
Cyber Attack Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"A comprehensive Cyber attack would bring to a complete halt to power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole."
"The virus records 30 days of normal centrifuge operation... then when Stuxnet attacks, it plays back the pre-recorded data so operators on the outside can't see the infection raging within."
"I think it was an intentional cyber attack manipulating the control systems and the engines of the ship itself."
"This, then, isn't just a virus; this is a piece of expertly choreographed espionage."
"This is a big attack. They have crippled a lot of businesses or at least put them in a position where they feel they can't operate."
"Our critical infrastructure is being attacked."
"Gas prices are expected to rise following a ransomware attack."
"In June 2017, Cyberpunk 2077 was cyberpunked by some real-life cyberpunks."
"But now as many African leaders have refused to work with the West, it has decided to attack Africa's undersea internet cable."
"Implications of having a gigantic account like this taken over are much worse than a simple scam."
"They took down the main website of the Russian military just with various ddos attacks like that's it."
"Lazarus, the coding hack, is very pertinent to this story because they targeted a lot of global banks."
"The hackers then increased the amount of sodium hydroxide being distributed into the water supply."
"We are Anonymous now. Today we are a direct threat to all European Banks. You will soon be witnessing the most powerful Cyber attack in recent history of the world. Be prepared because when we strike it, it will be too late to make amends."
"One of the more common ones you'll see now is perhaps an ICMP or a ping flood... that server your victim unavailable to respond... it'll be just too busy, it'll be bogged down, it'll be hosed."
"Sending a packet with the RST flag set can disrupt BGP sessions momentarily."
"The government of Vladimir Putin was behind the hacks of our institution." - Democratic Representative
"Every cyber attacker around the world will be looking at this conflict so closely."
"An attacker has placed malicious code on a local coffee shop website in the hopes of infecting systems from a nearby manufacturing company. Which of the following would best describe this attack? Watering Hole, Tailgating, Impersonation, Dumpster Diving, or Logic Bomb?"
"Their cyber attack combined the emotional maturity of a petulant child with the resources of a nation state."
"They in fact called this specific attack DN espionage, which I think is a fantastic name for it."
"JBS USA paid a ransom equivalent to 11 million dollars after it fell victim to a Cyber attack."
"It was a very significant attack. It was rampaging through the network. Their computer systems were basically debilitated and they ultimately had to make a decision quickly to effectively unplug from the internet." - Tony Lewis
"It was clearly a very well resourced group. One of the pieces of malware had hard-coded into it the names of thousands of different Sony Pictures computer workstations." - Tony Lewis
"Whoever launched this attack, they opened up the box. They demonstrated the capability and the desire to do so."
"North Korea's hackers launched the biggest cyber attack in history."
"15,000 of their endpoints were disabled by, by a Shamoon, right? So this is a, you know, a huge loss. I mean, Merck & Co. was another one. Merck & Merck & Co. was 1 billion loss, 1 billion. It's huge. And this is only going to get worse."
"Suspected Russians attacked Ukraine's power grid and took the capital city's electricity out. That made the whole city go dark."
"They'll grab the stuff off of them and they'll encrypt those."
"You can assume that all these usernames and passwords are now in the hands of whatever attacker that got into this computer."
"On the 4th of May 2000, email users across Hong Kong began to receive a strange message in their inboxes, seemingly a love note from someone they knew."
"The Sony hack wasn't just about Sony anymore; it was a national security incident, an international crisis, and a sneak preview at the future of cyber warfare."
"Some believe the real goal of WannaCry was to create chaos, disrupt our lives, destroy our sense of well being."
"Local storage is susceptible to cross-site attacks."
"It's important to focus on identifying and eliminating attacker-controlled authentication."
"When this attack actually happened, it was completely unprecedented."
"An explosive Cyber attack has just hit America."
"It started with a YouTube message to Scientology on January 21st, 2008, and was followed by distributed denial-of-service attack, prank calls, black faxes, and other methods."
"The moonlight maze, one of the earliest forms of major infiltration where hackers penetrated American computer systems."
"Titan rain, hackers were able to infiltrate several computer networks including those at NASA and Lockheed Martin."
"The elevation of privilege and getting to an administrative account is something all attackers want to do because of the capabilities that account brings."
"A DDoS attack is a malicious attempt to disrupt normal traffic by flooding a website with large amounts of fake traffic."
"They're threatening the victims' employees and customers so if the victim doesn't pay, they'll actually start attacking the employees and customers of the victim company."
"This in fact was probably three maybe four individuals, one of whom was the real technical mastermind behind it."
"These attacks turned out the lights and turned off the heat in the middle of the Eastern European winter as the lives of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian men, women, and children went dark and cold."
"If I am an attacker and I know that using a URL I can change data, I can change information of someone, or I can perform a specific action such as execute a wire transfer."
"Russia was engaging in an unprecedented and broad scale attack on our election and our democracy."