
Siblings Quotes

There are 439 quotes

"The beauty of adoption to me is reuniting siblings."
"Siblings life is more fun with them. #TeamSiblings"
"It's the story of two brothers who bring out the best and worse than each other."
"Sibling relationships are weird like you'll stab them for stealing one of your fries but like also give them a kidney if they needed it."
"One twin is the catalyst for the awakening of both."
"I cannot believe it. You are literally the best biggest brother ever."
"Faith and Kate are set down a path of resistance."
"The story of the Three Sisters is equally as fascinating."
"I want my baby to have a brother or sister... I want to have three kids like home."
"If you've got brothers and sisters to rely on, help out."
"She discovered that the two children were indeed siblings."
"There was no way she was going to let the siblings ever be separated again."
"These babies are no more alike than brothers or sisters."
"Shiv did play it better than the others...smarter than her brothers."
"I've always had a good relationship with my sister, despite our differences."
"Every relationship is on its own. You have a problem with one sibling, that doesn't mean all the other siblings in that family are out."
"Siblings can be tight, but Lainey and I were inseparable."
"It's definitely different. It's way different than like, growing up with only two brothers."
"Griffin's gonna have a sibling that's 13 months apart from him like how cool, they're practically twins you know."
"How many siblings do you have? I love you." (Aww)
"A ticking clock of following these two siblings and hoping that they're able to kind of avoid the inevitability of death."
"When you have that many kids and two parents, some of the children have to take on the responsibility for taking care of the younger kids."
"She continued to fight, and because of that, she and her baby brother survived."
"With all of her power in her body, she went over to the door, locked it... and then she ran over to her one-year-old brother and picked him up in her arms to make sure he was safe."
"She had not only saved herself but also her baby brother."
"He saved him and his sister."
"What happens when you win the 1st place? Are we number 1 siblings?"
"To all siblings all over the world, don't fight too much, love and take good care of each other."
"God damn it, movie, this is like the best depiction of awkward sibling communication."
"I bet their big sisters are excited to come see them."
"You have the best big sister in the whole world."
"A baby secret agent with special abilities must team up with his rival brother and fight against a powerful threat."
"I was terrified but didn't make a noise as to not wake her siblings."
"If you don't have siblings, just know that I'll be your brother."
"I'm honored, did you have siblings? Only child."
"I love my little sister over everything."
"Almost exactly my situation. I was 16 when my little sister was born and while sometimes I find myself bitter watching her get the childhood that I didn't, never at her more."
"Sibling relationships are weird. You'll stab them for stealing one of your fries but also give them a kidney if they needed it."
"All of our children were so supportive, so wonderful in supporting us but also supporting their siblings, each other."
"Steve and Roger: the best brothers in 'American Dad.'"
"Brothers are supposed to protect."
"Why would you ever want your brothers and sisters to suffer?"
"If you can match my plushies in this order, that means you're my brother."
"I challenged my brother to see who can destroy an unbreakable egg."
"But we're all so close, we're all close and it's like, it's five of us siblings and we're all super close, yeah, in our own weird different ways."
"Heavenly Bond has been such an amazing blessing, and I'm just so thankful for you because, I want to be sweet. I'm thankful for you because, definitely, I feel like we've grown as siblings."
"Imagine being a little brother, like you can do anything you want because you know a big brother's got your back."
"No one will ever admit how much this hurts, though. When the older sibling leaves the house, no one will ever admit how much that shit hurts for real."
"Anything would look good on her big brother."
"The whole floor felt like it moved and I was almost ready to call 911. I had to talk to them, tell them everything and try to keep my siblings calm. It was really hard to do both things at once."
"How was preschool? Did you have fun?" I ask. "Can I have a baby sister?" Bay asked.
"It was the first time in NFL history two brothers faced each other as head coaches."
"...having a brother isn't so bad, it can actually be pretty amazing."
"Sure um I was probably like 19 my older brother it was like only 23 at the time."
"My brother finally used his annoying brother powers for good and pulled off his best trick yet."
"Those kids are so innocent, like they don't, and they feed off your energy. They love their siblings so much."
"We are the happiest group of siblings you will meet this year."
"One of the great joys in my life is to poke fun at my brother."
"The sibling relationship in bond is especially wonderful, even just at a young age."
"Twin telepathy is real. It is so real right now."
"Jason and Jaina may not have been quite the equals of their younger brother Anakin."
"Jason and Jaina possessed an equal degree of aptitude yet were primarily differentiated in expression rather than ability."
"Lori can be incredibly caring towards her siblings as well as her boyfriend, and can usually be a great source of support."
"Joseph and Kate share paternal DNA. They have the same father."
"The best thing about having twins is that while they were growing up, they entertained each other."
"We're four siblings and I'm the oldest."
