
Christian Beliefs Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"The Gospel of Judas challenges traditional Christian beliefs in a manner that no other ancient text has."
"It is possible to have sorrow and joy at the same time if you're a Christian."
"Unfortunately, we couldn't save Law Hero, but because he was such a good Christian man, he gets invited into heaven."
"The Holy Spirit is the greatest gift you will ever receive."
"Nearly half of Christians believe we are all living in the end times."
"You plead the blood of Jesus over every room, every corner, and you plead the blood over every person in your home."
"Your foundation as a believer is in the revelation of God as Father."
"A lot of what Christians think they know about angels is really the result of tradition."
"This time of year should be about the gift of Jesus into the world that we don't have to be bound to and destined to the consequences of sinning."
"There's one group of people that they leave alone: bible-believing Christians."
"Christians need deliverance from strongholds which are rooted in deception, unbelievers sometimes need deliverance by way of exorcism because of demonic possession."
"In Christ, death is indeed a fine, sweet, and brief sleep, bringing us relief from this vale of tears."
"The Rapture is one of the most talked about occurrences among Christians and even non-Christians."
"If you're a born-again Christian, you're not gonna go through the tribulation. You're gonna be watching it from up above."
"We long for peace as believers. We pray for peace. We don't want war. We want peace."
"The rosary is Christian road work for the soul, that's what it is."
"He who believes and is baptized shall be saved. These are the signs that follow those who believe."
"Christians can die better because we know what's next."
"God thoroughly equips Believers for battle against Satanic forces."
"Christ arrived to release Satan's prisoners."
"Every Christian should want to be a prophet."
"The blind Christian... two kinds of Christians, born again by conviction and by convenience."
"It implies that the kingdom that's in you now as a Believer, the Holy Spirit resides in you, there's going to be a coming out day."
"Evil is present; Satan, the fallen one, is described as the god of this world, and he is influencing the minds of the people of this world."
"It really is not complicated demons are on assignment and Believers are their targets."
"We are nothing until we are cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ."
"That's what makes Christianity different, is there is a heavenly father who says I love you and I bear your shame for you."
"If you just read the book of Acts you'll see exactly what the church believed... it all happened exactly as promised."
"I love the fact that Jesus loves sinners...that means he loves me."
"Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise."
"Only those covered by the blood of Christ can be assured that God's wrath will never fall on them."
"As Christians, we don't go, 'Oh my gosh, I'm going to hell,' you don't do that. That's been settled for us."
"Satan wants to take away not only non-professing Christians but also believers."
"I'm simply desiring to interpret rightly the Word of God as I assume all of us are as Christians."
"God of the Bible created sex, and Christians should have the most fantastic sex."
"That's kind of the fundamental truth of what I believe as far as my faith, that Jesus died for everybody."
"This is our everlasting hope that we've learned for and we look for the return of Jesus Christ back to this earth to redeem his own."
"Everything that you and I love as believers is all rooted and founded and settled on the resurrection of Jesus Christ."
"You can still be a Christian and not be a fundamentalist."
"The idea of Christians being taken out of the world physically is the idea of rapture."
"Christ is the repairer of the breaches in our lives."
"The rapture is a private event between Jesus and the church."
"You don't have to take that interpretive model of a fundamentalist in order to be a Christian."
"Can a Christian be under the influence of a demonic spirit? Absolutely."
"It exposes the enemy of Christ just because there's one enemy to Christ and it is Satan."
"The Lord has given you authority through his name and through the blood that is why we address these things in the name of Jesus."
"We believe that Christians should keep the Ten Commandments. They are not suggestions; they are the commandments of God."
"Death actually for a Christian, people think this is radical and strange and weird, the best day of a Christian's life, a believer in Jesus, the best day of their life is a day they go on to be with Him."
"When Jesus pulls up to the party, there's no draws. Amen."
"For the Christian, death is like a door we walk through into the world we were created to be in with Jesus."
"You are holy, blameless, and beyond reproach because of what Jesus did." - Colossians 1:22
"Don't go into sin because you believe God will always forgive you once you repent and you were baptized. You died to sin, your past is erased, and you have a new life."
"Real faith is not rooted in what you expect God to do, it's rooted in who God is."
"I'm a Christian. Personally, I believe in Jesus, I believe in his resurrection."
"Jesus said it over and over and over... I died, and I was married, and I was raised from the dead."
"In Christ there is truth, there is power, to resist all of these satanic diversions that we have in the world today."
"I'm a Christian, so I believe that we're moving towards that. We're told that's going to happen."
"You are the bride of Christ, deeply loved and highly favored."
"You must confess with your mouth that jesus christ is god that he died on the cross and he rose from the dead you must repent from your sins and the bible says that god will absolutely receive you as his child."
"A true Christian can have signs that follow."
"The Christian worldview hinges upon the death and resurrection of Jesus for human sin."
"The Maranatha Code: A code word for believers anticipating the blessed return of the Lord."
"Accept that Jesus loves you and work your side of the relationship."
"The day of Christ Begins the day of the Lord."
"We live between two days, the day Christ hung on a cross and the day all will kneel before him."
"If Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior of your life, you have the Spirit of God living inside of you."
"Jesus physically died, physically rose from the dead."
"The Gospel has been a call to die from the very beginning."
"But when he comes again, he's coming for pleasure, for glory, for honor, for life, for his new heavens and new earth where we'll get to live."
"Jesus tells his disciples Simon, thou art keifa's, keifa's means you like a rock."
"These are his resources that he allows us to use to build his kingdom. So, that's why when it says we're the body of Christ, we literally are the body of Christ. So, he can touch people through us. He can see people through us. He can love people through us. Are you tracking?"
"Christian propaganda says it's possible, but it's not probable. No, all things are possible."
"The way if you're a Christian and you don't like war metaphors you might want to read your Bible more because it's full of war metaphors."
"I testify that the Living God is our Eternal Father and that Jesus Christ is his living and only begotten Son in the flesh."
"Here are they that keep the Commandments of God and they also have the faith of Jesus Christ."
"So, when Jesus died on the cross, he legally broke the power of a number of things."
"At the cross, Jesus legally broke the power of sin, the power of curses, griefs, and trauma."
"Jesus disarmed spirit power, stripped off their clothes and weapons, totally took away from them the weapon or the power of the weapons they had, and he triumphed over them."
"If we just picked the earliest Christian writings we had as a guide to what Christians should believe, you'd have something very close to the 27 books we have now."
"Mormons believe in the crucifixion, resurrection, and divinity of Jesus Christ, same as other Christian churches."
"Everyone makes mistakes, but in Christ, you are cleansed."