
Revolutionary Change Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"The idea that a mass-market object could be elevated to the status of art just by how it's looked at is such a profound rejection of every standard which came before it that we no longer even recognize it as revolutionary."
"You only tend to get the revolutionary changes at the time of absolute collapse."
"We're in the middle of a revolution right now guys this is this is the start of something really big and this is not gonna be the final growing pain but just like all growing pains this one will be overcome."
"If we reinvent these social organizations around these new tools, all of a sudden you have a revolution beyond bureaucracy."
"In the last paragraph of the Communist Manifesto Marx and Engels call for a forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions."
"The world crisis of today is a moral crisis—and nothing less than a moral revolution can resolve it."
"The need for revolution at the roots in terms of living environment or family dynamics may be present."
"If we can realize this -- and we do need to realize it -- its impact will be so enormous that it will make the first software revolution pale in comparison."
"I don't think short-term, I'm talking real global American Revolution."
"It's a revolution that's going to change the world."
"We're on the verge of something revolutionary."
"I'm up for a revolution, but a systemic revolution."
"Dragon is the leader of the revolutionary army, Dragon is the guy that's probably going to take down the current standing of the world government."
"I say that it is imperative that we create a political revolution."
"Every couple years it's nice to have a revolutionary gaming experience that changes things."
"Hope sparks revolution, change, and the ability to pull down any wall in your life."
"An enormous breakthrough, the revolution had started."
"We don't need that revolutionary at the forefront anymore."
"Revolutionary patience, exactly. That's a real thing."
"A revolution is coming, a greater than any size is coming."
"Great revolutions don't come from revolutionaries, they come from guys like the American founders."
"This is revolutionary energy that comes across as chaos, and we're meant to move it forward."
"Strength and flexibility in this revolutionary time."
"It's very important for somebody who is reasonable in the middle to own one of the big social media companies. It would be revolutionary."
"Welcome to the reality... we return revolution now."
"We're not going to conserve... We're going to have revolutionary change."
"Now we are in charge, now there are no governments, there's no kings, there's no systems in place, now it is life as it was intended."
"It's time for you to break up with your fears."
"This could be the next generation revolution in transport."
"By showing who you are and just appearing as a human being and expressing yourself, the more the greatest revolutions in history have been the result of a proliferation of information sharing."
"Struggle is about how we contend with and for each other against oppression, in favor of bringing about the end of the world and the beginning of the new one."
"We created revolutionary technology that's gonna completely change the entire landscape of sports media."
"It's not even an experiment no more, it's a revolution."
"The real Revolution will be the launch of cbdc's and that's what will trigger the real Revolution."
"The Communist revolution is the most radical break with traditional relations."
"It will revolutionize every construction site."
"England is the only country that has redone a revolution."
"Sometimes all it takes is one person with a vision to start a revolution."
"The woman’s revolution is a revolution within a revolution."
"The only way to break out of the cycle is to overthrow the system."
"Is this the revolution... we've all been waiting for?"
"The conflict over the civil constitution of the clergy in July 1790 had radicalized the revolution by introducing an irreconcilable conflict over the church's status."
"This man has revolutionized video game titles."
"This has been nothing short of revolutionary because in the past 15 to 20 years they've developed these medicines that have made huge differences in the lives of people who have psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis."
"We need now to think about what the future may bring, especially the next 10 years, because I think they're going to be revolutionary."
"The revolutionary force in sports entertainment."
"This was now about burning down the old Europe so that a new revolutionary Europe could rise from the ashes."
"2024 will be a year of collective awakening, a year which is much more revolutionary but with a great deal of excitement and possibility and opportunity coming in for us."