
Pottery Quotes

There are 240 quotes

"This video is part of a series where I intend to gather some wild clay, make a pot, fire it to earthenware in a wood fire, then use it as a cooking vessel to prepare a meal again in a wood fire."
"Learning how to throw pots proficiently, make glazes, and fire kilns."
"The kick wheel is so engaging, it's so physical."
"We're the best of friends and we will be meeting up soon to go and do Pottery."
"Think of a Potter at the wheel each hand movement deliberate turning a simple lump of clay into a vessel of purpose and beauty."
"In the hands of the Potter, no lump of clay is too marred to be made anew."
"The shapes of vases during this period also evolved, with jars, bowls, and cylindrical vessels becoming more common."
"Explore that, like hey, I've never done pottery, you want to give that a try?"
"Pottery plays a huge role in helping historians learn about the lives and beliefs of ancient civilizations."
"It's all about the design, there's a lot in the tube screamer design."
"Once it's the right consistency the clay is transferred to these barrels."
"I'm actually quite mesmerized by pottery, it's kind of therapeutic."
"I absolutely love these Pottery pieces with the blue stripe."
"I always love those colorful pottery pieces."
"It's time to get my hands dirty with some clay."
"Life takes lumps of clay and imbues them with souls on a pottery wheel."
"I adore southwestern pottery for its beauty, I love the texture and the colors on this."
"Lovely to handle, these nearly 2,000 year old pieces of pottery."
"Behold, like the clay in the potter's hand, so are you in My hand."
"Last but not least, my absolute most favorite piece of the day has to be this gorgeous D Simone Italian Pottery piece."
"Thank you pottery, you were great for many thousands of years."
"I'm hoping we're gonna find some jewelry, some pottery, lots of little smalls, and we're gonna have a great day thrifting."
"I'm told it's Romano-British, and it's probably Cheshire plainware or something like that."
"These are really fun. Here we are again at the studio pottery. They look really neat all together. I like those. I might grab this set."
"Most importantly though is removing the slip from this lower section as it's from this part of the pot that I'll lift the lid away"
"I fire my pots with the gas kiln."
"Our earliest levels date to the Halaf period and they're characterized by this just absolutely beautiful painted handmade pottery."
"I love these little pots, you can use them as teapots or creamers."
"Pottery from that era is proving to be a good deal."
"...this incredibly beautifully pulled handle is the handle pulled put on there with clay and then pull down and then thumbed at the bottom there so it's on there permanently that jug is there for Keeps."
"At the dawn of the 13th century, when this pierced drug was made, the proficiency of Iranian potters had reached a pinnacle."
"Shearwater Pottery pieces are now starting to be in the realm of true antiques 100 years or more is a true antique."
"Their Pottery is the stuff of major Museum exhibitions."
"Watt Pottery is really, really neat."
"So ideally it turns into one big mass of clay and refracts my heat."
"I honestly don't think that you're going to be able to tell the difference between the aged vessels and the ones we're going to make today."
"The basis of all pottery in my opinion is the cylinder."
"A bowl really teaches you how to form your shape after you're done making your cylinder."
"So I wanted to talk a little bit about the clays that I'm going to work with here."
"Once all the water has been removed, the rim shammied and the walls scraped clean of slip, it's finally time to remove the pot from the wheel."
"The only way to become really good at pottery is to do pottery a lot."
"I'm using a high iron stoneware clay which is leaning towards the firm side."
"Potters are very good at getting over loss. Breakage happens quite a lot with this craft."
"Perhaps the hardest part about learning to throw on the potter's wheel is learning how to center the clay."
"It's this which gives you the bluey green tones the pots will have together with the iron speckles that cover the pots as the metal bubbles out with the oxygen."
"The base of a pot should never feel like it's been forgotten, its finish and appearance should match the integrity of the rest of the vessel."
"Don't be afraid to do small-scale tests. Don't test a glaze that you're unfamiliar with on one of your favorite pieces."
"When you know your glazes and how they behave, think about how you're gonna be glazing a piece from the start."
"To see any effect at all, you really need to have the piece placed towards the back of the kiln."
