
Viewers Quotes

There are 393 quotes

"I did just want to say thank you to how amazing our viewers have been... Thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart."
"Thanks so much for watching and have a great day."
"Thank you so much for watching and I wish you the best."
"I love you guys, I'm going to shut the camera off now and I'm going to say a prayer for every single person who watched this video."
"Thank you for watching, thank you for making it this far into the video."
"You guys all rock, best viewers I could have asked for."
"I release some miracles for you that are watching, so get ready!"
"Trade out of US dollars into bitcoin and then trade out of your bitcoin into ethereum."
"For anybody who's watching and is interested."
"And thank you to everyone else watching as well!"
"The talent of some of our viewers constantly impresses me. Thank you so much, that's awesome."
"I love you all so much, thank you so much for watching, and I will see you guys in my next video."
"You all out there in viewer land are the absolute best, and we appreciate you so much."
"It's just an easy way to impress your viewers."
"Imagine it brings back memories to many of your viewers."
"Let me know where you guys are watching from too."
"Hyper personalization... today's viewers expect tailored experiences."
"You know, I got to thank our viewers because a lot of times we get gifts here."
"Thank you guys for watching my vlog today and I hope to see you guys on the next video."
"I cannot express the Gratitude I have for my viewers."
"Thank you so much for coming along and watching the video."
"Thank you, thank you, thank you for always watching, the good, the bad, the in between, all of it. Y'all are just so amazing and encouraging, and y'all motivate me more than you realize."
"There would be no show without viewers like you."
"Thank you to everybody who's watched our videos people who have subscribed."
"it's actually crazy it's actually insane 400,000 live viewers for a game with no content"
"Thank you for watching this, guys. I love you."
"So it becomes an even tougher sell because surely viewers' memories of what happened at the end of season 3 have become a little bit hazy since then."
"I'll be back for you. As always, thank you all so much for watching until we eat again."
"We're over 12 million live viewers worldwide."
"People get so personally affected by things that happen on a television show."
"So guys, again, thank you so much for watching and I really, really do mean it. I appreciate every single one of you."
"I genuinely am so grateful for everyone that watches my videos like it's so lovely."
"My viewers who've gone to my convincing partners so far are getting deals done in 93 days."
"If you have made it this far, thank you guys so much for watching."
"Hello viewers, wherever you are in the world when you're watching, a huge shout out to you."
"We're probably going to have at least at least 20,000 viewers pushing for 50 not only cuz everybody knows the psych video is about to go down but also it's a PS4 giveaway and it's my welcome back stream on top of the wedding."
"If you really want to take your cinematography to the next level and blow your viewers away, you have to think about one other thing before pressing record."
"I'm explaining how the reviews work. Well, stop it. The viewers aren't stupid, they know, and we're not changing the title of the movie."
"The consensus from the viewers at home is that this thing was running at 500 degrees cool temp."
"We're doing this because of you guys, our viewers, it's what it's all about."
"Thank you guys so much for watching this video and I hope it was helpful in some way. I don't know if it was, but I hope it was."
"Thanks so much for watching, and I hope we'll catch you all on the flipside."
"Have a great night, guys. Thank you for watching."
"We are starting this video at 4:14 so I feel like that is significant. It is your girl Julissa, what's up baby? Welcome back to all my OGs, so happy to have you here. My returning viewers and hello to my new viewers, welcome home!"
"Thank you guys for watching, god bless"
"If you watch until the end, well, I really appreciate you."
"Each character won the hearts of viewers."
"Cheers for watching see you on the next one take care."
"This new season has been made possible thanks to the wonderful support of you guys, our viewers."
"Thank you so much to everyone who's supporting us, to everyone who's viewing our videos, to everyone who's sharing."
"...if you didn't instantly know what type of value your content was providing, you need to sit down and think hard about what you're going to provide to your viewers."
"I love you guys. Thank you for watching this video. If you enjoyed it, and I will see you inside. Bye."
"And as always, friends, thanks for watching."
"Make sure your video keeps your viewers' attention."
"...thank you so much for watching all the way to the end it really means a lot to me..."
"I always appreciate you guys taking time out of your day and watching my videos."
"We want to enable creators to create the content that viewers want to watch."
"You viewers are awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome."
"As always, everybody, I thank you so much for your time. I really appreciate your watching."
"Thank you absolute legends for watching this video."
"I couldn't do what I do without viewers like you so I appreciate it."
