
Public Statements Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"I've never issued a statement because I feel like if I stoop to the level of talking about drama, then I'm no better than the drama itself."
"Despite this, on the 25th, Wang Wenbin, spokesperson for China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, publicly criticized the situation."
"Elon Musk publicly comes out and says they should not have done that."
"It's not racist to say don't eat the freaking bat."
"President Trump has rejected white supremacy like 57 times in four years."
"Going on LinkedIn publicly to be like 'this was so amazing and I'll never forget it' just makes everyone else look bad."
"Heidi's public Facebook post tells a perspective."
"The queen said in her statement that the duke and duchess remain much-loved members of the family."
"That person has publicly posted, 'Oh yeah, that's okay, I deserved that.' No, that's not okay, you did not deserve that."
"Trump says a lot of crap, and it's true he does say a lot of crap."
"When you make a public declaration, if you get it wrong, you have to make a public apology."
"That's where things get split with Kanye because sometimes if we agree with what he's saying, do it like the Telethon with George Bush doesn't care about black people. That's a beautiful way at that time to want to get attention."
"Even false public statements or those actuated by malice may be immune."
"I think it's hilarious if the Queen said that at the Christmas speech this year. Like, 'Don't watch the Crown, it's all [ __ ], none of it's real.' But, but it is compelling, man."
"When does Joe Biden tell the truth? At some point you gotta assume that the lack of synapses in the brain... the dementia is going to result in the guy having Freudian slips."
"Practically every word that comes out of his mouth is a lie."
"However, you’ll never hear me blame anyone other than myself for those statements. Nobody made me say those things; I said them. That’s on me, forever."
"I stand behind everything I've said, none of this is an act."
"Britney has spoken to us and will speak to us again."
"Some of the things that were said after that Liverpool game were complete lies." - Bruno Fernandes
"Everything he said publicly was in furtherance of a criminal conspiracy."
"You have to be careful about making statements when you're too young."
"Please move on" - a plea for closure in a public forum.
"These are things that are accusations and I'm also gonna say right now I am not calling him the p-word."
"Controversial not just for the statements that he's made which have alienated a large percentage of his audience."
"Putin describes the wars defending Russians in Ukraine and ties it to Russia's reputation."
"These guys say this stuff out loud, they get recorded, they get written down."
"I think everybody needs to take this learn from this situation and really think before you say things or before you tweet things or before you even feel things."
"I thought that the Oscar ceremony from the start... wanted to make a statement and it certainly did."
"I appreciate his actual response into the situation. I do wish that he also addressed those misleading statements."
"This tells you that I think Evangeline Lilly knew exactly what she was getting into when she posted this."
"Donald Trump is already risking potentially at least short-term imprisonment because he can't shut his GD mouth."
"Vic showed that Funimation published two tweets stating that 'following an investigation Funimation will not be engaging Vic in future productions' and 'we do not condone any kind of harassment or threatening behavior being directed at anyone.'"
"You'll never hear Matt say something like Dogecoin has zero chance of crashing."
"Gloria Schmidt, attorney for the Osundairo brothers, laughed out loud at the continued lies by Jesse Smollett and his attorneys."
"Everybody's gonna nod their head anything I say cannot be held against me and anywhere any court anywhere period. Thank you." - Frank Chavis
"If Lima's gonna get to go in front of four and a half million people and say lies about me and things I've said, then I would like to be able to go on that same platform and correct the record."
"Never say something out loud that you wouldn't want published in The Wall Street Journal."
"It's a very sad world where a company has to publicly say we are against people being dicks to other people."
"You need to make some type of statement sometimes."
"You imagine the chaos if the French president said, 'Only one passport booth is to be manned until the UK government issues a full, frank public apology for the insult of their MPs.'"
"CM Punk, I think, is the first one to ever publicly verbalize any of it."
"You got Aaron Rogers MFL Hall of Fame quarterback talk about I was immunised because he went to a dark room and took some herbs and spices and meditated"
"My concern is the ability to tell the truth... the cover-up is always worse than the crime... Joe Biden says he's not involved yet his son says he's sitting right there..."
"I probably won't welch, but I did say on record that if you get to a million I might cut my hair."
"That's the immediate priority the difference is at least from a public perspective that shape Justine's Camp have said we're going to wipe man United's deck completely."
"He's swarmed by journalists outside of his office in DC and he famously says hold on I have the quote written down."
"Don't underestimate what Elon Musk is saying."
"Elon, when he makes these statements in public, is largely intending to motivate his internal team."
"Every single time Johnny's team releases a statement, if Amber's side is going to release something nasty afterwards, it looks really bad."
"Every time that Donald Trump speaks about the case, he hurts himself. He makes admissions; he contradicts his other stories."
"And it's not unreasonable to think that if Elon Musk is going to be making accusations against people on the internet, he has the ability to check that out or have somebody check it for him."
"That’s why I think she’s quiet, but really she’s also come out and thrown him under the bus with a statement to the telegraph saying that she 'may have raised gentle concerns about whether it was the right move.'"
"Accountability is almost instant, isn't it? In the past, the most ridiculous offensive statements could be made and there was no accountability."
"Magnus Carlson conveyed a clear and unmistakable message that Neiman only beat him because Neiman cheated."
"Elon Musk... one of the only outspoken billionaires who wreck is that potential depopulation is the issue."
"When you make things public, it sounds like a public execution."
"99% of what they complain about are statements Rudy made in the court of public opinion."
"When someone like Ben Crump tweets something like that, is he making himself liable? Are people that made judgments, even the hospital putting her on leave, exposed?"
"All of the statements made by John Lauro on all five new shows violate local criminal rule 57.7B, which prohibits a defense council from stating what he intends to do with discovery publicly."
"The time is now to make a statement and it needs to end."
"I don't care what you say about me if it's true." - (Sophia Body)
"I've not had a single statement I've ever made where I've had to retract and modify the truth."
"Everyone knows that Vince McMahon went public with his feelings towards Bret on WWF television during this interview, but people may have missed some of the finer details."
"Yay has said things that are unquestionably anti-semitic… I would go so far as to say they're at the extreme end of anti-Semitism."
"Marty's allegations directly contradicted contractual terms, public announcements, and contents of emails and phone calls."
"Every time he says... that should be Banner headlines."
"Terrorists are very clear about what they want; we just aren't listening."
"Alex Jones's defamation is far worse and proves that he also believes that making statements like this is defamation."
"You stick some statements out, you get hammered for it, but it is what it is, you know I'm not always right but I'm not always wrong as well."
"Misinformation is when you don't have the facts right. You're saying things that aren't true." - Ben Marcellus
"I think any statement that I've made that was wrong, I have clearly said that we should not make bigoted statements."
"Memo to congresswoman Boebert: What you just displayed is not a damn apology."
"I feel that, and I respect that, but if that's the case, then why was that said on stream?"
"It's so wild how many things they said back then publicly about each other."
"It's important to be careful about what you say because you never know who's reading it."
"He entrusted Mr. Waldman to be his mouthpiece in continuing to defame Ms. Heard through public statements as part of his campaign."