"Pottery, wait what have you seen how Pottery is made?"
"Stepping down on glazes makes quite a big difference."
"We must become Pottery based again."
"He was in high school pottery class and he made a very bad attempt to make a bong, that was me, that was my culture."
"One of the truly great things about Pottery is that there are no right and wrong answers there's a million ways to do things and they're all okay as long as that works for you."
"Whenever you're picking up pottery always look at the bottom and see if you can find a stamp or signature. That means it's a handmade piece and it was not mass-produced."
"This piece of pottery was really neat because I liked the southwestern design that it had here on the one side, and then when I flipped it around and I saw the thunderbird I was completely sold."
"We've got some original eighteenth-century pottery here, not a very careful for this stuff. That's basically the color of pottery before Flint was introduced, you know it was dependent on the color of the clay."
"I really like the design of it, and you guys know I am a sucker for Italian pottery."
"Pottery has been doing really well for me coffee mugs the bowls the pitchers the beer mugs all of it has been doing really well so I'm not going to pass it up."
"I thought these were adorable too, the Brewster general store canisters made out of stoneware."
"It's actually a really nice economic unit. And because you're out here on the edge of the marshes, pottery kilns are ideal."
"What if you let clay be clay what will it do? It gets hard exactly."
"All that chaps are lounging around and someone changed and you know it all up fairly pottery."
"I love Polish pottery because it's just so colorful, it's vibrant."
"If someone wanted to buy a finished pot from you, how much would you have to sell it for?"
"I love pottery with cats on it. It's just a thing, I don't know why."
"Whenever I use a new terracotta pot I like to spray off the pot because watch how fast that water will absorb in the pot that's crazy it's dry already."
"Her body was sprinkled with ochre and iron oxide with it she had painted pottery decorated faces and now would go to the next world protected by it."
"Old Venetian ladies with stoneware is a good one to look out for."
"If you do make a potbelly stove be sure to tag me on instagram at bentley house mini so I can see what you made."
"I love the process as there's something so satisfying about creating large batches of identical pots."
"And that more than anything is both the most time-consuming and the most crucial aspect of creating larger batches of pots like this."
"There's something in pottery culture that is like a little bit respectable about recycling your own clay."
"There are thousands of potters out there who do it differently, and they're no worse for it."
"The kiln is then carefully unpacked and each pot inspected. There's always a wealth of information to gather from each firing, as well as some surprises."
"so when we're throwing it's also really easy to stop the wheel if you exert a lot of force on the clay."
"When learning to trim, it can feel as if you're ruining lots of well-thrown pots, but it's worth knowing that that's completely normal."
"Don't throw your Clay Away just re- wedge it."
"This saves you a lot, a lot of money as far as your clay expenditure goes."
"Never throw any clay away, you can always reuse it."
"I can literally pull up the amount of money it costs every time I fire it it might cost em nine to twelve dollars each and every time I load it whether it's bisque or glaze."
"There is no way that several people in the same little town learned pottery on their own with no outside help independently."
"Ken Matsuzaki... took the time to break away... rediscover... a whole different world of pottery... very far from what you would expect."
"Failing is a big part of pottery, failing and then starting over again in order to get better."
"I think a lot of good Pottery practice is just kind of coming up with a system that you feel comfortable when you're throwing because if you don't you know these like back problems uh and it's no good."
"Pottery is pretty chill to begin with and I really like making these. It's a lot of fun for me."
"There's always some loss with handmade ceramics, it's just the way it is and I think most potters you'll ever talk to will be very accustomed to failure and losing large portions of work."
"I want to see if I can make these look they're sort of pottery because they're manufactured pieces."
"The most distinct and unique art form though was the bokero type pottery."
"That plate that she got for free is worth 150 dollars it's a beautiful example it's Staffordshire it's early 20th century um of course blue white very popular and a very very important piece."
"I want the curve of the inside of the bowl to match the curve of the exterior of the bowl."
"This makes doing Pottery worth it when the glaze just oh my goodness Gob smacked these are just amazing."
"By 5000BC, they had developed a complex material culture, most famous for its iconic pottery."
"There's certainly something pleasing about looking at a finished board of pots like this."