"This being the last video of the year, I want to thank all of you who have been so kind, left comments, and just been such faithful viewers of my video content. I really do appreciate it."
"Thank you Killy Warriors and thank you guys for watching."
"From me, from this beautiful graveyard, from the Hoof GP, and from my family, thanks for watching."
"It is a truly amazing journey that I never expected to happen, and it's you guys that's making it possible, so thanks very much."
"I loved your questions and I love the questions of your viewers... they're really nice people."
"By creating compelling characters, writers are able to draw in viewers."
"What do you think Jay has more of viewers or reporters?"
"But anyways, thank you again so much for watching."
"A huge thank you for watching especially if you've made it this far"
"Thanks for watching us be smart, everyone."
"Thank you, everyone, who takes the time out to watch my videos, and I'm especially thankful for those who leave comments that provide viewers with extra information."
"Thanks for watching guys and hope you have yourself a great day."
"But if you made it to the end of this video just want to say thank you for watching."
"Welcome back to the swamp, my friend, and welcome if you're new. Today we're going to be sharing some creepy and allegedly true horror stories from Massachusetts sent in by viewers just like you."
"I just want to ask the viewers... does anybody else find this really hypnotizing?"
"Thank you so very much for watching and have a wonderful day."
"I want to thank all of the viewers for all of their great tips. They were really helpful and so fun to read."
"From now on it's a life lesson that even the viewers can learn."
"I'm thankful for our viewers, everyone that's hanging out with us right now."
"Tonight, an extra special chance for viewers."
"Remember that for some viewers it may be the perfect accessory."
"Thank you guys everyone who's been watching."
"Thanks for watching guys, and until next time, I'll see you later."
"And you guys who've watched this entire video, you're amazing too."
"Thank you for watching. Cheers, take care, bye."
"I really appreciate everyone who keeps watching."
"Thank you guys for watching, we really appreciate you."
"I just want to say thank you to all you guys for watching and sticking along with me on this journey."
"I want to thank everybody for all your support and for taking your time out and actually watching my videos."
"I appreciate everything you do, I appreciate you watching my videos, I appreciate your comments."
"You the silent viewers that don't type... thank you guys."
"We want to say thank you to all of you guys that watch our channel and subscribe."
"I want to take a moment to thank all my viewers and patrons for their support."
"Thanks for watching our video, guys."
"If you are watching this, leave us a like, leave us a comment."
"Finding these Easter eggs would take some serious detective work by dedicated viewers."
"Thank you so much to my patrons and thank you to everyone else for watching."
"'Look at all those supplies. Listeners and viewers and Two Funny Mamas.'"
"I want to thank each and every one of my viewers and subscribers for watching this video."
"Good morning or good afternoon to all the viewers depending on where you are."
"I really appreciate you guys watching this show all the time."
"I'm sure that no shortage of viewers would be able to relate to this sequence in their own ways."
"A family is reunited thanks to you, our viewers."
"Thank you for joining us here, thank you for watching, and we will see you all in the next video."
"Thanks for watching, guys. I'll see you guys in the next one. Peace."
"It's such a beautiful opportunity that we can display this type of representation to viewers."
"Thanks for watching viewers, hope you enjoyed it, I'll see you in the next one, bye-bye."
"Thank you so much for watching, really do appreciate all your support."
"Thank you guys for watching, and hopefully you enjoyed seeing some of the ferrets."
"We want to thank each and every one of y'all for watching. God bless."
"It's really cool that like people to like meet people that watch our videos from all over the place."
"Thank you to the people that do watch, I appreciate it."
"Thank you for watching my videos. You are awesome."
"We've got so many amazing viewers and we appreciate every single one of you."
"I hope everyone who's watching this is doing good."
"Thank you so much for watching this video, I appreciate you all so much."
"I'm so eternally grateful with everybody that has watched my videos."
"So honestly, if they ever watch this video, thank you to them."
"A big shout-out to my viewers from India."
"Thank you to each and every one of you out there watching."
"Thank you all for watching and have a good day."
"Oh look, there they are, the best viewers in the world."
"Thank you so much for watching my videos. That means the world to me."
"Thank you so much for watching, I do appreciate every single one of you."
"Thank you guys so much for checking these out, and I'll see you guys next time."
"Thank you so much for sticking around for this entire video."
"Stay tuned, we'll see you again soon."
"Remember, the Dunes channel is funded by the support of viewers like you. Thank you."
"Thank you to everybody that's watching at home."
"Father God, I pray for every single viewer that is watching."
