
Tenure Quotes

There are 107 quotes

"Then again, I suppose my tenure does allow me to say whatever the [expletive] I want."
"I fundamentally believe, however, that no single person should serve in the position too long, and that it's time to bring in a new scientist to lead the NIH into the future."
"Tenure is supposed to give you the freedom to challenge the status quo and to explore things you haven't felt secure enough to explore before."
"This teacher has been at the school for so many years, this teacher doesn't just have tenure, he has like 10-year plus bro."
"This is going to change what tenure looks like at certain places."
"You guys should be fired, but we can't be. We have tenure."
"There is a change, now you can actually get tenure by writing about Consciousness."
"I don't think anyone deserves to be on this platform for more than 15 years."
"Back when he joined, nobody could imagine his departure. His first spell lasted from July 2004 till September 2007."
"Its tenure came to an abrupt end in 2020."
"But it's also them being a little lazy, yeah, you know? Well, the way it works with our contracts and how it worked because I had been there 12 years is you really don't. It's not like you're renegotiating every year, it's like it's locked."
"So an engineer with 31 years of service."
"I always think CEOs should run the company for the duration of the company, not the duration of the CEO."
"I don't know man I mean I think I'm literally just carried because of the fact I've been around so long if I had if I did no that's it."
"It has the tenure and it has that kind of captivating charm of the underdog, the Cinderella story that all of the United States is looking for."
"I can do whatever I want to do too. I have tenure here."
"It's only been 10 years for me, like I'm fairly new to the scene as compared to a lot of people here."
"Dinkins tenure, however, was marred with unparalleled levels of crime and a massive budget deficit."
"This is his 10th year as the AIM chairman."
"Daniel Craig deserves to finish his 14-year tenure as Bond on a high note."
"But for a character of his power, he doesn't have that long of a tenure within the main franchise."
"The expectations for tenure have become a lot like an R1, I mean in many cases it's a book."
"She's exhausted. I mean, she's been the leader of the party and first Minister for eight years."
"Could you ever imagine this amount of success this early on in your tenure here?"
"The longest-serving Pope in history... 31 years."
"By the end of her tenure, Lalla Ward just nails the role from the get-go."
"During her tenure, she presided over multiple major global events."
"...I think he should stay longer. I think the shareholders would like him to stay longer."
"We were here for most of the school year."
"I think you do command more and more respect the more you stay here."
"I've been here 18 years, and that is the best time I have had in those 18 years."
"I'm your older brother's wife. I'm also a member of this household and have been for almost a decade."
"Henry, how long have you been with us? 24 years, since almost the beginning. Right, right from the start, almost."
"The Senate, which consists of senators appointed by the Governor General on the advice of the Prime Minister and serves until age 75."
"That's the kind of Center the guy who was like stalwart there for forever."
"I've really enjoyed these five years."
"She was leader of the Conservative Party for 15 years and prime minister for 11 and three-quarter years, the longest continuous time of any prime minister since the Napoleonic Wars."
"I'm a principal instructor here at Data Bricks. I joined Data Bricks 4 years ago, and in Data Bricks time, that is an eternity."
"Now I have this jersey and I hold it for all next year."
"Once I got the British version of tenure, I had good publications and top journals, I literally said to myself, okay now I'm gonna start being free."
"Tenure exists precisely to protect faculty from being targeted for their political beliefs."
"Tiberius was perfectly within his rights to seek another term."
"He held the championship for 1,027 days before dropping it to Stan Stasiak."
"We've loved this guy for 12 years; he's been a champ."
"He's been the face of the WWE for the better part of a decade."
"I worked there for like five years, it was the best."
"He's done a fantastic job of his time."
"What he has in the bank as far as the success of that basketball team and what he's deposited into that University, I believe buys him some time."
"The Judiciary is given life tenure for good behavior."
"I love knowing that you've been at the college since 2003."
"How long have you been on the job, Tom? 24 years, sir."
"She has understood the fundamentals of the position that she has occupied for these 70 years."
"There is no other meaning possible, Arda. He has been the director over 20 years."
"Noam Chomsky has been the Institute Professor of Linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for over half a century."
"If you stay long enough, you also become the villain."
"You worry about everyone, Zachary; it's one of the reasons I enjoyed having you here all these years."
"Don Shula, 26th year here, clearly the coach with the most tenure in the National Football League."
"You've been with us for a couple of years now, isn't that right?"
"Coach Cannella has accomplished a lot, the second-most tenured active coach at one school."
"Sean Boylan at the helm throughout all those years."
"You've been here so long, Doctor."
"We settled on 10 years total because we realized people had different experiences at different ranks."
"The average job tenure today, based on statistics from the Bureau of Labor, is 4.4 years."
"Selfish people cannot stay in office for long."
"You can't be in a place for 17 years and not be touched by this sense of finality that's going to come on Saturday afternoon."
"I've been here 21 years, I think I'm part of this."
"I got tenure, which is, you know, for a professor, a big deal."
"I've been the queen for a long time."
"I have stood in the position of the patriarch for 12 years now."
"I was the one that held it longer than any other person that held that office."
"The longer they're in, the better their skills are, right?"
"We have developed a very great relationship, and I'm very happy to say the Secretary General will be with us for quite a long time because he was just extended."
"I want to take it and I want to hold it for a long time."
"Daniel Craig is also the longest-tenured James Bond, his 15 years consecutively as Double 07 eclipsed Roger Moore who spent 12 years in the tux."
"Having 18 years ensures that Justices don't lose touch with actual life as people live it."
"I'm the longest reigning champion."