"Slips are basically opaque coatings that can be applied to wet clay, leather-hard clay, green ware, and even bisque ware."
"Pottery was my first love, and it will be my last."
"The wheel is a wonderful tool for recording the gestures of our hands when we're throwing."
"There's a real lovely poetry between throwing where you're building up a form through stretching elastic soft clay and then the relationship that that has to turning."
"Clay has a memory, and if you bend it dramatically, it may warp in that direction when your piece dries."
"I'm here with your weekend forecast: 100% chance of pottery kiln opening."
"Let's get started and open up this kiln."
"Underglaze decals and underglaze transfers are going to open up a whole world of possibilities for you and your business."
"They're gonna have so much fun making them."
"I hope you are doing well today; we're going to make some one-pound vases."
"I'm excited to be back on the wheel."
"I'm excited about the new color combination that I just got out of the kiln."
"The widest edge of the slab is going to be the rim or the lip of the mug."
"All right, everybody, welcome back for week three of pottery class."
"Many potters came up with these little tiles here that you can test glaze on."
"Making little test tiles like this is basically how you get a sample of clay."
"Most potters... put it inside of the test tiles for a little bit of a realistic texture."
"This will be a great test tile for celadons."
"He occupies a very special and select group of Western potters whose work is not only accepted in Japan but revered and sold and collected widely."
"Whenever I'm working on the wheel, you might notice that both of my hands are interlocking in some way; this adds stability and strength."
"A pot can have heft as long as that weight is balanced throughout the entire piece."
"And that's it for the trimming; now we can finally move on to attaching the delicate lines that you've heard me talk about so much during this video."
"Pottery is sort of the foundational material on which the entire discipline of archaeology rests."
"Our understanding of the invention of pottery changed with the discovery of this rather undramatic archaeological site called Oda Yamamoto in northern Japan."
"Pottery often gives you direct evidence for how social structure is organized."
"Sometimes, the ancient people will tell you exactly the social significance of a pot."
"There's something deeply satisfying that comes from the sharp angular form emerging from what was just a soft lump of stoneware clay a few moments ago."
"Trimming is easily my favorite process, even more than throwing; I find trimming to be far more satisfying."
"The potter's wheel began being used in Mesopotamia and would stick with us until today."
"I'm learning how to do pottery, I go and make a pot and it collapses, and then I can go back to my pottery wheel and slowly learn."
"While the first pottery in the world was used for cooking, over the centuries the technology evolved into an art form as well as an important expression of cultural identity."
"Does this not look like pottery? This is beautiful, it looks like something from Harry Potter."
"I think we can all hope in all of our lives that we find something that we're as passionate about as Keith is about pottery."
"I'm a potter, you see. The trick is to find the right one."
"I love this little pottery match holder; you can actually strike the match on the bottom of it."
"I love pottery, and I think it makes a home just look a little more homey, and especially rustic pottery."
"Look around to see what kind of textures that you can push into your clay to create some really cool new looking bowls."
"So thanks for joining me in making these perfectly cute, gorgeous clay baubles, trays, anything you want to call them."
"I don't know a lot about pottery and ceramic type pieces, but this is an Italian planter and I love the coloring on it."
"After all that time in the kiln, my beautiful bowl is complete."
"And what will happen is once the tip of the bit catches the clay, the bit actually pulls itself through the clay."
"Pottery is about the majesty of form, and form expresses vitality which we can't have a form for; it has to be found in a form."
"The Mochica civilization, known for their artistic prowess, created intricate and expressive pottery depicting scenes from everyday life and mythology."
"Embark on a hands-on journey into the world of pottery."
"If you like a pot and it's for your own enjoyment, use it by all means."
"Those are my three bowls; I'm really happy with them."
"I like making pots. I know I said I left my dream job, but I got a better dream."
"All of this is places that the glaze can pool, which is always nice, gives you a little texture."
"If you find making pottery stressful then you need to change up how you're making because it's not supposed to be, not at all, it's supposed to be a joy."
"It's so nice to be like, 'I made a lidded vessel.'"
"It's going to be that perfectly and perfect because it's going to be sort of like a pottery piece where it's handmade."