"Thank you so very much for watching, I appreciate each and every one of y'all."
"Let me just say if this is your first time watching, I say welcome; if you're a repeat offender, I say welcome back."
"Thank you guys so much for watching, we hope you enjoyed the video."
"Hi everyone, I have no idea how we have 1300 viewers. Hi, if you're new here today and it's your first day, put a one in chat."
"To the viewers, thank you very much."
"Thanks for watching guys, and I'll see you next week."
"Sending good energy to each and every single one of you guys who are watching this video."
"Thank you so much for watching this week. Stay tuned for the rest of the windows."
"Great to hear of our viewers that are tuning in from around the world."
"Thank you so so much for watching today's video and I'll see all you lovely people in the next one."
"Thank you personally very much for watching this video."
"We thank you for watching, as always, and have a great day. Salute!"
"More than anything, guys, I just want to say thank you guys so much for watching our videos."
"I really appreciate all of you for being kind enough to take the time to watch."
"It's clear that you put real hard work into what you do and care for your viewers more than anything."
"If you're new, welcome, and if you're not new, thanks for coming back to another video."
"We've got the loveliest viewers on YouTube."
"Thank you so much for clicking on this video. I appreciate you."
"Thank you guys so much for watching, and we'll see you guys later."
"We love you and we'll see you guys in the next video. Adios."
"If this is your first time watching this channel, thank you very much."
"I think I'll be able to get through the list today, so thank you so much for those of you who have been watching the previous videos."
"If you guys can take your 10 to 15 minutes every day to watch me, then I should try to make it as entertaining as possible."
"Happy holidays to all of our viewers."
"If you are a returning viewer, welcome back my beautiful souls, hi my OGs. If you are a new viewer, you're new to the channel, hi, welcome home my love, so happy to have you here today, bless."
"Thank you so much guys and as always, thank you so much for watching."
"Nice to meet you, lovely people. Really, I appreciate you watching."
"Whether you are new here or have been around for a while, I'm very happy that you've decided to click on this video today."
"Cheers to all my subscribers, all you guys watching this."
"Thank you guys for watching, if you made it this far, I really, really, really appreciate it."
"The viewer's one-sided exchange mirrors a real-life relationship."
"Thank you for watching, thank you for all the support."
"You're an inspiration to a lot of our viewers."
"Thanks everybody for watching and have a good day."
"Trying to make it a better viewing experience for you guys."
"Thank you guys so much for watching, I hope you guys like this tutorial."
"Really what I'd love to do is meet a couple viewers if any of them happen to show up."
"Cool, and thank you guys at home for watching, we appreciate you."
"Let's give a shout out to all our viewers all around the world."
"We're so excited, this is just a big thank you to you guys for being such awesome viewers."
"Thanks for watching, see you again very soon."
"As always, these stories come from viewers just like you."
"Welcome back to any returning viewers and welcome to any new viewers. Thanks for joining us today."
"Thanks so much for watching, I appreciate every single one of you."
"I appreciate you and I'll hopefully see you in my next video."
"Hopefully you all are well while you're watching this video."
"May Allah bless every single person watching this."
"Thank you guys for watching and thank you to my patrons for supporting me."
"Thanks for watching everybody, I'll see you guys next time."
"Thank you very much for watching; I very much appreciate you guys all watching."
"Pour a special blessing over every single viewer and their support systems."
"I speak English, French, and Greek, so to all my Greek viewers, kalispera."
"I want to appreciate everyone who is a refining viewer."
"I like to pass on all the tips to my viewers."
"The people that are watching are part of our family."
"Thank you so much for watching, to everyone that wrote to me, thank you so much for sharing your stories."
"I want to give a huge thanks and shout out to the viewers."
"I have really great viewers, you guys are so amazing. I'm very humbled and very appreciative for everything you guys do for me."
"We want to hear from you, the viewers."
"Merry Christmas to any of you that are watching."
"Say a prayer for me, keep me in your thoughts, my dear viewers."
"We love hearing from our viewers and can't wait to see what you have in store for us."
"Thank you so so much for watching our Scotland vlogs."
"I really hope you enjoyed this video, thank you so much for making it this far to the end."
"Thanks for watching everyone, love you all, and hopefully, see you in the next one."
"I just feel so blessed that I have viewers that are so loyal to the channel, and I want to say thank you."
"Thank you, thank you, thank you all so much for watching and uh till next time everybody, peace, have a great one."
"I thank you to all you absolute legends for watching."
"For you guys sticking to the end, thank you."