
Player Control Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"The players had control of the story in Legend of the Five Rings, and it was a hell of a story."
"Good randomness includes some degree of player agency."
"We wanted players to feel totally in control of their character at all times, so our model for movement was the Megaman and Megaman X series."
"It's very very important for darkest dungeon that that you were not in control."
"In firewatch, you have some control over your own paranoia."
"Control leads to agency and agency results in player satisfaction."
"You can finally change positions in career mode."
"I want to have as realistic and a save as we can at this stage now that let's put the sliders on."
"Can we force a season change viral blueprints? Yes, yes you can. Yes you can choose when you blueprint an event, you can choose any of the seasons, right so there we go."
"We want to be more deterministic, more driven by player action."
"You -and not the game's assistance- are the one whose skill will determine a big part of the outcome of your play."
"Always honor the player's intent when it comes to camera control."
"If we keep talking about how well like teenagers right now... focusing more on player agency."
"The new point system allows you to choose when you want to play."
"The best feature of this game is that you can save anywhere you want."
"Thankfully, someone at Ubisoft had the bright idea of giving people at least the option for guaranteed assassinations."
"If you're in the post for your true script and you're backing somebody down you have high post control they're not just gonna rip it from you."
"This old system doesn't create an engaging player controlled universe and it enables the game developers to reap all the profits of any in-game markets where cosmetics are sold to players."
"Lawrence's ice card, a player that feels insanely good on the ball."
"Your horse's speed is related entirely to player inputs."
"Beta O'Rourke: From punk rock band to President."
"Because of the 3D nature of the environment, the player had to control the camera."
"The real-time combat starts paused and usually you have the ability to set formations."
"Nullifies abnormal condition paralyzed, cannot be canceled."
"A kink adds different types of hirelings for players to boss around."
"Well, at least we can turn them down in the mod options."
"We have customized settings, so like if there are things you don't want in your game this time like the poo poo or the druggies or horrible people, you can get rid of them."
"The races are the closest the game gets to the design ethos: 'You're in control, and it's your fault.'"
"We're constantly evaluating Overwatch as a whole, improving what's working and finding fixes for what isn't. Our goal is to maintain team strategy while giving players more control over their individual experience."
"I am a firm believer in this idea in games that the players should never be out of control of their character."
"Procedural generation is a great thing but sometimes just building your own lands is even better."
"The Gambit system: giving players control without constant input."
"In Detroit, player control is often retained, offering a more immersive experience."
"Weapon attachments, weapon mounts, and the weapons are gonna be so much more customizable than they were in the past."
"TF would just play... gold card, Everfrost, get another gold card off. Guy can't move for like 10 seconds straight. It's messed up."
"Franchise was built to be good at providing a season in a sandbox."
"It's a skill-based game rather than a random [ __ ]."
"Progression in Warframe feels like being in control of your destiny, always something to work towards."
"I'd love to see a lot more customization when it comes to that aspect."
"The weapon and armor customization system is great."
"It's not your RNG, trust me. It's not your RNG, but the choices you make."
"A new x-fil system solves this. So if you want to just go through a challenge and then leave whenever you're done playing, you can do that."
"It's not just something that's magically gonna kill you through a wall it will very clearly dictate where the damage is gonna be and leaves it up to you to exit that space."
"We're putting in a mode that will let players move various HUD elements around on the screen."
"All of this is designed to reinforce one rule: to keep players in control of the experience and not feel like the game systems aren't doing what they want them to be doing."
"Classic Resident Evil games feel like you're controlling a character in a movie through the lens of the camera."
"Our goal is to create unparalleled tension coupled with deep systems that give you greater control and influence over your journey."
"Opposition Agent: you control your opponents while they're searching their libraries."
"It's really exciting when you do this; it feels like you really are the one in control of your adventure, you're discovering things totally organically without any waypoints or directions."
"Letting a player control the difficulty themselves from within the fight is way more engaging than a boss with more HP, or if you had to select ‘Hard Mode’ from a menu."
"I think the problem is when those RNG events exist in HoI4 and you have no control over them as the player. They're just frustrating."
"Unity's stealth system truly gave the player the control to tackle each stealth mission whichever way they pleased."
"When you give the players control over the story, not just their characters, then suddenly they want to tell the best story."
"The challenge run is player agency distilled."
"I'm glad they're making the horror character controlled by the player."
"Man, I'm glad they're making the horror character controlled by the player."
"You have a moving camera that the player also has control of."
"The customization in this game was absolutely insane like you can customize...everything to a T to build the character that you want them to be exactly."
"I've had enough, I'm clicking knock off right now."
"So now we have velocity in red and the cyan Vector here is the acceleration that's the player input..."
"The player controls the space by choosing where to place the characters within the fighting area for strategic advantage."
"Trades from 1975 to today... since the player was essentially under team control for life in those days."
"Improving the ability of your guitar to stay in tune is a matter of controlling variables, and the biggest variable is you, the player."
"The interesting thing about 13 Dead-End Drive is that you can actually move any player's character on your turn."
"The usefulness of the mad milk is entirely within the control of the player."
"We want our player to face where our mouse is moving in the game."
"Brilliant control by John McGrath."