
AI Benefits Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"The benefits of AI should be distributed among everybody."
"Without a doubt, we will probably be more empowered by AI."
"Large language models have the potential to provide numerous societal benefits such as improving healthcare, education, and environmental sustainability."
"AI is going to make us more productive, going to make it easier for us to be creative."
"Type AI saves me a ton of time and frustration."
"Time is money, and this AI tool can actually save you up to 40% of your time, making you appear more intelligent. And it's free!"
"The single most important thing for AI is to free up humanity from repetitive work."
"We're discovering so much because of the tools we're using, but we're going to need this level of AI to cognitively understand the interactions of the systems."
"Personalized learning experiences have the potential to close the equity gap."
"Elevate everything. Elevate the amount of work that we can do. That's what AI is going to allow us to do."
"AI is going to improve their business, improve their productivity, improve their risk selection."
"AI will massively enhance human ability... like a massive amplifier."
"So my point is simply that, at its best, AI can make the Air Force more efficient, more effective."
"AI basically will amplify human intelligence."
"AI impacts lives for the better and understands the world the way you do."
"Chat GPT is a powerful tool that can help you be more creative and efficient."
"Chat GPT is a way to increase your productivity and get things done in less time."
"The greatest benefits from AI would probably be in eliminating drudgery."
"It's really up to us to use the benefits of AI to help us grow better... it just really depends on your focus and your choice."
"I think we don’t have to wait for AGI in order to bring incredible benefits to the world."
"Understand all the ways that AI can help bring a meaningful and positive impact on the world."
"AI is going to help us to be healthier, happier, more productive, and more creative."
"AI, artificial intelligence, just makes us more intelligent and helps us grow faster, evolve faster."
"We want AI that enriches our lives, that is helping us cure cancer, that is helping us find climate solutions."
"I do think that putting AI and automation to work for us instead of taking work away from us is gonna be the big challenge over the next hundred years."
"The value proposition is undeniable for AI factories... a 20 25 30% difference in overall effectiveness especially as you scale up is measured in hundreds of millions of dollars of value."
"By 2030, AI can improve the output of human knowledge workers by about 56 trillion dollars a year."
"A big upside of artificial intelligence detecting cancer much earlier."
"Analyzing data is very difficult...with AI, it can be less frustrating from a provider perspective."
"To really appreciate how LS TMs help overcome the vanishing gradient problem, consider the relationship between the current and previous cell states."
"We are officially the first generation living in a very long-awaited period where we can leverage artificial intelligence to make our lives easier."
"Artificial intelligence is catching criminals and improving healthcare. It's amazing."
"I think animators will really be excited because animation is a place where they will welcomely open some AI assistance."
"Not everything is bad, no artificial intelligence intelligence is helping us."
"The good thing about using an AI in this kind of application is that they're adaptive."
"AI for the good, oh my God love it, I know me too."
"There's huge potential societal benefits for AI."
"The advantage of AI is the ability to learn from a gigantic amount of data."
"Artificial intelligence will clearly save human lives in the future."
"We want all the benefits that AI can bring but we need to manage it safely."
"It's hard to put in perspective exactly how much time this actually saves you."
"As a crochet artist, it's important for me to understand how I can use it for my own benefits."
"We are aware of the transformative benefits of AI as well as the potential risks."
"The speed of information that you get from AI is so fast."
"AI intelligence has given us everything we like about civilization."
"AI is a very powerful tool; it takes away a lot of the drudgery of design."
"Now when you have AI, you actually have AI to reinforce the strengths of your product because your product is trained on more data."
"Bridging the accuracy gap is about experience, benefit, and value that people get out of interacting with AI."
"How can AI boost your profits? That's a question worth exploring."
"AI can help us in a number of ways, not just in agriculture but science and just a bunch of [__]."
"I definitely think that the NHS could benefit in some areas with AI and artificial intelligence."
"AI tools have been complementary to workers."
"Everyone on every level can benefit from solutions created by AI tools and technologies."
"Time is what is the AI gift to us, so that we can get back to real medicine."
"AI is going to be a tremendous tool for helping humanity."
"We believe that making AI helpful for everyone is the most important way we'll deliver on our mission in the next decade."
"The economic prosperity created by AI should be shared broadly to benefit all of humanity."