
Staking Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"The bull case is that of course there's a load of people who are just going to stake and just leave it there."
"The vast majority of coins are not locked, which is why the payouts for locking are so high. Only 10% of coins are locked, which is why stakers are making an average of around 40%."
"Cardano's massive upside lies in the number of stakers."
"When you're staking your cryptocurrency you should think of it as a high-yield savings account for your crypto."
"For the month of January, I had 22,000 pre-staked across 11 nodes."
"Staking: earn a significant amount of income in terms of percentages."
"Even today the increase in ETH in the staking contract keeps increasing which means that maybe when these ETH come unstaked more people will just continue to stake and that will offset those pressures."
"Staking is going to be the new dividend, the new passive income of the future."
"Centralized platforms can help us in many different ways, and certainly for beginners, it may be the easiest way for you to get on board with staking and understand how it all works."
"Staking tokens in liquidity pools contributes to the liquidity of trading pair pools."
"This is why Cardano's going up, and if you are looking for a pool to stake your ADA with, check out Swag Pool."
"Adding liquidity and staking at the same time, one of the first ever platforms that actually incentivizes."
"If you have smart chain tokens in your wallet and you want to stake them you're going to have to go and swap them into BEP 2."
"If you stake and you receive an airdrop, you're going to be rewarded because you did something that a lot of people don't want to do."
"Ether is money staked ether is the internet Bond."
"We need 30 of the tokens to stake the necessary Network to get the network working."
"Unlock staking and earn by referring friends."
"Staking for airdrops is the new mantra of airdrop farming in 2024."
"As long as we encourage stakers to only operate to only opt-in to restaking where it is immutable service contracts, you don't have this risk."
"Restaking is this really new primitive that builders should get excited about."
"Staking on the Polkadot website was always a little bit complicated, even though it still remains pretty complicated. Ledger does a pretty good job of making it easier to just go ahead and stake."
"None of this has been Financial advice. Watch out for staking, you could lose what you put in. But we're glad you're with us on the bank list Journey."
"Liquid staking tokens are just like any other token... you don't need to stake and deposit, you can just buy and sell them on exchanges."
"If you're a long-term investor, you definitely should be staking because otherwise you're actually losing out."
"This is not providing liquidity, this is where you just have cake and you put it, basically stake it in the pool and then earn other tokens."
"ICP is burned to pay for computation which means ICP can become deflationary with enough adoption even offsetting the staking rewards."
"Staking really quickly by the way can do either one of two things: reduce your average sell level or just simply give you more returns."
"You can stake this token and earn profits on your staked tokens for helping secure the protocol."
"You can stake and earn interest on your crypto."
"Ethereum 2.0 exists and people are earning passive income staking Ethereum."
"Staking, there's actually rewards for stakers, so you can stake this as well."
"You can earn rewards by staking coins and fiat."
"The simplest, zero effort, easiest strategy to making passive income from crypto is through staking."
"You are just using the blockchain staking mechanism to stake your coins and earn some of those staking rewards."
"JPMorgan CEO says Ethereum upgrades can jumpstart a 40 billion staking industry."
"K9 Finance addresses the problem of traditional staking by introducing the concept of liquid staking."
"It's like having the ability to enjoy the benefits of staking without the long-term commitment."
"Staking works by rewarding node operators for securing the network with newly generated coins."
"Now that I have staked, I do feel a lot more confident in the process."
"The concept of staking is such a cool coordination concept."
"The whole point of Celestia staking and setting up your operation is that it's pretty asymmetric in terms of risk return."
"Staking for airdrops is definitely the strongest narrative right now."
"It allows developers to create complex financial derivative products based on a very simple concept of staking."
"A plurality and a diversity of staking pools."
"We'll also be able to earn more tokens through something called staking."
"We now have the ability to stake NFT, and it'll take us to our staking component of our application."
"Proof of stake pretty much means that if you own cryptocurrency, you can stake your coins."
"I think ethereum is going to hit a 40 to 50 staking ratio over the next few years."