
Software Features Quotes

There are 260 quotes

"Asking to save in the event of accidentally closing Blender without saving, 96% of Blender users were in favor of a dialog box asking them if they'd like to save."
"Quick stabilized mode in Mocha ensures accurate tracking."
"There is a plus button in that bottom right-hand corner after all."
"Now every feature that we put out, we run it through a very strict usability filter."
"Having those transitions built into this Svelte is really neat."
"But basically what's going to happen is they're going to be able to look at things, click on things while in inspect mode, and see all the pertinent details that they need: properties, colors, code."
"Hey, the indicator for this action exists in this location."
"Undo and redo buttons are unbelievably important when you're doing something."
"Using the Styles it's a very powerful feature and strongly recommended because it will save your time and provide consistency throughout the document."
"The power of the app is really the curve editor."
"You can now collapse the sidebar... it's nice."
"More customization is always always welcome."
"One of my favorite new software features from Apple this year in general is visual lookup."
"Notes actions now support rich text: Finally!"
"Auto animate is gonna look at exactly where things were... and create a seamless transition."
"It's absolutely pretty neat, I'm just going to put that out there."
"Every additional feature or function is also an attack vector for a hacker."
"The fortunate thing is I can mess up all I want and all I have to do is hit ctrl Z to undo."
"Missing features? You should grab this as a foundation for the future. It's fantastic."
"The desktop experience sets Pop!_OS apart, turning GNOME into Cosmic, their own desktop."
"Honestly, I think it's worth switching over for just the sidebar alone."
"You may have used them all, you may have used some, you may have never even heard of them and used none but don't worry, in this video we're going to cover every single one."
"You can draw any profile and tell the extension that I want that to be my profile."
"And in fact, when it doesn't have enough confidence and it put that red underline, if Steph and I were editing the message at the same time, she would also see the red underline and she could be the one taking the suggestion."
"I genuinely love the Muslims... I don't care if he was born Muslim, guided to Islam, you Muslim, you my brother."
"The warden is easily the most anticipated thing about the 1.18 update."
"Now apart from these properties, we can also affect the alignment of the text. So this is left align, here is center, here is right."
"A relatively new feature that was added to XD is called blend modes."
"One of the biggest features in XD is assets. In assets, you can save colors, you can save character styles, and you can save components, which you can then reuse later on across your entire project."
"Repeat grids, a very handy feature if you ask me."
"The options Sega and M2 put throughout the settings and the software on the device are numerous little touches worth mentioning."
"One feature that is brand new it is a big deal I'ma show you to you now it's I'm really excited styled console messages guys this is so good."
"Sortable columns on outfit management? Thank God."
"It can deliver a level of contextual resurfacing that you cannot do in any other system and most notion systems can't do it either."
"The table of contents is created as I mentioned in a previous video by typing /toc and it creates the whole table of contents."
"Volley lets you tag any request with an arbitrary object that you can use to set up a bulk cancellation scope."
"Just click import and you have your material right there."
"It'd be nice if there were like a whole batch select for trees that goes there."
"You get enough functionality to make a decision on whether you want to progress to a paid plan."
"Smart Access Storage will use AMD's platform features such as Smart Access Memory and GPU asset decompression to provide the benefits of DirectStorage like faster loading times and better asset streaming in games."
"That's how we add items, so it's really powerful."
"Android Studio... comes with all those features by default and makes Android development much easier."
"It's almost as good as refined edge and select a mask. Nowhere near perfect."
"All in all, a great add-on and a great way to create a realistic 3D face from scratch."
"The emoji selector tool now built into Kubuntu is actually a really cool feature."
"Hands down, the most useful productivity feature it has."
"Notability supports outlines and checklists."
"Liam works across all devices, including all Apple products, PCs, Android, Safari, and Chrome."
"And that's a quick look at memories in iOS 10."
"Notes can now be sorted by date created, date edited, or name... this makes notes a very compelling option."
"Grease pencil has that, and the cool thing about this is that they can also interact with the light settings."
