
Medical Training Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"He is thriving, he is really happy, he's doing really well and his new mommy has medical professional training and it is a very good fit."
"Emergency medicine rotation was a little bit stressful...a lot of confidence and sureness in your ability..."
"If I see a y qrs what do I need to be thinking about? You got to have a differential."
"The standard face used on CPR dummies since the 1960s known as Resusci Anne is nicknamed the most kissed face in the world."
"...more surgeons will learn faster, giving more patients like Jerry a better quality of life."
"So overall I loved my vascular surgery rotation as busy as it was as stressful as it was and you know as difficult as the Rotan as tiring as it was I I honestly thought it was incredible."
"At Med School Insiders, our mission is to empower a generation of happier, healthier, and more effective future doctors."
"Clinical went so well, got to practice skills like assessing patients and therapeutic communication."
"Wrapping an ankle is like day one [ __ ]. You do that on anybody. There's no like you can't accidentally kill a patient wrapping an ankle so it should be pretty."
"You never know when somebody's gonna collapse...everybody and their mother should be trained in basic life support."
"You're the reason I've been thriving in medical school."
"This is the best civilian medical class we've ever seen in the entire world."
"I think for the more austere first few missions, there's likely to be someone who's extensively trained in emergency medicine as part of that crew."
"Being able to practice a surgery that gives you the conditions as close as possible to the actual patient you're going to operate on ensures more success."
"Tease out the subtle signs of vertical deviation."
"My goal is to give you guys the confidence to succeed in the ICU by making these complex critical care subjects easy to understand."
"Cuba trains more doctors than they need and sends them to developing countries around the world."
"As good doctors, you must be able to sort out that a particular level and particular site of spinal cord will produce what kind of clinical presentation."
"I care about showing up and taking care of you, so please get some medical training just in case."
"Rescue other riders with medical training, and then teach and mentor other riders."
"I've always wanted to make a really big fireball."
"Clinical. You got to be clean at Carrington."
"You can't detect abnormal unless you know what's normal."
"Normal sounds pave the way to detecting abnormalities."
"I became a role model to most of the medical trainees and even my colleagues."
"I slayed that. I also put my first catheter in today."
"You're incredibly accomplished person, not only were you in Psychiatry residency at the time, you had completed your undergraduate degree at Harvard and you had done your medical training at Columbia."
"Medical training, knowledge, and supplies are essential."
"Make sure you know the different types of artifacts and how to fix them and just kind of the basics of making sure you get to identifiers introduce yourself make sure the patient feels comfortable if you get this down a pretty sure you're going to be pretty well on the test."
"That medical training, once again, to the people out there, if you don't have medical training, I would highly suggest that you get it. Whether you carry your gun or not, you should have medical training."
"That's the whole point of medical training."
"Remember, pediatric cardiology is a specialty in its own right. It's not a grid training module, so it's actually followed by general internal medicine."
"Another One Bites the Dust was used in a study to train medical professionals to provide the correct number of chest compressions per minute while performing CPR."
"it came to my attention during my medical training that this was not being recommended and I just decided to figure out one how big is the problem to what can I do about it to improve it."
"I just think like the whole the whole the whole thing they like do a really good job of selecting who actually wants to be there and who needs to to graduate to go and treat casualties."
"We're going to train 1,500 more doctors every year to ensure that the NHS has enough doctors to continue providing that safe, compassionate care that we all want to see."
"It's a great time to get the diagnosis wrong because... no one dies and you don't get sued."
"He's trained hundreds of surgeons nationally and internationally on the technique."
"The main place of learning was the hospital ward where famous professors conducted their rounds with a retinue of hundreds."
"The new medical education was practical instruction, and it was hands on, with training on the ward from day one."
"Knowing how to give CPR and understanding the ACLS protocol is essential for anyone working in the ICU."
"If you're interested in doing rotations in the US, we have multiple options here."
"Electives are way better than observerships for one simple reason: you can actually interact with patients."
"So guys, come with me, and let's get started on A to E assessments of your GCS patients."
"This course is really designed to take you from a beginner to an advanced interpreter."
"ACLS shouldn't be something that's scary."
