
Electromagnetism Quotes

There are 160 quotes

"We live in an electromagnetic universe where everything vibrates and spins."
"The power of the pyramids had to do with electromagnetism."
"Action equals minus reaction, and that means that if a wire that runs a current has a force on a magnet, then, of course, the magnet must also exert a force on the wire."
"Faraday's work showed us that electricity and magnetism are deeply interconnected, two sides of the same coin."
"Electricity and magnetism were really just one thing, electromagnetism."
"It turns out that both the weak force AND electromagnetism come from the breaking of a larger symmetry group."
"The ideas that controlled motion of electrically charged matter via accelerated vibration and/or accelerators been subjected to smooth yet rapid acceleration transitions would generate extremely high energy."
"There can be little doubt that the most significant event of the 19th century will be judged as Maxwell's discovery of the laws of electrodynamics."
"Feynman concluded his talks by saying that Maxwell 'Brought together all the laws of electricity and magnetism and made one complete and beautiful theory.'"
"It looked like some sort of high frequency electromagnetic wave moving through the cloud or something."
"So the induced EMF is always the induced current times the resistance."
"The rotor rotates...simply because the field windings are providing a rotating magnetic field that induces a voltage into the rotor."
"What we have created is now a rotating magnetic field and it rotates in one period all the way around, three hundred sixty degrees."
"Imagine what a victory that was! Someone like Maxwell, who predicts out of nothing that radio waves should exist and here comes someone who actually shows that they do exist."
"The electric universe model is based on the idea that electromagnetism is the dominant energy source."
"Electromagnetic waves come through and it creates a current inside of our electrical components."
"The light is carried by water and is electromagnetic."
"If the speed of light is equal to the speed of the electromagnetic disturbance, then light itself must be an electromagnetic disturbance."
"With an electromagnet, the magnetic field will follow the direction that the electrons are moving through the conductive material."
"I'm going to make a giant electromagnet experiment and I need your help."
"This one simple equation describes all electromagnetic phenomena."
"Nicola Tesla famously known for his pioneering work in electricity and electromagnetism had a deep interest in the nature of waves and frequencies."
"This controls how strong the electromagnet will be, which affects how much electricity is produced."
"The electric force governs everything from the properties of water to the boiling point and melting point of substances."
"This my friends, is an electromagnet, I can't be sure, but I think he's doing like a mechanical multiplexing if that's the right word."
"Electric field, magnetic field, these are all vector quantities. They have a strength and also a direction."
"Physics says it has to do with induced currents and fields and things."
"Electromagnetism is a much shorter range force compared to the other two."
"Andre-Marie Ampere formulated the mathematical relation of a magnetic field to the electric current that produces it."
"These are the solutions, the building blocks of electromagnetism, of the heat equation, of the wave equation, of all of partial differential equations."
"The induced current will produce a magnetic field in the armature with its own north and south pole."
"Hope you guys enjoyed this class and understood the concept of force on a current carrying conductor when placed in a magnetic field."
"The alternating magnetic field produces an EMF in the loop, and that's picked up and can cause a discharge in a neon bulb."
"If you have electromag interference coming at you it's basically light right speed of light."
"...The moving magnetic field acts on the coils of wire and it induces current to be generated."
"Classical electromagnetic theory can describe this very well."
"The speed of light in vacuum sets the relationship between electric fields and magnetic fields."
"Electromagnets are used everywhere; if we didn't have it, we wouldn't even have electricity in the first place."
"In a progressive wave, the electric and magnetic fields are right angle and as if they were locked together, and they move forward like this."
"The Poynting vector is E-cross-B over Mu 0."
"These induced currents generate themselves electromagnetic waves."
"The dark matter is dark because it doesn't interact with electromagnetism; it really should be called invisible matter rather than dark."
"James Clark Maxwell made the remarkable prediction that the speed of light had a very pure dependence only on the magnetic properties and the electrical properties of the space that electromagnetic radiation was passing through."
"You have a magnet like an iron magnet, and you have a coil of wire, and you drop the magnet through the coil of wire."
"The motor effect occurs when a conductor with a current flowing through it is placed in a magnetic field."