"If you want to duplicate a piece in order to do something kind of crazy radical experimental on it but keep the other one in case you mess it up you can just swipe to the left and then click duplicate."
"Did you know that every individual blend mode with the exception of just a couple of them has a specific hotkey?"
"Nothing outside of this feature should change here."
"Palantir now has a lot of pre-built use cases that come ready to use."
"If you were a fan of the Unity desktop environment, there might be a feature you're missing."
"It's nice, it did win me over in the end - a lot of interesting software additions."
"AutoFill can really save you a lot of time with just these little micro decisions, these little micro checks to see whether or not you're putting in the right information."
"The ability to load bevel presets so we can have this whole stepped option here and this allows you to really fine-tune exactly what your bevel profile shape looks like."
"It's not simply a limiter compressor maximizer etc it's a multi-band version of all of those effects combined."
"Elementor Pro is actually an add-on to Elementor and it adds all kinds of powerful new features."
"Let's start off with the Positive. Let's start by talking about some additional iOS 17 features and changes."
"Every cell in excel has a name - it's actually very exciting and powerful."
"Notion is a fantastic tool that helps you take notes, manage tasks, set goals, create complex relational databases, and formulas."
"Ability to upload a file: Add a Word doc or a PDF about your hopes and dreams."
"You have a menu here with your recent games... They become blue... It's a little bit easier to find your games."
"You now have the option to add to quick note."
"Another feature you do gain access to in the premium version of Evernote is that you can also password protect a document."
"The ability to add custom folders is a really useful addition."
"Notion is essentially an all-in-one workspace."
"It adds so much additional functionality and customization that you can do way more than what Windows Explorer can ever do."
"There's another feature that we've been all begging for for nearly 10 years right finally final cut pro 10.6 includes tracking."
"That's extremely powerful that right out of the box with Django we have the ability to go into the admin page and just change all of our models and all of our objects."
"Blender also comes with a cycles render and that thing is a beast!"
"The Start menu is back! Access to the three most commonly used things in Windows."
"Highlighting the whole row, conditional formatting, and in 2007 and 10 they have a bunch of amazing built-in features."
"Virtualization technology support... run virtual machines... sandbox type environment."
"It's one of those features that you know it's right."
"Sort your data effortlessly in Microsoft Word - text, numbers, or dates, we've got you covered."
"Ubuntu 2004 is a very important release so let's talk about some of the other features in no particular order."
"Minimal APIs are by far the most loved feature of the .NET 6 release."
"Default alerts feature: something people have been waiting on for years."
"Before you freak out, all of your adjustments are still here... reveal the new mask panel."
"DaVinci Resolve is split up into these different tabs."
"iOS 15 gives users options. And that includes a hybrid time pickers."
"There won't be any problems and it's not going to interfere with the single-player mode in any way."
"Tabs at the bottom, click around to different pages."
"The more intuitive controls, the more control you get in the viewport in context with the pose, the feedback, the ghosting, you always know where you are in reference."
"Bit Warden of the three is the only one to offer an actually useful free plan."
"It's a great thing that Excel allows you to save the modifications you've made to a chart so that maybe one day you can apply it on another data set."
"This will end up being your favorite, maybe most used feature."
"This is all just sheer will from the developers to make these features actually work for them because the win is there right."
"This is the convenient part of this tool, which is insomnia or Postman because it's really organized."
"With the power of what we have already and Tab 9, we're going to be pretty much indestructible."
"Opera GX actively searches for free games and will let you know in the GX corner."
"Overleaf's premium features, like collaboration and history, are incredibly nice."
"There's a ton of features in iOS 8 that I couldn't get to in this video, but covered some of the main ones."
"Beautiful at the click of a button using those hotkeys in the top right corner."
"Snap layout is just a more efficient way to work with multiple windows on your screen."
"One of the awesome features that has been around since Windows 98 or 95 that... if I'm drawing something and I want to make a mistake I could right-click and undo this action immediately."
