
Jesus's Teachings Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"When Jesus said 'I am the life,' he means he is the very source of life."
"Jesus said, 'I have come to fulfill the law of Moses, not abolish it.'"
"Jesus didn't teach hate, he washed feet. He gets us all."
"Jesus says, 'Don't put me in a room with anybody else. I'm not just a good person. I'm not just a great prophet. I am holy.'"
"Nowhere in the Bible did Jesus tell us that our religion was Christianity."
"He purposefully positioned himself in the light of Jesus in opposition to the staid, formulaic, and hypocritical Pharisees of mainstream religion."
"There are a lot of difficult things in scripture that can really affect us, but what has Jesus said about him that tells us who he is?"
"But Christ said, 'I've come to give you life and give it to you more abundantly.'"
"He wants to write not 'love your neighbor as yourself,' that was in Leviticus, we already got that one, he went one bigger: 'love one another as I have loved you.'"
"Jesus would definitely be talking like that."
"Jesus said, 'I'mma give my life so you can have another one.'"
"We're practicing an inferior spirituality because we only get the life Jesus promised when we live life Jesus's way."
"Jesus said, 'I came to this world that those who are spiritually blind could receive their sight.'"
"Jesus's consecration was centered on action: doing His Father's will, working His work."
"Create a better kingdom unity, a unity that looks more like the way Jesus did."
"Who changed the laws Christ said uh I did not come to change any law not one."
"So Jesus renounced land ownership and joined himself, his movement, recruited many of his followers and disciples from among the non-landed class, poor, sick people, immigrants, non-landowners."
"Jesus did it perfectly and he did it in love."
"Preach the good news of the Kingdom of Heaven." - Jesus of Nazareth
"If you want to walk as Jesus walked, it means never wanting fellowship with the Father to be broken for a single moment in your life."
"They always understood this to be Jesus's teaching about the church."
"Jesus was so clear. He was the king who came to reverse the order of things."
"Jesus stands in continuity, not contradiction with the Old Testament revelation."
"Jesus says to you come, come to me."
"She was impassioned about following Jesus's example."
"The only way that our faith can increase is when we hear more and more about what Jesus has said and what Jesus has done."
"God's Word is supreme; what Jesus said is the final authority."
"Jesus made a claim to be each one of these: 'I am the door,' 'I am the light of the world,' 'I am the bread of life.'"
"The Holy Spirit says what Jesus tells him and what he's heard from the Father and from Jesus."
"I walk today in the will of God, as Jesus said, 'I do always those things that please the Father.'"
"Learn of me, for I am meek and lowly of heart."
"I think Jesus just wants to tell you who you are."
"As my Father sent me, so I send you."
"As soon as you draw a line to exclude people, Jesus goes to the other side of that line with them and invites you to join him there."
"The one who made room at his table for anyone who wanted to sit with him, especially those pushed aside by others."
"There are certain things that just about everybody agrees on: they agree that Jesus was Jewish, that he followed Jewish laws and Jewish customs, that he was some kind of Jewish teacher, that he had followers."
"Jesus didn't teach hate, period. He washed feet."
"Jesus said, 'I have come that they may have life, and have it more abundantly.'"
"Jesus himself said, 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life.'"
"Jesus said there'd be days like this, there'll be days like this my Jesus said."
"The abundant life that Jesus promised is a life of walking in faith and confidence in the promises of God."
"Each one of us is highly needed for this work that Jesus laid out for us and instructed us to do as he did: 'Follow me,' he said."
'Jesus said, "I no longer call you as a servant; I call you as a friend."'
"Jesus loves you, and that's why He heals you."
"Become like Jesus; this is the will for your life."
"Jesus's heart is a heart of compassion."
"Take my yoke upon you and learn of me, for I am humble."
"Begin with the small things; that's how Jesus began."
"Jesus said there are sheep not of this pen. In other words, there are other sheep."
"There is something the soul craves, and it's what Jesus offers."
"I think sometimes the church has missed the entire thing because we get so caught up in man's rules and we forget exactly who Jesus is."
"Jesus was the opposite; he loved everyone."
"Christian Science has demonstrated that Jesus alone reveals a natural divine Principle of Science."
"For the Father himself loveth you, because ye have loved me, and have believed that I came out from God."
"Jesus calls us not to become rich but to give it away to those who are downtrodden."
"Jesus says to us, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life.'"
"I am the door of the sheepfold; I am the bread of life; I am the water of life; I am the good shepherd who lays down His life for the sheep; I am the resurrection and the life."
"We have a lot of evidence of what Jesus's real teachings are."
"Your peace that Jesus gave you, it's peace that the world cannot give you."
"The gospel is that now, in Jesus, the kingdom has come down to earth."
"If Jesus is truth, then we can also trust it when he says, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life.'"
"The accuracy of Jesus's words have been verified by scholars."