"Electromagnetism is weak because the fine-structure constant is small."
"The coupling coefficient can be expressed as the ratio of the common flux over the common flux plus the stray flux."
"This may seem surprising, but the properties of electricity and magnetism are intimately connected."
"Light is an electromagnetic wave which consists of electric and magnetic fields."
"Maxwell unified electricity, magnetism, and light into one field of study - one branch of science which would set the stage for Albert Einstein and his Theories of Relativity in the 20th century."
"Light is composed of oscillating electric and magnetic fields."
"Understanding how a coil of wire concentrates a magnetic field inside of it is how a lot of our modern technology works."
"Electromagnetism is a kind of weird remnant of gravity itself, albeit in a higher dimension."
"The remarkable thing about electromagnetism is that you can ask what happened when physics went through the Einstein's revolution with special relativity."
"Even a single moving electric charge causes a magnetic field."
"Anything that's electromagnetic is a sine wave."
"The principle of every dynamo would come from Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction."
"Electromagnetic induction is when you generate a current or a voltage when a wire or a conductor cuts through a magnetic field."
"What is this invisible force that controls charged particles moving near the speed of light, directs the flow of matter in the cosmos, and creates a magnetic cocoon protecting life from the sun's deadly radiation?"
"I hope you all stick around and be patient for the next chapter as we take these dimensional concepts and now bring them into the world of electromagnetism."
"Magneto motive force is the amount of current times the number of turns that you have in your coil."
"The power of thought, the frequency of thought, every thought that you produce has electricity, electromagnetism."
"An electromagnetic wave consists of an electric and magnetic fields which jointly satisfy the equations that Maxwell developed."
"Maxwell's equations... describe how electricity and magnetism work and how waves of light waves come about from that."
"Electric fields are caused by a changing magnetic field."
"A transformer needs a changing magnetic field in order to work."
"Every accelerated charge radiates light."
"The induced emf is equal to the strength of the magnetic field times the length of the moving rod times the speed of the moving rod."
"A coil rotating will produce the maximum voltage when it's cutting most magnetic field lines."
"A current is induced in a direction such to oppose the motion that created it."
"Imagine his feelings when the differential equations he had formulated proved to him that electromagnetic fields spread in the form of polarized waves with the speed of light."
"The interesting thing is that if you move a magnet near a conductor, current will flow through that conductor."
"Electric field circulates around changing magnetic flux."
"The magnetic field circulates around electric current and changing electric flux."
"It's more or less obvious that if you have a pure magnetic field in one frame, then in other frames you will also have an electric field."
"If two observers are moving down the axis and there's an electric field along the axis, the component of the field along the direction of relative motion is unchanged."
"The electric and magnetic field transform very similar to each other."
"Each mode of the electromagnetic field is a harmonic oscillator."
"Electromagnetism is quite an amazing feature of our universe."
"Electromagnetic waves can exist on their own, travel away from charges and currents."
"It had the power of electromagnetics behind it and yet it still had all the familiar mechanical features of a manual typewriter."
"The E vector is proportional to sin of theta."
"We already unified electricity and magnetism into one force."
"Electromagnetism, of course, for those of you who aren't experts, is really how we function."
"I want to talk to you about some new ideas in electromagnetism."
"Light is composed of electric and magnetic fields sustaining one another."
"Light is a dance between electric and magnetic fields."
"The electromagnetic field tensor, and the important thing about it is that it's gauge invariant."
"Light is an electromagnetic wave and its speed is constant."
"The principle of electromagnetic rotations, as Faraday called it, depends upon the reaction between the magnetic field and the flowing electric current."
"Motors work because of one fact of Nature: if you have a magnetic field and you have an electric current flowing through a wire in that magnetic field, then there's going to be a force on that wire."
"Gravity and electromagnetism are also aspects of our world at large."
"If you move a wire in a magnet, you'll get a current; if you put a current in a wire while it's in a magnetic field, it will move."
"We have prepared ourselves with know-how to produce electromagnetic waves; we also know about polarization of electromagnetic wave."
"The photon is responsible for the force between electrically charged particles and of course for the force of magnetism as well."
