
Existential Reality Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"As our knowledge expands, the world and the secrets that it holds grow smaller, forcing the reality of these beings closer to the world around us."
"If you want to know life, you have to step out of this bubble called psychological reality and step into existential reality."
"In order for something to live, something else must die. This is the way of life, and we cannot escape that."
"Everything in this place we all share seeks equilibrium. This pull to balance energetic imbalances is inherent to the reality within which we exist."
"Consciousness itself doesn't have the problem of aging or depression."
"I think that the capacity to suffer is a fundamental part of being human."
"The universe doesn't give a damn what we want."
"Consciousness, soul, spirit, are fundamentally real."
"Life is stark and simple. It's All about survival."
"Hell is real, doesn't matter if you don't believe it, hell is real, God is real."
"History is the awareness of the presence of the past in the present."
"In the end you don't get out of this universe alive."
"Communication being unachievable and that's likely a very lonely existence."
"Remember that life is finite and death comes no matter what."
"To be a man in such times is to be one amongst Untold billions."
"Evil is an inevitable reality, a corollary of good."
"There is an existential fact of life that when you get up in the morning whether you're gonna live the next day depends on the food you get, the water you drink."
"Life and death, man, like that's what happens to all of us."
"Even after all of that, human beings at the end of the day will always be imperfect."
"We are going to be walking through a world with evil in it until we die. That is just the fact."
"Life is uncertain. You don't know what's coming next."
"If you live a long time, everybody you know around you is gonna die. Get used to a life of tragedy. It's just the way things play out."
"It's already happened. The same way as the battle in the Bhagavad-gita has already happened. It's already taken place. We have to invite the divine and the sacred in."
"If there's anything certain and non-debatable, it's that death is a termination of our physical bodies."
"Some people will try to explain away spiritual occurrences, but the truth is real."
"Whatever you love, whatever you're attached to, is bound to get away from you."
"Your life is not a game. You don't get multiple chances or another opportunity. You have only this one life, and it's unfolding before your eyes."
"The world that we exist in right now is not all there is."
"Life is not short, life is actually very, very long but it's definitely finite. There's a definitive end to it for sure."
"Life is suffering; both joy and suffering coexist."
"The truth of the matter is that unfortunately we are all going to one day part from this mortal coil."
"Reality is what's there, reality remains true when everything seems to fall away in your perception."
"Life is existential, you're alive right now."
"Things are always exactly as they're meant to be."
"Love is inconceivable, not rational and yet fundamental reality."
"In a cold reality where nothing is handed to you on a plate and the utter void where we perceive a karmic system to be often leaves us dried and calloused, we look to each other for anchors."
"All things witness and witnessed about are changing. Whatever they may be, they are changing."
"All people have a death. He will die and Mom will die. You can never face death calmly, but you have to be strong to live."
"You don't need to touch the sun to know it's hot and you don't need to see oxygen to know it's there to breathe."
"Dead bodies aren't scary. They're not. It's somebody who has passed away and their body is left behind."
"Even when you're doing everything right, sometimes it's unavoidable and trouble will just find you."
"Nobody does. We're all just trying to human."
"None of us are going to get out of this thing alive."
"In war, there's only the dead and the living."
"Death comes for us no matter the state of our lives, happy or sad, wealthy or poor, healthy or not healthy, good person or bad."
"Death is one of the worst things that can happen in a life."
"Life is just... these brief moments of kind of peace until the next accident happens."
"I'm dying before your eyes. We're literally all dying."
"The horrifying fact is that no matter what we do, we'll never be completely safe, no matter where we are or what we're doing."
"You weren't born on this earth to have an easy life."
"There is one thing which is certain regardless of whether you're a believer in God or not: death."
"Reality is all we've got until somebody demonstrates something else."
"Sometimes a life is awful and you can do nothing about it."
"Whatever this thing is that I'm trying to talk about is probably realer than you and me sitting here having this conversation."
"This place is fa this is not real but at one point in our life we were going to go someplace that is real and what we do and how we behave and how we honor our Lord here and now it makes a difference."
"Nothing could be more preposterous than to believe any of us is separate, safe, immune from all acts of creation or destruction."
"God is not fooling around but he's real and Satan's real."
"Life is going to have ups and it's going to have downs."
"Life happens every day and you don't know what's going to happen."
"But when it comes to it, we all meet our end."
"Life is suffering by default, and it requires an incredible amount of work to avoid that."
"Gender is a social construct, but it's very real."
"Well, it doesn't give me any extra information to function in whatever I'm still stuck in this reality."
"The world as we know it has ended for a lot of people."
"When we die, we only get one life. No do-overs."
"I'm sure most of you are familiar with the old saying that there are only two things you can be certain of in life: death and taxes."
"The only thing that's real is the way that you're processing the moment and perceiving the moment every single moment."
"The world is absolutely real but it is just not what it appears to be."
"That which borrows existence from you, the ground of appearance, you are not individually. That one reality, you are."
"What is real is the becoming itself, the block of becoming, not the supposedly fixed terms through which that which becomes passes."
"Life can be both good and bad at the same time."
"Everything that has life dies. Nothing on this planet lives forever."
"All there is is now and in the now where you are is reality."
"The real work I'm interested in is how the person mind body is coping with the demands of everyday life internally, their own internal world, how they're coping with their own existential reality."
"One sudden movement in the world of possibility, only one movement to expose our fragility."
"The reality is literally translated into existence, consciousness, bliss."
"Death is inescapable; it's bound to happen to everyone, and there's no true escape of the inevitable."
"Reality is reality, whether or not it's perceived."
"Life is full of sorrow for everybody; there's no free exit out of this life without pain."
"There are certain things in life that are certain: you're born, you live, and you die."
"Life doesn't care what day it is."
"You have choices amongst this giant flowing reality of time that we're experiencing."
"But of course, we can't always obtain the kind of proofs that we would like in life."
"The foundational level of creation, or reality or consciousness or whatever we want to call it, is definitely not an emptiness because it contains within it the potentialities for the whole universe to manifest."
"What is the actual reality of our existence as human individuals living on planet Earth in this vast universe?"
"What is crooked cannot be straightened and what is defective and lacking cannot be counted."
"What's fundamentally concrete is being."
"Our days begin with trouble here, our life is but a span, and cruel death is always near, so frail a thing is man."