
Ideological Diversity Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"The fact that we talk across ideological difference... makes it more difficult to create dehumanizing tropes and memes."
"We end up with Western Marxism taking many forms but with one overarching approach."
"Ideological diversity is simply important as a concept."
"Believing in free speech means you believe in the free speech of people that disagree with you."
"Most Americans are not intensely ideological."
"Producing graduates who have little sense of true ideological diversity."
"We need to be able to build bridges despite ideological disagreements."
"And of course we all have our own ideas of how to achieve that, but in the end we want a world that's everyone can benefit from."
"There is a new social contract whether people like it or not."
"But it's always up to us to have conversations with those we disagree with and it's only then that we can stop looking at the world through black and white."
"I think eventually BJP will become too big and the whole umbrella will break, forming a socially liberal, fiscally conservative, and socialist India."
"There's still 10 to 15 percent of the country that's not ideologically opposed in the sense that they will never ever get it but some of them still have questions."
"Ideological diversity within academia may not produce revolutionary information, but it gives potential for falsification."
"I did not come out of the birth canal spouting conservative talking points."
"I'm more interested in having conversations with people I disagree with... there's potential to change minds and build bridges."
"Remember, the left hates the idea that there are other ideas. They want college to be a place where everyone looks different but thinks the same."
"Reaching people who are maybe just ideologically captured or just have bad ideas without making them into enemies."
"Reality doesn't change depending on your nationality or religious, political, ideological position."
"When art is told to follow only one set of ideologies otherwise it's considered problematic, that's how you end up with an industry where so many games all feel and play the exact same spewing the same BS."
"What if the people you're fighting along have different ideals than you though?"
"You don't have to agree with them to allow them on the platform."
"Games are universal, and appeal across ideological backgrounds, at least in the West."
"That's what I love about people like you, even though I don't agree maybe with some of the religious aspects."
"I don't want conservative Twitter. I don't want to be in an echo chamber. I actually want to compare my ideas with others and may the best idea win." - Donald Trump Jr.
"It's just insane to expect to agree with somebody on everything."
"I feel like it's its own discussion that we can have another time but I feel like we have that from within the left you know we're not actually hide you against them we're arguing around the right to trans people or anything like that."
"Unless someone can figure out how to make a system a network of individual voices of varying ideologies who are honest and rational and back up their opinions based on fact and sources we'll see what happens."
"The most damaging development in NPR is the absence of viewpoint diversity... they have diversity of color, gender, sex, race, ethnicity, but what they don't have is diversity of thought."
"I've become a visible wrong thinker at a place I love... it's uncomfortable, sometimes heartbreaking."
"Remaining curious about the world around me, not falling into black and white thinking or boxing myself into just one ideology."
"A movement away from exclusively right-wing conceptualizations of authoritarianism may be required."
"She's used to talking to people who are very ideologically disparate."
"People have a right to believe what they want to believe."
"We don't agree with every thought. Just because something is spoken of by a person and you may agree with some things that they may say doesn't mean that you endorse every ideology that they have."
"Diversity reigns supreme as long as it's not that pesky diversity of thought."
"Never go with people who just align with your philosophy and ideology and make you feel good."
"When we understand that we all may have different ideals we will find that we have an undeveloped correspondent in ourselves to every ideal."
"The key to defending free speech is defending speech that you don't agree with. That is the whole point."
"The support for anyone who's interested in a real initiative to oppose the status quo is going to come from people who are either apolitical or who are right-wing."
"We all have the ups and downs. The downs make the ups so good."
"You have to agree with the speech and protect the speech you disagree with the most."
"Diversity does need to be in ideology."
"Gender studies is not an ideology; there are many debates about how best to define gender."
"We're beyond that... it's not about some club or some type of initiating people into some club of leftism or some club of whatever. Literally, my thing is freedom."