
Game Complexity Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"The reality is, for the free-to-play audience, which is the majority of the audience, the game is still complex because it asks you to think about every decision that you make."
"Simplify the game if you're the stronger player, complicate it if you're the weaker player."
"I had no idea that this game was like fully in depth like this."
"Thank you guys so much for watching and for suffering through all the minutia of this insane game."
"Mini Metro’s UI needs to be simple so things don’t become too overwhelming as it gets more hectic as you gain new train lines and stations."
"Anything to do with the stuff hidden underground in this game like stuff is so obscure to begin with I never would have found that."
"Puzzles so impossibly hard that we cannot fathom how anyone was able to figure them out without a walkthrough."
"Building an entire system to produce everything... there's honestly just far too much to be said about this game."
"League of Legends can't be a solved game; that's one of the sexiest things about it."
"Interesting part of Overwatch's life where the complexity of the game is at an all-time high."
"Classic RPGs aren't fun because they're overly complicated; they are fun because they allow you to tackle problems in creative ways."
"This game's confusing, it's long, and it's a mess of a ton of different systems so don't feel too bad."
"The ability to time travel is a cool aspect and adds some meat to the gameplay."
"There's a lot more to these Tron games than you would assume on surface level."
"Dwarf Fortress is an indie game with incredibly complex systems."
"The level of depth this game has got to is just wild beyond belief."
"Death Stranding is not the easiest game to describe by any means, but there's tons of quiet, stressful, and beautiful moments to experience here."
"There are simply too many semi-complex moves in this game to execute without a standard controller."
"The fact that Minecraft as a game can be so fundamentally basic but still so diverse and complicated in so many different ways is so good."
"Nothing's ever simple when it comes to this game."
"This is truly epic and it's one the players actually had to really just figure out the fine details of themselves."
"3D Zelda is bigger, more complex, and resonates with people."
"The fact that so many people take it too seriously is the sign of quality in and of itself, because you don't see this kind of player behavior in games that are too simple and unchallenging."
"Games of emergence as games that are simple to learn and difficult to master."
"Chess is made of more than just double attacks."
"The more kind of interesting and complex mechanics they add, I'll be singing their praises so much."
"Long, complicated, require more math than your kid's trigonometry homework, and ultimately squeeze you so hard you'll start sneezing cardboard hexes out of your nose."
"This game has much more to offer than I thought in terms of complexity and the seasons."
"Ninth got so complex, it became overwhelming."
"Do not panic. This doesn't have to be as difficult as what the game says it's going to be."
"There's just so much information they throw at you in this 60 to 100 hour game."
"So many cool ideas... Pawn endgames are the most fascinating type of endgame."
"Brainless champions allow said new players an easy way into understanding the intricacies of the game."
"This just seems like a bigger, badder, crazier city builder."
"The game gets very, very sharp after H6 and Bishop to H4."
"Poppy Playtime's second chapter was officially announced... this trailer advertised longer, more complex gameplay."
"This game turned out to be much more comprehensive and larger in scope than what I had expected."
"Top tier: Cupid's Arrows. The ultimate saw game, emotional, complicated, complex, powerful."
"It just seems like there's going to be a lot to do."
"Simplicity's brand of fun is just different from complexity's brand of fun, and they can be combined carefully to create something new, interesting, and compelling."
"Pocket pairs are a tricky hand that a lot of people don't understand how to play properly."
"Despite its seemingly endless complexities, Deathloop is one of the most confidently designed games I've ever played."
"The spider webs of choices in this game are downright disgusting, and there's nothing like it."
"There's elements of base building on top of the usual missions and they get increasingly more treacherous as the game goes on."
"Netrunner is a violently intoxicating mix of risk, bluff, calculation, and strategy."
"This is a game I've loved for a long time. It's such a good game, it's hard to teach and learn, but I loved it."
"This game is so in-depth, it's just a beta, but there's so much going on."
"Just because it looks cartoony, don't think that it's not a complex game. It does have depth."
"It's as complex as the old Age of Empires was."
"Every game can be overwhelming from the start."
"It rides the line of having almost too much to do but maintains an addicting content trip between tight naval combat, compelling challenges, intriguing story missions, and the joy of exploring the open sea."
"Squirtle is one of the most complex and competitive Pokemon in the game."
"Some of these blunders are inevitable, especially in very complicated positions."
"Security Breach introduces new complexities to FNAF lore."
"I think this game is great... crammed full of components that requires more than a little management love."
"This game's crazy, they got you doing everything in here."
"Why is it worth learning such a complicated game? It's way deeper and more under the hood with more rewarding systems."
"this game is unbelievably deceptively complicated it is stuffed to the brim with systems"
"It's a very complicated game, and occasionally there will be rules disputes."
"Chapter two is nuts because chapter one, we could beat it pretty quickly but there's a bunch of mini games in this one."
"Platformers are a lot more complicated than people give them credit for."
"This game's crazy, there's a lot to learn from."
"There is a lot about it that makes it kind of difficult and really confusing to get into but it's such a weird and funny game that it is absolutely worth the patience."
"It's often in chess easier to play a really bad position than it is to play kind of bad positions."
"You're playing two opponents, you're playing your opponent and yourself many times and that's what also makes chess so difficult and beautiful at the same time."
"This is one of the hardest decks of all time to play actually when Patron Warrior was legal and standard it had like a 45 win rate."
"So that’s the worlds first race, but there’s so much more to explore with the raid including controversy, secrets, extras, loot, challenges, and replayability!"
"The Mechanicus is complicated as [__] to play, fitting all things told, given that they're machine people but still very complicated nonetheless."
"The charge and fight phases may seem simple, but their nuances shape the battlefield in ways you can't imagine."
"I can just see so many layers of complexity in this game."
"Dwarf Fortress is one of the most interesting games ever made."
"Zachtronics is known for games that are easy to play but tough to master."
"The beauty of 11-man football is that there is no solution. There is no best, there is no perfect scheme."
"...a game in all its complexity can travel from one continent to another just in somebody's head."
"The Knight is a pretty tricky piece."