"I think it's fun and for me, it tells a story of when I was glazing."
"It's handmade pottery, and this is one of those happy accidents that we get."
"Making pottery is just being on holiday."
"Being able to do these simple bisque firings as I sleep is a luxury really, and one that saves me a lot of time too."
"Pottery just feels absolutely wonderful."
"I hope you all make some great pots."
"The key component here is to make sure there's no moisture in your clay body so that everything dries and doesn't explode."
"This thing is straight solid all the way through, and if this thing survived, most likely we did a really good job at candling."
"Make sure that you wash your dirty little human hands before you touch bisque ware."
"This is a gorgeous piece of Native American pottery, it is signed on the bottom, I can't make out the artist's name, but under the artist's name it says Sioux Tribe."
"Here there be dragons, it is a pottery piece, artisan made, it has the potter's mark here."
"Sometimes I like to take whatever kind of smoothing tool or rib I have and just once go along the rim just to flatten it and smooth it out a little bit."
"That's how I made a slab teapot with some darts and a hollow handle."
"Doing clay can be pretty dirty, but it's really fun."
"I love this, it's the Longaberger Pottery."
"Making pottery is not just a craft; it is a kind of spiritual training that helps people to relax and cultivate concentration and patience."
"Nothing competes with a clay pot in terms of simplicity and how long it'll last."
"The most impressive artifacts are pieces of ancient pottery, especially figure vases made in Greece and Italy during the 5th Century BC."
"Here's to seeing a lot of great bonsai pottery moving forward in the United States and elsewhere."
"With one gentle movement, this ordinary vase becomes a work of art."
"I absolutely love this type of pottery."
"I wanted to develop a pottery community, and I have done that."
"Make great pots and I will catch you next week."
"I'm so thrilled with this, you can see the inside, I just love the way this glaze combo is."
"I finally got to a point where I think it's complete... I filled it with a bunch of different like pottery elements."
"Could these fragments of pottery potentially hold the key to unlocking the mysteries of Oak Island?"
"The sheer beauty of the pottery leaves the team in awe, prompting immediate thoughts of determining its age and significance."
"The earliest pottery at this site is Killke, which describes the proto-Inca period of Cusco."
"These are all handmade pots and they all have different and unique glazes on them, just fantastic."
"In pottery, nothing ever goes perfect."
"Just when you think Natalie at Remembrances Pottery can't top herself, she does."
"The longer you throw when you're learning to throw, you take a long time to throw a piece. It gets softer and softer. The faster you get at throwing, the more control you'll have because the water doesn't have time to soften your clay down."
"This morning I threw bowls, so I have a whole bunch; my cupboard is full of bowls, basically."
"I got to spend a fabulous week making pottery, teaching other veterans how to make pottery."
"Some glazes just run and melt lovely and make this gorgeous drippy yumminess."
"You can tell a story through your pottery by including these little bits of your past."
"You're creating these textures, these little embellishments, these patterns that create a vocabulary that is meaningful to you."
"Sometimes these pots look great just as a bumpy lumpy rim, and it kind of makes it look more organic."
"We want to have the clay nicely mixed and even in consistency."
"The base is not made of coils; the base is going to be made of a slab."
"Once you have designed your coil pot, you want to think about how big your base needs to be."
"Every day when you add clay, that clay must be blended by the end of class."
"Remember, twist those ends opposite, and it will help a lot."
"As you're beginning to build yours, you need to think about your form."
"It's very important that the base and the first coil are joined properly."
"You could use objects from the texture drawers; you could texture it."
"Remember that it's imperative that you score and slip when you go to attach something."
"Everyone knows the name of Wedgewood when it comes to pottery."
"Josiah Wedgewood's climb to fame and fortune first began."
"He himself mastered many developments in pottery which we now take for granted."
"She plays with sand and makes pottery, and she has a different vision of life."
"I am very drawn to ancient pottery."
"Aluminum's first recorded use was by ancient Middle-Eastern potters who used clay laden with aluminum oxide to strengthen their pottery."
"Here we are, here is your hopefully your very first finished bowl."
"It's a very nice piece for a first bowl."