"We need to train physicians to know how to use the power of metabolic oncology to manage cancer."
"I think that's one thing my school did actually very, very well: our teaching on the wards was spectacular."
"Let's now review the standard ultrasound scans of the hands."
"The incidence of many diseases, such as cancer, is relatively rare, posing a challenge for training and learning in healthcare."
"Pigeons could be trained to tell apart malignant breast tumors from the benign."
"Let's talk about how you today can think about directly entering into a UK specialty training program without NHS experience."
"I encourage you to look at lots and lots of patterns and go back to your two main terms."
"One of the first lessons any EMT or paramedic student learns is that trauma is not fixed in the field; it's fixed in the hospital."
"It's like, you know, if you're going to go to medical school you need to learn from a doctor how to do a surgery."
"I am certified in Stop the Bleed, CPR, AED, and basic life support."
"Do not confuse your Google search with my medical training."
"There's no doubt that part of a forensic pathologist's training and knowledge is determining cause of death from information given to them."
"By the conclusion of this webinar, participants should be able to understand how to obtain the optimal mid sagittal view and recognize anatomic landmarks and markers."
"Medical students' telomeres shorten much faster than those of other people their age because of the stresses of medical training."
"The learning objective here is simply to demonstrate the subtleties of presentation in order to elevate a merely adequate medical HMP to a great one."
"PLAB 2 is a game of empathy, sympathy, and this concept is fed very well to you when you join any of these academies."
"Being a medical student actually makes you that one stem cell who can adjust in any situation life throws at him."
"The chain of survival includes recognition of early warning signs and immediate activation of EMS."
"Welcome back to Citizen Surgeon where we help you learn all the surgical knowledge that you're gonna need to do well on the floor, in the ICU, in the operating room, and of course to crush your exams."
"My take-home message is, learning coronary angiography is an eye exercise."
"But today I got lots of positive feedback, so I feel like I am growing as a mini internist."
"Remember your ABCs: Airway, Breathing, Circulation."
"We're going to look at what AFAST is, when to use it, how to do it, and we'll have a look at some of the common pitfalls and how to avoid them."
"Internal medicine residents were basically as good as a cardiologist because their ability to assess for left ventricular function correlated quite well with formal echocardiography."
"At the conclusion of this activity, participants should be able to perform a comprehensive screening exam for hamstring injury in the athlete."
"Seeing patients preoperatively will allow you to enhance your experience of operative surgery."
"These are your in utero resuscitation measures, and you can commit these to memory because these will be on the test."
"Get medical training, I can't stress enough, get medical training."
"Be the best physician you can be. Residency is where you do your training and you hone your skills."
"The modular structure actually allows for doctors to be a bit more flexible about what they get trained in."
"Our doctors are taught to save lives."
"The more you practice, the better it is, and the more confident you will be when you do see patients as well."
"I have a level head, basic medical training, and usually have a first aid kit on me as well."
"Your stretcher bearer, he had training; he learned how to put on a tourniquet to stop the bleeding, how to patch you up before he loaded you onto the stretcher and dragged you back."
"Training to be a medical technician is tough and thorough, it has to be, people depend on a medic."
"It's what we're giving these soldiers, a set of medical skills that they can help save the lives of themselves, their comrades, and their fellow soldiers."
"You have the most options for fellowship compared to any other surgical residency."
"Doctors generally are trained to look and assess and almost a parallel thinking they do it in the back of their mind."
"It's more difficult to teach somebody anatomy, medical terminology, physiology, understanding products and procedures and techniques."
"The fellows at the current program that I matched at were absolutely helpful."
"When you prepare for OET speaking, you're going to get the clinical communication skills to achieve better outcomes for your patients."
"If you do not have medical training under your belt, please do so."
"Most of the time what we're doing when we're talking together is putting those pieces together and forming those clinical judgment decisions that you can't really get from textbooks."
"Imagine having a brain surgeon doing work on you that learned from five-minute videos."
"Third year clerkships are difficult, they're stressful, but they're a time of incredible growth too."
"It prepares you for actual life as a doctor."
It's going to get really hard to deny because with the residents that train here, they say the same thing over and over again: "Wow, it's the first time I've ever seen anybody with this condition get well."