"I really want the window-snapping and the ability to set up multiple applications in a Windows windows way."
"It's called harmonization, and it's one of the new neural filters."
"The single coolest thing announced at WWDC was universal control."
"Panther was the most substantial release to date, boasting hundreds of features including a redesigned Finder."
"A frequently requested feature by users was to move a layer into a group and have it on top, and now it works."
"One of the best features here is that you can quit a game at any time and create a save state."
"Blender has lots of keyboard shortcuts; the duplicate keyboard shortcut is Shift D."
"The ability to disable the Memoji stickers inside of the keyboard."
"Now Cubase takes some really pro features from Nuendo... integrated inside Cubase."
"One software feature I actually missed more than any of the others... is the new voice-to-text features."
"I have Night Shift on my Mac and I also have it on my phone."
"This is how YNAB keeps you from going into more debt."
"Two nice little workflow tools not super crazy but a nice addition nonetheless."
"If we scroll all the way down to the bottom... that is going to be a very awesome feature."
"With this, you can make crazy, crazy things. These are the features that actually throw Illustrator out of the waters."
"There are also a few new extra features found within Safari, Siri, and FaceTime."
"Let's highlight some text and if we go over here into the format menu and over to text you'll notice that we have a little gear icon right here..."
"Mesh attributes are no longer exclusive to Cycles, now fully supported in Eevee."
"Velocity range and probability: two really awesome new features of Ableton Live 11."
"Features and unique integrations, this is what our end goal is."
"We've added things like custom flip boundaries."
"With Affinity Photo, you can actually also apply filter effects in the same way as we do for adjustment layers."
"There's just so much that you can actually do with it... a huge feature set with Cam."
"And the most famous thing that you can do with the PWA APIs is make your application work offline. That's kind of the headline feature for PWAs in general."
"Unity is feature-rich. It has everything: 2D, 2.5D, 3D, VR, AR, cinematics, animation, state machines..."
"Improved screen capture and screencasting facility in Ubuntu 22.04 – easy and efficient."
"Wow, surprisingly 48 of you picked themes, almost half of you chose themes over folders."
"Update 25 allows you to show a number or a formula result as a progress bar or a progress circle."
"Filmora 9 effects: adding creative touches to your videos."
"Mac OS Mojave got dark mode right: simple but sophisticated, fresh and even a little futuristic."
"Instant markup, especially for screenshots, was the biggest sleeper hit of iOS 11, and it's come to Mac OS Mojave."
"Windows 95: Making switching between applications as simple as changing the channel on a TV."
"We've whittled down our deeper dive to a selection of 20 of the best features added in Android 12."
"We're seeing a dramatic increase in performance with a15, you can even display the current game FPS in the bottom left of the screen."
"This is one of those cool features that would have been in Longhorn."
"The features don't stop, you've got a built-in VPN and ad blocker."
"Everybody always wanted a preview of a preset."
"Just change it, just makes it really easy, all your variants will be down here, I mean just, just really, really cool."
"It's not a bug, it's a feature, you're goddamn right."
"Progressively enhancing your app to its final full state where you're using the whole feature set of Angular."
"The Invoke user interface continues to be broken down by our options panel, the work area, and our gallery."
"We always make mistakes, that's why we have undo."
"That's how you make stuff in Resolve."
"One handy new feature that you've seen on the Mac and now comes to Windows is the ability to tear out a tab."
"One new feature in the Shell is ironically actually a way to go back to an old Behavior."
"Bitwig Studio comes with over 80 instruments and effects."
"...Aura provides all the protection you need with built-in antivirus, VPN, password management, parental controls, to limit your child's screen time, identity theft insurance, and more."
"In this video we're going to cover two of its biggest features that will make being productive and Rapid at your development even easier."
"DJs protect their bangers so much that we even have features built into our software like AM mode that hides the tracks you're playing."
"But since this video is focused on Final Cut Pro for Mac, there's a great AI mask effect and a brand new approach to working with HDR content that I'm sure you'll be excited about, so let's get into it."