"There's something so cool about siblings."
"Maybe the drug did bring these two siblings together."
"Imagine having siblings that you harmonize with like this."
"A four because I do that to my brothers to embarrass them."
"It's gotten to a point where now I respect my siblings. They're a lot older, so if they feel like they need to be alone, especially Mikey, he's the one that's always like, you know what, I want to take my time, I want to do this by myself. I respect that."
"Her eyes would swell up like that after all her older brothers do not judge for such words."
"Two sisters, as different as chalk and cheese."
"Nathaniel was very happy to get a very serious gift from his little sister."
"That's one of the things I really miss, you know? I went from having an older, smarter, very well-educated brother, you know, as a guide, and then kind of, in a sense, been on my own, you know?"
"The proper sense as a Gentile Christian of being the younger brother and of needing to honor and embrace the older brother is just so important."
"Of the four siblings she has thus far, Alexandra is closest to her sister Dagmar."
"Thanks for being such an awesome big sister."
"...it's like you have a sibling that you just understand you know like I know Kea knows my weaknesses I know her weaknesses we understand each other so there isn't really need for conflict..."
"CatDog's sibling is weird too, there's just something about that band of brothers or sisters or whatever they are."
"You're going to be a big sister soon, Arianna."
"Guys, we got the world's best big brother right here."
"There might be a time when you reconnect with a sibling you've not seen in a long time."
"Beautiful things can happen when siblings combine forces."
"Katy was my sibling partner through the forests of Jamaica."
"The Richard sisters together are hilarious."
"Jimmy will always be the big brother."
"It's their long-lost brother Number Five, he's got teleporting powers."
"Many believe that the same bond exists between separated brothers and sisters."
"Lorelei Smith was the only daughter of her adoptive parents, and yet even as a four-year-old, she sensed that somewhere she had a sister."
"Lorelei Smith and her sister, Lori Stiffler, learned that they had much more in common than just their first names."
"He set a crown on his own head and continued for a considerable time to raid the country with his brothers."
"He's got two brothers. Frederick and James."
"Sibling relationships in general are prized in her novels."
"They had such a great relationship—Judy and her brother."
"Your children's bond may be weaker, having one child followed by a long gap before another child can be like having two singletons. They may grow up to have little in common."
"Her and her brother, now they get to be besties."
"Was this the only time that Ryan had expressed these desires on his siblings?"
"I wanted Ralph to have a sibling. I wanted him to have a sibling that was, you know, Aaron's child."
"I know that they're not here but you know they're gonna love Chelsea and I was like wow the power of siblings in that moment."
"I'm so happy right now. You're the best brother ever."
"She said, 'I want a sister or brother.'"
"I feel like growing up and seeing that certain men, them had older brothers, and because they had older brothers, they had a level of protection, yeah, I wanted that for my siblings, you know, I mean."
"His parents raised three sons, with David being the youngest."
"Her formative years were marked by the close-knit bonds she shared with her siblings."
"They're gonna have the same mom and dad... does that make them Brethren sisters?"
"Love when your brothers and sisters are there, man."
"Aston is no longer the little brother who needs to be protected."
"When the younger brother is a huge creep, of course the elder brother is the same."
"Irish twins, Irish twins, yeah, 11 months."
"It was good. A little chaotic. I mean with so many children my brother has, he has five kids, I have four, you know, it's just us by ourselves, it's a big group."
"isuku is like sunshine in his life he automatically forgets about his problems by just watching his little soulmate brother being happy"
"We both know growing up together was no picnic I like to tease that we never spoke a civil word until I got back from New York only it's not a joke it's 100 true."
"It was just so wonderful to see these long-lost siblings finally reconnected after all these years."
"A glass child's life is all about that sibling."
"I gave birth to three humans who should be best friends cradle to the grave."
"He would have to protect his little sister because now they were a family."
"I did always try to hang out with my brother's friends."
"She's smarter than her two brothers, which isn't really saying much of anything at all."
"Once upon a time there were three little pigs who left their mother's home to build homes of their own."
"You see that guys, that's me right there and that's my brother."
"Sibling meetings are something that we've been doing since we were kids, where we talk about things like convincing our parents to get us a pet or splitting the household chores."
"My brother played both football and soccer."
"It was always family, yeah, but are you the youngest one at this time?"
"You can't borrow my charger. Go ask your sisters."
"'Older sisters are troublesome. I mean, look at me, I have eight of them, and six of them are gods, one is a demon, and the last is Anko,' Naruto joked."
"This is the joy of sisters, isn't it?"
"I feel so good that like my baby boys are gonna have brothers and that they're going to have siblings growing up."
"When you punch your brother but then he starts crying so you act like it wasn't you."
"A sibling is someone who will always be there for you."
