
Historical Gaming Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"Fight for land and honor and the restoration of the Roman Empire."
"Let's go ahead and start justifying for a war goal in Italy."
"Immortal Empires is the best campaign in Total War history."
"An opportunity for a double dose of late 80s and early 90s nostalgia." - Classic Gaming Quarterly
"Absolutely wrecking their navy, the mandate of heaven, hail to the Ching, achievement unlocked."
"Steel Division 2... takes us to the Eastern Front in World War 2, blending deck building with real-time and turn-based strategy gaming."
"Mafia definitive edition earned my appreciation as a focused, charming, and enjoyable trip back in time."
"Provided you are close enough to someone that they want to trade with you, you can totally get war elephants."
"This is the best historical mod I've probably ever played that brings you to another time in history."
"Delivering a World War two experience that no one's ever seen before."
"Avro Lancaster bomber a lot of you been asking to see this thing in action in the Sicilian historical battle against the Luftwaffe watch your six guys I'll catch you next time."
"If you control Lu Bu, you would March him like a combine harvester through units of enemy forces."
"It reminds me of one of the first times we saw battles for Rome 2 back in 2012."
"World War Heroes is one of the best WWII shooters available for mobile- now go shoot some Nazis."
"I'm very glad I returned here. Look at all of the iron, and there was also a bunch of coins. I'm a rich viking."
"Having a viking riding a polar bear towards you is no fun."
"It's day 100, the last day of my journey. A capital city has fallen, and I have become the new king of Norway."
"The French are holding Paris way better than they did IRL 91 percent 92 and there we go Paris fallin and so has France."
"Age of Empires 4 is recognizable... It has a lot of historical depth."
"If you love ancient city builder games, then this is definitely the game for you."
"We're trying to restore the kingdom of Cornwall and then reclaim Britannia. That's the plan."
"This game is like a mix of Total War meets Mount & Blade."
"Humankind: A historical tale of cultural evolution and unique gameplay."
"Now, of course, we are in the position that we could easily take on France, we could easily take on Prussia, we could take on any great power and probably cream them in a fight."
"Our goal is to core Constantinople, Antioch, and Jerusalem."
"Literally, it's you playing through moments throughout NFL history."
"The music of this game is probably the best I've ever heard from the era."
"This mod is awesome 3rd agen there's a reason it's the most popular medieval - mod of all time."
"This is the ultimate strategy as Aztec, ladies and gentlemen."
"Time to fight Loth Scala, which always allies Otomy."
"Definitely, definitely restore Andalusia - an excellent nation with excellent national ideas."
"I enjoyed myself so if you want to see more of Imperial Rome on the channel be sure to like the video and subscribe."
"Nothing beats Rome's glorious past, but this DLC is a close second!"
"To get the achievement, all we have to do is restore Byzantium itself."
"Boom the conquest Alexandria purge 33% of the population that's what we think of you Alexander I am the new great."
"If you have the iPad Pro and the Apple Pencil, then you're going to want to do this."
"Alright, we're done with Provence, not as much AE as I thought."
"You play that game you want revenge yourself because you saw what the Germans did to the Soviet Union."
"Dragon Quest is like playing a piece of history, and it's a treat no matter how you slice it."
"Morale rolls traced their roots back to war games, where armies would regularly check for morale after taking massive casualties."
"Germany is just never gonna be a thing, is it? Oh 1920 and I think realistically this is probably where we should end it for Victoria 2 after the great peace of Europe."
"Pentiment explores universal themes and connections in a game about 16th-century monks."
"Taking Tyros is a valuable resource because it should cut off all the Persian trade in the Mediterranean."
"Starting out with a Regency? Glorious start! Nine years of Regency. Oh, glorious start."
"War Thunder: a free VR game that lets you take control of a plane or a tank in World War 2 combat."
"It's got a strong focus on historical accuracy while still keeping gameplay dynamic and fast-paced."
"I definitely recommend it for anyone that's interested in historical gaming."
"It's historical war games mixed with fantasy."