazing, the cinematography is beautiful."
"Why can't we have practical wire work and practical destruction? It looks so much better."
"There's just something so beautiful about the way this film looks."
"The visuals, shot selections, clothing design, production design, visual effects, and sound design were amazing."
"This movie's got a beautiful look to it. I mean you're on rainy streets of Los Angeles and it's gray for a lot of the movie yet it just looks really, really good."
"This movie is shot beautifully. It is oozing with style, personality..."
"This may be the best looking science fiction movie ever."
"Movies are about style... the message is in the aesthetics... I believe and that the best movies are made with one person's vision."
"Stylistically, this film is as beautiful as the first with great transitions and awesome camera movement."
"The visual language used in this movie is just generally aesthetically pleasing."
"The epitome of a film look, cinematic look, and it's pushed."
"When you are utilizing nighttime scenes outside or you're trying to create a sense of moonlight or ambient nighttime light in a Halloween movie, I much prefer the whitish blue color grade and color temperature... daylight balance as opposed to tungsten balanced."
"It looks fantastic on film, it looks like an iconic definitive bat suit."
"The greatest strength to the films, besides production design and set design and acting and the cast and everything, is Chris Columbus really created this really great like medieval aesthetic and kind of a classic film aesthetic."
"16 millimeter film truly feels like a cheat code to get beautiful cinematic footage."
"Your film was so beautiful. Every frame was like a painting, every single frame."
"It's so important to actually have a look to your film so that it's not just a home video camera shot in the street lights."
"The aesthetic high points of cinema are also its political high points."
"This is the whole thing about film, right? Like to this day, we're all chasing that look."
"The visual look of 'Legend' is nothing short of stunning."
"The streets of Blade Runner have a dark and grimy feel to them, so it's important to get a lot of weathering in there."
"The Innocence is also a marvel of Gothic aesthetic, beautifully shot in black and white."
"It's a beautiful film to look at, amazing soundtrack from the Maestro Ennio Morricone, and amazing direction from Petri."
"The film's visuals beautifully recapture the aesthetics of recent 'Mario' video game titles."