"I might look crazy putting these snacks underneath my pillow, but if you have siblings you would understand."
"These three brothers as we were talking to our history they were teenagers"
"Siblings are a precious relationship that you need to protect."
"I think siblings can be best friends and when they are, it really is like the greatest gift."
"The bond that these siblings have with one another is so strong. And just seeing how that plays out was heartbreakingly awesome."
"I'm the eldest brother of the three. My brothers are Steve, aka Lazy Bone, and Stadus Stewart, aka Lay. They're both my younger brothers."
"He's your little brother. At the heart of every family is love."
"No more fighting. Y'all want us to have another sibling and y'all always fighting like this?"
"Being the older sister, I've made my brother do a lot of nasty things his entire life, so we're totally prepared for Fear Factor today."
"Pick a case. I'm a twin and my sister and I, we love our birthday."
"The book 'Siblings Without Rivalry' is incredible."
"Brooklyn is bonded with her other siblings as well."
"Donnie and Marie Osmond, the iconic sibling Duo, have long been celebrated for their vibrant on-screen personas and melodious harmonies."
"Sharing is caring and sisters share. I ain't sharing [ __ ]."
"It's heavy, it's heavy-looking, it shares a pure M Engine with its older siblings, brother and sister."
"Did I ever tell you you're the best brother ever?"
"I have another younger sister, Gabriella."
"Sibling disputes at the store: 'Dang it, I don't like today.'"
"I always wondered what it'd be like to have a big brother."
"It's a really strong scene, not just the drama of this reveal which we'll get to, but because the dynamic between these two siblings is fascinating."
"She's a good sister, she kept on pushing us, she washed up, she did everything."
"I did not start out on the right path as a big sister."
"I feel like it's a really cool thing to be able to collab with your sister."
"I can't wait to see Quincy be big sister, it's going to be the cutest thing ever."
"Wow, there's so many different kinds of siblings"
"And the best part of all, siblings care for each other."
"You and your brother are the secret captains of the unsinkable."
"When they're able to connect with each other on that level, they're less likely to fight, to name-call, to hate each other."
"The best thing about having a younger brother."
"Anything's possible with the Tyrell sisters. They're amazing."
"My brothers are my brothers, my sisters are my sisters."
"My siblings are 12, 14, and 16 years younger than me, so I kind of helped raise them in a sense."
"It's just that bond that you get between siblings like there's nothing else like it."
"I'll always be her favorite because I'm the first girl."
"We used to slap each other senseless."
"Have you ever seen documentaries on the BBC about siblings who did not know they were siblings and met later in life and became lovers? That's intense."
"I always wanted a little brother, you know, 'cause I had two sisters, I had my twin."
"Rory confided to me that the whole time she was there, she couldn't really do anything fun and was stuck watching her younger siblings while Dan and Ida went out."
"Danny was the couple's fifth son, and they would go on to have two daughters."
"I raised my sisters from age 11 onward."
"Bob's sister is three when Bob is six."
"...the kids were finally split up... we really see a separation between Violet and Klaus and Sunny."
"Hey, Naru-chan, would you like to see your new baby brother and sister?"
"Siblings being nice and fair to each other."
"Aza deserves a baby sister or baby brother, and we want one."
"Promise us you will always watch out for them and make sure they don't get into trouble."
"That's what little brothers do best."
"I love the brotherly banter; it's great."
"I love seeing my older children and my younger children bond and interact with one another, it's one of my greatest joys in parenting."
"Big brothers always take care of their little sisters."
"No one can piss you off like your siblings can."
"Fear not, male sibling, you should be able to satiate your appetite by foraging under the couch cushions."
"You really are a great big brother. And you are a super, little sister."
"I have seven brothers and five sisters, all from the same mother and father."
"These little three babies are three females."
"The relationship with all of us siblings is unbreakable."
"Merry Christmas to you too, you adorable pair of siblings."
"I'm the oldest of four, love them to death."
"They are just the best siblings, I love them."
"The new turtles themselves aren't darker or more edgy than the original TMNT by any means; in fact, they're all the perfect embodiments of classic teenage siblings."
"Jordan was willing to die to save her siblings."
"Just treasure your siblings because those shared memories are so fundamental."
"You'll always be my big brother, and you'll always be my slightly younger sister."
"Sometimes we can be hard on the babies of our families, but that doesn't mean we don't love them."
"Siblings can either be your best friend, your worst enemy, or both."
"Big sisters have to watch out for their little brothers."
"Have you ever derived pleasure when one of your siblings has gotten into trouble?"
"This whole story about siblings having to be evacuated due to the London Blitz only to then go on a magical out-of-this-world adventure is very similar to the plotline of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe."
"If your sister hits you, don't hit her back. They always catch the second person."
"The best gift you can give to your children are an amazing marriage and more siblings."