
Spreadsheet Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"It was the first time I really saw the power and the beauty and the magic of what a spreadsheet can do."
"Conditional formatting is quite nice for archiving your expenses, highlighting those that stand out."
"You can specify larger data bars to represent larger numbers, making it easier to identify key components within your spreadsheet."
"Columns function: counting columns dynamically."
"VLOOKUP tells us it's in the second position. Is that not totally cool?"
"Formulas and functions are what make a spreadsheet so powerful."
"We could use a VLOOKUP to do this."
"You can only edit the formula in that first cell."
"The beauty of working with any kind of spreadsheet or workbook is being able to do those mathematical calculations."
"Your cells can hold three things: they can hold text, numbers, or formulas."
"That's going to make life a lot easier for you in a lot of different situations."
"The scenario manager allows you to plug different sets of values into the same cells in your spreadsheet and then actually create a report that compares them."
"We're going to use this Excel spreadsheet to compare sales totals to commission fees."
"If you go back to your Source data, nothing is updated. But let's say it does, for example, some of the number of tickets sold change, and you'll see this will change the total."
"This is now adding it to the spreadsheet. Now that it's added it to the spreadsheet, I get the question would you like to know our store hours. This is the Boolean question, and here I'll say yes."
"So, I'm gonna go select that data in that cell. You go up to formula, gonna sum above. I click on OK, and you can see there's a new number in there."
"Now that we have selected this given cell, we can do a number of important things."
"...you can use formulas to combine cells..."
"So what makes Excel powerful is cell referencing."
"Wouldn't it be cool if you could reference the slic Selections in formulas?"
"And essentially, it's basically the output that looks like an Excel spreadsheet."
"Create an Excel-like experience so I can go ahead and perform full CRUD operations on my data table."
"Let me go ahead and close this let's go back here and let's take a look at this additional resources vlookup on multiple columns and return text."
"Hack number six is to autofill cells across sheets."
"Hack number seven is to add conditional formatting."
"Conditional formatting is a way to highlight a cell a specific color based on parameters that you give it."
"In Google Sheets, the way you would note this is you would type the first cell reference, so H2, and then instead of typing the word 'through,' you just use a colon."
"The main file that is absolutely core to your survey is your spreadsheet."
"This course is for anyone who's looking to take their knowledge of Google Sheets to the next level by learning to manage their sheets with features like sorting, filtering, inserting charts, and even building pivot tables and pivot charts."
"We're also going to learn advanced functions, like VLOOKUP, Some if, and even average, if."
"Index and match can be some of the most powerful functions in Excel."
"A macro is not just about assigning or adding string values to cells we can apply formatting as well."
"You can reset all the controls in one go, which is extremely powerful and makes your formulas look a lot cleaner."
"Don't be intimidated by [spreadsheets]. It's just some simple formulas and helps you manage your data."
"Now I'm going to change the first six columns on the as50a tab outputs to be user outs."
"What this does is it takes this python list and it attaches it, it appends it to your sheet."
"We are selecting the entire column of weights."
"This spreadsheet served me very well for 15 years so it should serve you very well for 15 years as well."
"Let's use Conditional Formatting to highlight the active row."
"So what that says is, if the column equals the active cell's column, and 'COL' in this case is what we use to say the column of the active cell, then this formula becomes true, and when the formula is true, we're going to format in this fill color, this light pink."
"The AND formula will highlight the active cell, and the OR formula, if you remember Level 4, will highlight the row or column."
"To make the header row visible even when you scroll down, we can use the freeze pane feature in Ms Excel."
"Using spreadsheet formulas efficiently can save you time and simplify calculations."
"Simplify your calculations and save time by using spreadsheet shortcuts and formulas."
"If you have any questions on using the spreadsheet, leave me a comment below or feel free to shoot me an email. I'm happy to help."
"If you're interested in joining the master plan to get access to this budget spreadsheet, 10 out of 10 recommend."
"...it's sorted by date so all these numbers are a bit more scattered around. So now you can see how useful that scale is where we can just very easily see where the highest number is and the lowest numbers are based on their colors."
"So that's how you do a weighted average and that's how you do your average, average if, and average if s functions in google sheets."
"Freeze panes allows you to keep a portion of the sheet visible while you scroll through the rest of the sheet."
"If only there is a way that we can go ahead and put these sheets on top of each other so that everything we write will go ahead and bleed onto the other sheets, luckily Excel has a built-in function just like that."
"What it does is it Stacks them on top of each other and everything you write within the sheet will go ahead and bleed onto the second one."
"Always go ahead and be sure to run a spell check on your spreadsheets and pick columns that you know have misspelled words or they do not have names and abbreviations because those will have a spelling error."
"Selecting columns and rows is dead easy: control space selects a column and shift space selects a row."
"Control A will select a contiguous range of cells."
"Objects can be images, charts, shapes, form controls, smart art - basically anything that floats above the grid."
"If you hold down shift at the same time and then left click and drag, it will insert that row when you release the mouse."
"Control 1 will open the format pane."
"Control and then the semicolon and that enters the date."
"...I can just hit enter and it's going to calculate without the need for control shift and enter."
"That's how you can go and fill in the spreadsheet quite quickly."
"Nothing in the spreadsheet is protected, so once you get comfortable, make it your spreadsheet, play with it, and get a sense of these are the things that drive value."
"Let's load this first sheet so I click on the sheet and here I have all the different columns here as selected already."
"If you're familiar with using Excel or Google Sheets, then you should be able to use some of these functions."
"What we've done is to take what everybody already knows in terms of the spreadsheet model and add in the capability to express uncertainty in their spreadsheets."
"Once you have this right here, now you have a financial spreadsheet showing you what's going on with your money."
"Microsoft claims that this is the industry-leading spreadsheet software program."
"I'm gonna show you how I built a custom spreadsheet that builds the quote for you and does all the calculations for you."
"The first thing I want to show you is that I am getting this data in an external spreadsheet."
"The new FMEA was developed so that it could be used with a spreadsheet."
"We're going to say F23 times G23."
"We're going to write down here 'total' and we're going to select this cell, we're going to right-align and make it bold."
"We've covered concept of columns, rows, we covered concept of cell which is an intersection of columns and rows."
"It works like a spreadsheet, so you'll find all the features and the formulas that you already know and are comfortable with."
"I track it over time and I average it all out on a spreadsheet."
"Read sheet data and convert it into json."
"Control Shift Enter is us telling Excel that that's a special array function."
"That's how we can use the INDIRECT function to reference different sheets of a book, a very powerful example."
"The reason why you want to have a formula here instead of just typing in the sum of these numbers is because if we were to change one of these, it would automatically update this total."
"These are the standard formulas for a neural network and we'll implement them in our spreadsheet."