"You can see the concentration rise and fall along the floor okay so that's a a very basic introduction to the new 2d capabilities in raz."
"And you can turn both of them off and like I said before you can set this up so that you've got your display capture underneath and then you can have these layers on the top."
"...I am going to be doing a one-week review of the Google pixel 8 where I dive into more of the software features."
"You'll have all these customizations in here for your text."
"It can also be accessed as an online editor on most popular browsers as well."
"The fact that figma brought this into their software is just amazing."
"I hope you found this video useful in learning how to use vsim editor and about some of its key features."
"We added some nice quality of life features for our users, such as sending them notifications for success and failure."
"I hope this video helps and gives you some insight into our workflow and highlights some of the great features available in Character Creator 4. Thank you for watching."
"I really hope that you found this video beneficial in helping you figure out some of the features inside of todoist."
"Some really deep features in Cubase that people have no idea about."
"The good thing about Capture One is in a way, it's almost like Photoshop, that you can create different layers, reduce the opacity of your layers, and stack things up in your layers."
"When we go up to the Master Desk Pro, this is where you can really get so deep into your mix and actually make that mix into a full master in such great depth."
"I love hidden features. I've been learning about keyboard shortcuts recently."
"...there's a lot of different options of things that you can do in here once you kind of understand the way that this works."
"When you're using thermal imaging what you want is good analysis and report software."
"It's kind of like having Photoshop in an object."
"It's crazy powerful and just the approach, the dot hierarchies, the schema of files, pods, publishing - it's all just amazing."
"We offer a truly flexible solution out of the box."
"NVivo software has more advanced features and they have a community network."
"It supports ligatures, color emojis, fonts, fail fallback, and dynamic color schemes."
"Intersect is available on all of the versions of Lightroom."
"What makes the software even more powerful is continuing to learn it and utilize all of its features."
"Adobe actually did bring us some pretty cool features that I think are definitely worth highlighting."
"This was the 3D Maps feature in Excel, one of the newer charting and visualization tools available."
"The timeline down here is recording every single step that you're doing inside of Fusion."
"The great thing about it that the full version is free and it has many many features and it's absolutely free."
"I believe this is one of the coolest features that this program actually has."
"The cool thing about this pause within Auto patch, it actually lets you pause indefinitely."
"I can work with charts, conditional formatting, custom functions, and much more."
"These are all of the base features, the foundational features that make VS Code workflows and everything that we're going to do fantastic."
"We've not yet got into the most interesting part of Dora, which is the animation path using keyframes."
"It's not a premium feature that you need to pay a license for; it's already there and you can start troubleshooting right away."
"Captivate gives you so much control and so many personalization options that you can really make it your own."
"It's got three different modes: Loft by spline, Loft along path, and Skin Contours."
"Joen is fully procedural, just like every other thing from Yanga Effects."
"What's our app going to consist of? Well, I'm going to essentially want to make an auth modal for logging in, a list header, and some list items."
"Just by having this ungroup option, oh my gosh, the power that I just got by adding that."
"It's almost as if OnePlus gives with the one hand while taken away with the other."
"I'm also in love with the new Work Life Balance toggle and would love to see more OEMs adopt a similar feature."
"The tab support though is fantastic and I really like the key bindings."
"This is one of the features that people love about SAS."
"A lot of people don't know this about Audacity, but it's basically what is going to allow us to export these files into different files once we get it all done."
"The interesting magic is actually happening in these pull downs."
"I would also recommend at this stage to make sure that you've got my three favorite settings on: infinite undos, incremental save, and auto save."
"I think you'll find that Karma XPU is one of the most exciting new features in Houdini 19."
"I really hope this tutorial has been helpful and enjoyable for you and has hopefully shone a light on some of Toolbag 4's brilliant new features."
"I really enjoy the full screen, I like aspects of the inspector, I love the binder."
"You can explore all of these different modules which is really awesome."
"Everything that happens in your account will go through the Activity Stream."