
Religious Law Quotes

There are 113 quotes

"On July 16th, Pope Francis issued a bombshell of a law titled Traditionis Custodes. It placed restrictions on the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass."
"If the seal of God is in His law, as the Bible says, then which law out of the Ten Commandments contains the seal? It's the fourth commandment about the seventh-day Sabbath."
"Eventually, we're going to unite with the papacy to enforce a national Sunday law."
"Thou shalt not kill. They're all based off the 10 Commandments as a basic standard."
"In Leviticus 18:21 and Deuteronomy 12:30, the Torah contains a number of in-laws forbidding child sacrifice and human sacrifice in general."
"No one is above the law of God, so God is actually describing them in this way."
"The law of Elohim is perfect, converting the soul. The testimony of Yahuwah is sure, making wise the simple."
"The Sabbath was a weekly holy day, part of the ceremonial law given at Mount Sinai."
"If it's allowed under the law of God, then it would have to be considered moral."
"These laws are for us today, living in the 20th century. There is not one command or one prohibition in the Quran that is out of date."
"It will be declared that men are offending God by the violation of the Sunday Sabbath, that this sin has brought calamities which will not cease until Sunday observance shall be strictly enforced."
"God's law cannot be changed. It's holding just and it's good. Wonderful."
"He's not saying that their tradition destroys the law altogether. He's telling them that their tradition is leading them to interpret and practice the law incorrectly."
"The Sharia is the ultimate weapon in which to control the people."
"God's law demands that you protect and preserve human life."
"Many Christians are seeing that and going God calls this law good. These are righteous statutes."
"Culture only plays a role where the sharia is silent; when the sharia has explicit matters, then culture is put aside."
"The sign between us and the Most High: his laws."
"The law of faith says love God, love each other. It's about intentions, not just external actions."
"He also created Madwana, which is a law based on Quranic principles that grants extra rights to women in cases of divorce and property ownership."
"Jesus followed the Jewish law, and Muslims uphold the law."
"Islamic law is called sharia, which means path to water."
"Nor shall you bring an abomination into your house lest you be doomed to destruction like it, and you shall utterly detest it." - Deuteronomy 7:26
"Jesus said this specifically I did not come to abolish the law for not one tittle shall pass from the law they tell all things be fulfilled."
"Sharia is a comprehensive guidance that God has given for Humanity to bring Justice and peace to the society."
"Death knows you're not perfect, therefore the law is Holy and the Commandment holy and just and good."
"The formal declaration by the church that someone is a heretic is a legal ruling."
"The issue is, if people take matters into their own hands and supposedly commit justice for Islam against a blasphemer, that's not necessarily out of line under Islamic law."
"Helps us to visualize how quickly and easily this can happen in the future with religious laws in the interest of the public good."
"No religious assembly is legal without His presence and His transaction."
"We have to return to law statutes and commandments of the Most High Yah."
"The penalty for being a false prophet was death."
"Imagine this real quick, imagine if everyone on Earth followed the Ten Commandments of God. Divorce? No more. Abortion? No more access to safe healthcare."
"God's law as a part of the everlasting covenant is a true gift indeed." - "His will and his law are one. God says that right is right because it describes the best possible relationships."
"God's law is eternal it cannot be changed they are a transcript of God's character." - "So praise the Lord, the laws were supposed to protect the people and bless the people."
"Whosoever committed sin transgresseth also the law."
"God has put rules in place that when you follow His laws, the blessing that's going to come is not just limited to the individual performing or participating in the blessing."
"Laws need to reflect the laws of God. Without that, you can create laws that just protect the people even if they're kind of immoral."
"Sin isn't just doing something bad, it's going against God's laws."
"Any kind of intervention with Muslim personal law is considered singling them out, which is a horrendous practice."
"If that's what people mean, does Islam allow this kind of thing? No, it doesn't. Of course, there should be no controversy here. It does Islam allow this kind of thing, whatever existed in the West for 400 years."
"He will replace the laws of God with a different set of laws, laws that will feel Christian but will not be rooted in the laws of God revealed in scripture."
"Every time we see references of the prohibitions on sacrificing children... it's connected in Leviticus 20 verses 1-6."
"He who justifies the wicked is an abomination before the Lord."
"You love the laws of God and you will experience the peace of God in every facet of your life."
"If it's in the book, it is in the book. There is no commandment whatsoever in all of the Torah and all the prophets that says, 'Do not use this name.'"
"In Islam, a daughter receives less inheritance than a son."
