
Animal Bonding Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"When I first saw Turtle, my heart was full. He jumped up, kissed me, and jumped right into my arms."
"This horse, if you look after and unlock all the moves for it through bonding, will quickly become your best friend."
"She walked right over and she like climbed up my leg and like went against my chest and like went to sleep, and I was like, you know, this like beautiful little Pokemon just decided she loves me."
"Moose and Juniper have become completely inseparable."
"Bonding and companionship with an animal is badass. When you connect with an animal, you just feel better. You see a connection that makes your day better."
"I now have a 60 pound lap dog... so glad it worked out."
"Goodbye Admiral goujon you won't be forgotten because of you Angus was able to form a bond with other larger mightier animals..."
"Polar bear purrs when cuddling with her human dad."
"Anna didn't accidentally adopt a monster but she did inadvertently become attached to a lion who grew to share an unbreakable bond with her."
"Rosie felt safe and secure enough to feel hungry. She even tried to nurse on Lilo as if the husky was her mama."
"My girlfriend and I rescued a cat and she picked it up and wouldn't let it go."
"I just cannot believe how awesome this mare is, I am utterly pleased."
"Animals automatically have a higher friendship level than humans. I mean, that just goes without saying, right?"
"To tame something is a wonderful thing; it is not only to own a thing but to build a connection with it."
"So as the firefighter continued to dig and look for you know rescue situations, the cat stayed on his back and shoulders and watched the whole team's progress."
"The quickest way to a cat's heart is through their stomach."
"So, let's talk a little bit about trust. You have a dog that you have to connect at that level of trust."
"These two weren't always best friends. When Buckley first came to the farm, he was all alone and only five weeks old."
"This footage is incredible proof of the bond that animals can have with one another in our world."
"Her and Jericho get on incredibly well and it's really lovely to be able to go out on trail rides and not have to worry about having two horses that absolutely hate each other."
"If you want a real friendly llama, get them as a baby and bottle feed them."
"The experience of having these wild cats grow to trust us and like us has actually been really special."
"Nostradamus arrived here the same year I did, in August of 2004, we got Nas and I absolutely love Nostradamus."
"This is just an awesome spot, look at these two, would you look at these two? Isn't that awesome?"
"I like to think that there's enough of a bonding that if you really believe in your capacity to love and let that love be a kind of a guiding light, that they will use that love to get back to us when they want to."
"The more time you spend with them as chicks, the more comfortable they're going to be with you as adults."
"You have to build a bond with these horses, ladies and gentlemen."
"But what's nice is, I believe, that when you look at a dog or a puppy, they pick you."
"Shanti, Lily, and Badra spent the next few years together, not only as best friends but as sisters."
"It's always so nice to see Macho Man in the morning because he's always so friendly and itching to be itched."
"It was the most joyous time in our lives; we got to form a relationship with Stella that we've never ever had with a horse before."
"Oh my gosh, Fluffles never acts like this around other people, other strangers, and they're like you know you're scratching behind their ear and their tail and they're loving you."
"If anyone can earn a shark's trust, it's someone who loves them like Christina does."
"You've got to get a bond with you and the dog because if you don't, the dog will work for you, but he won't work for you half as well as if he really likes you."
"Parrots are extremely social animals; they bond very closely with their owners if you tame them right."
"They bond strongly with their owners and are happiest when their masters can shower them with time and attention."
"That is the type of relationship I'm most excited about having with an animal."
"Nothing can compare to that bond they would have with another guinea pig."
"Working with your dog is bonding with your dog."
"Some days it's just me and Shirley, she has quickly become one of my favorite animals on the farm."
"The first step to starting Liberty training with your horse is to just make sure you and your horse have a good connection and that there's a trusting relationship between the two of you."
"Creating this family pack dynamic... was about creating this bond and this relationship between the dogs so we could all live in harmony."
"You learn your animals, you get to know them, and you grow with them."
"Remember the video, he said dogs are better... I struggle to say that now 'cause I'm very bonded with my cats."
"It's crazy how much they can bond with humans given how tiny their brains are."
"Learning the training game is like having a common language between you and your bird."
"I've had a fantastic day with Hector, he's been such a good boy."
"You gotta have a good relationship with your horse before you start riding them."
"The writing learning skill is very realistic, having to bond and develop a relationship with your horse is also realistic."
"He's the cutest little fluff ball I've ever met."
"There's an increased likelihood that they'll protect you if need be... dogs are pack animals and they thrive off that pack environment."
"Companionship and animals bonding and coming together when they mostly needed to... that's just very powerful."
"Getting an opportunity just to spend time with my animals is so absolutely amazing."
"He's going to be like a child to me, not just an animal."
"Look how cute this is, she's holding on to me."
"Slow blinking may help people bond with their feline companions."
"The relationship that we have with these animals is so special."
"The fact that you've managed to get one to sit in your pocket kind of shows me that you must be the most relaxing guy in the world."
"The hope is they will bond and one day start their own family group."
"They're magical, they're the most people-oriented breed I've ever worked with."