"The basic equation for the electromagnetic force is simplified and written down there: the force is proportional to the length of that wire in the magnetic field itself and the current that's been delivered to the shaker by the shaker amplifier."
"Metals are shiny reflective surfaces because the light that comes in from the incident electromagnetic wave is absorbed and then pretty much instantaneously re-emitted."
"Using Fleming's left-hand rule, which states current, magnetic field, and force are perpendicular to each other."
"Maxwell's equations... explain how the electromagnetic waves in nature propagate and behave."
"Maxwell's equations are the equations that describe classical electromagnetics."
"The rotating windings moving in the magnetic field create electromotive force."
"There's a very tight connection between electromagnetism, not just the underlying math, but also computer graphics in general, and art, how things look."
"If you're doing some EM theory, this is like some of the closest thing to magic you will see in the world."
"Light is really electromagnetic waves."
"We have the door open for the interaction between different electric fields of light."
"What Tesla was talking about... you can literally get free energy if you understand electromagnetism."
"The Sun and the Moon... they move around each other because of electromagnetism."
"By increasing the number of turns on the coil, you increase the magnitude of the electromotive force produced by the generator."
"Gravity fundamentally is both dielectric and magnetic and specifically relational specifically and only to electromotive force."
"Plane waves are good approximations when you're far away from the source of the electromagnetic wave."
"The right hand rule is something that every engineer should know."
"The magnetic field is created by the movement of a charge."
"Magnetic fields run perpendicular to electric fields and are part of the same force."
"Electromagnetic induction is the voltage induced in a coil proportional to the rate of magnetic force across it."
"All phenomena involving classical electromagnetism can be described by a set of four equations called Maxwell's equations."
"Fundamental Maxwell's equations link the electric field and magnetic field."
"Maxwell's equations have the full rigor; we take the two curl equations, substitute them into each other, we get a wave equation."
"These are very efficient compared to some of the counterparts like induction machines."
"The strength of the magnetic field produced by an electromagnet increases if the strength of the current or number of turns of the wire is increased."
"If you want to find the field produced by an infinitely long wire, you can use Gauss's law due to the symmetry of the problem."
"The energy of a photon in electromagnetic radiation is given by Planck's constant times the frequency."
"The energy of the electromagnetic wave is absorbed by exciting the electron into a higher energy state."
"Like charges repel each other a bit like the like poles of a magnet repel each other."
"Electromagnetism is the reason that like charges repel and opposite charges attract."
"We have derived from essentially quantum mechanics and Poincare invariance that like charges repel."
"Light is an electromagnetic phenomenon."
"This is a marvelous example of where you have motional EMF in space."
"Okay, so today we're going to go over Maxwell 3D simulation."
"The pulling coil and the holding coil are what make a solenoid different from a normal relay."
"Induction relay operates on the principle of electromagnetic induction."
"Depending upon what type of movable element we are using, if we use a disc type of movable element then the relay is known as induction disc relay."
"The rotating magnetic field is produced by the several relay coils."
"A magnetic field is created whenever you supply power, and that causes the rotor to spin."
"Mathematically plain waves can be defined by associating electric and magnetic field such that they are both perpendicular to the direction of propagation, say Z axis."
"If you know the mathematical form of the plane wave, you know almost 80 or 90% of electromagnetic theory."
"The magic ratio of 377 ohms is the ratio of E field volts per meter to H field amps per meter in free space."
"Maxwell's equations become very simple; wave nature is completely ignored, voltages are voltages, currents are currents."
"All forms of electromagnetic radiation travel at the speed of light."
"I want to calculate the electric field due to an infinite line charge."
"The beauty of electromagnetics is that if you perform these calculations, you will realize that electromagnetism is actually in itself very simple."
"When the electromagnetic of the he-male meets the electromagnetic of the female, if right away, she should say, this is the male, it's a chemical reaction, that's all."
"Maxwell's great discovery that light is an electromagnetic wave."
"We're going to start with just general properties of waves and electromagnetism because you need to have that as a backdrop."
"These equations capture everything we know about electricity and magnetism."