"The moral structures of the Ten Commandments provide the grounding for a social fabric."
"If you keep those man-made laws and break God's Ten Commandments, you will receive the mark of the beast."
"The New Covenant does not abolish the Ten Commandments; it reaffirms our obligation to it."
"Afghanistan: Taliban adopts full Sharia law."
"You cannot show me that within our books of fatwa or Akida. Something like that is permissible is absolutely Haram."
"Get rid of all the things that are in opposition to the Sharia"
"We have a new law, an eternal, incontrovertible, unchanging law: 'Bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.'"
"The law of Moses was given to Israel, not to the Gentiles, not to the church. It was never intended as a means of salvation, but to reveal the holiness of God and provide a rule of conduct for Old Testament saints."
"You can only divorce twice. The third time she cannot get back to you unless she marries someone else and has an opportunity to compare you with someone else."
"Allah curses those who do halala, where people divorce one, two, three times, and they want to get back."
"...the church as a whole doesn't understand the fact that we are under grace. Grace is all about supply and law is all about demands."
"The majority of the fuqaha hold the opinion that al-qaza is only disliked. It's not haram but it's just disliked."
"Change your mind, transformation, present God's laws, presentation; only way you get salvation."
"The law of God is fully intact, was not cancelled or abolished by any stretch."
"The notion that medicine per se is a contravention of Hashem's will is absolutely against Halacha."
"The demand of all of the laws in the Torah could be fulfilled by what he called the great command: that we are to love God and love others."
"The law of prayer is the law of belief."
"The Ten Commandments are a reflection of God's character, which is just."
"We can't say this is halal or this is haram without evidence."
"Therefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy and just and good."
"The Sharia is pure rahma; Allah has no desire to impose encumbrances on His slaves."
"Making divine portraits is expressly forbidden according to the Ten Commandments of the Book of Exodus."
"The Shulchan Aruch was adopted almost universally as the definitive code of Jewish law."
"The beer still remains Haram and the mango juice is permissible."
"God didn't just give them the law... He gave them the sacrificial system because He wanted to show them they couldn't keep the law perfectly."
"It's all in the head. Once you see that the Torah put us over here and gave us the 613 Commandments, you begin to love what you do."
"The law shall not perish from the priest, nor counsel from the wise, nor the word from the prophet."
"This shall be a permanent statute for you: in the seventh month, on the tenth day of the month, you shall humble yourselves by fasting."
"Jewish law never distinguished between men and women in the world of the prophets."
"The first five books of the Old Testament are known as the Law."
"The law of Yahuwah is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of Yahuwah is sure, making wise the simple."
"The Sabbath was the one of the Ten Commandments that was left out of the new law."
"No one in his own time drew his portrait or carved his likeness, for graven images were forbidden under Jewish law."
"If the Noahide follows the laws of Noah because God said so, not only is he considered one of the righteous and wise among the nations, but also he has a share of the world to come."
"The true orthodoxy is an orthodoxy that regards Halacha as a system of law that is constantly growing, constantly re-evaluating the situation, constantly readapting itself to changes in society."
"It's lawful to do good on the Sabbath."
"God placed the meaning of the feast in the law of Moses and prophesied that these things would surely take place."
"God atoned both for these first Saints who justified the righteous and condemned the wicked, and all the saints who come after them who follow the law as interpreted by the teaching of the ancestors."
"The law commands us to love, to love God and each other."
"The Sabbath is a part of the Decalogue—the Ten Commandments."
"Indeed this is one of the most controversial questions in Islamic law."
"The Messiah being crucified... was predicted or it was already laid out in the law in Exodus about the sacrificing of the lamb."
"My soul is continually in my hand: yet do I not forget thy law."
"There is every reason from the Quran itself to say that we should not have a penalty for blasphemy."
"Every man shall give a ransom for his soul unto the Lord... that there be no plague among them when thou numberest them."
"Abraham obeyed my voice, guarded my charge, my commandments, my laws."
"The commandments are eternal, forever."
"We are ready to die rather than transgress the laws of our fathers."
"Out of Zion comes forth the Torah and the word of Yah from Yerushalayim."
"The law of Moses was a preparatory gospel that included the principles of repentance, baptism, remission of sins, and the law of carnal commandments."
"No one can live the law of God without ministering to others."
"We're gonna keep these laws, we're gonna do what God said to do."
"The Hebrew Yeshua is actually upholding Torah."
"We have a written law that God gave to Moses on Mount Sinai and an oral law that he gave to explain the commandments."