
Spreadsheets Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"A spreadsheet has become kind of the Swiss Army knife of building applications."
"The spreadsheets give me power. I'm pretty sure 90% of my strength comes from spreadsheets."
"Spreadsheets are like gold, like chef's kiss, they are the pinnacle of organization and I will die on this hill."
"Spreadsheets: The backbone of modern data analysis and business decision-making."
"I love building spreadsheets to help present this data to you."
"Templates are a great way to reuse spreadsheets that you've spent a lot of time formatting and that you need to use for certain tasks."
"Now we don't have to go find different spreadsheets and different workbooks for the same information, it's all in one spot."
"There is nothing more exciting than spreadsheets."
"I used to have to make these numbers on an excel spreadsheet match, and I would do whatever it takes to make a match so I could just be done for the day."
"As somebody who loves spreadsheets, oh well, that's just the thing, isn't it?"
"A pandas data frame is the equivalent of an Excel spreadsheet."
"If you have a mission-critical spreadsheet, this is the moment to consider using this."
"Spreadsheets are a great tool to start with, however not always you get data in spreadsheets."
"Named ranges make your spreadsheets a lot easier for not only yourself but other people to interpret and understand."
"...but my guess is that if you keep watching, you'll learn about budgeting and a little bit about spreadsheets along the way too."
"I'm a spreadsheet guy. I kind of run through spreadsheets and pricing on everything."
"Spreadsheets are often the unsung heroes of the data world."
"Luckily, spreadsheets can make calculations more enjoyable."
"Their idea was to visually display all of the inputs on the surface of the spreadsheet, build a formula, and then when I change it... instantly everything updates."
"We renamed Sheet 3 'New Vehicles'."
"When you think about buying spreadsheet software, of course the first thing you think about is Lotus 1-2-3."
"There's a whole new generation of spreadsheet programs which provide new levels of functionality and power."
"Spreadsheets are the best programming language that has ever existed in the history of programming languages."
"Spreadsheets are code. Spreadsheets are a programming language."
"I made a Turing machine in spreadsheets using only formulas."
"Relational databases are so similar in spirit to spreadsheets but they are implemented in software."
"In its simplest form, Excel is a spreadsheet application capable of analyzing data in tabular form."
"Using a spreadsheet can be very, very valuable."
"They allow you to just build what it sounds like: spreadsheets of the gear in your show."
"Like spreadsheets, you can also visualize your information with pivot tables and charts."
"Spreadsheets are, I would say, as a self-employed person, probably the most important business tool that you're going to have to learn how to use."
"I have a cup with 'I love spreadsheets' written on it for a very good reason."
"A spreadsheet is just made up of a grid of little boxes."
"Personally, I really enjoy using these spreadsheets because I find it helpful for me to keep track of all my investments in a single place."
"The idea of a named function is basically a way for us to create a new function in our spreadsheet without using any programming."
"We're going to create a function called MLOOKUP, and the idea here is that this is a lookup that allows you to get multiple matches."
"Spreadsheets will give us a whole lot more power and a lot more options to be able to do some great things."
"You can use a spreadsheet to not only help you figure out what your current product costs are... but then it can also help you determine what your pricing should be based off of ideal margins."
"Some people love drugs; I love spreadsheets."
"So I hope this has been valuable and easy for you to understand so you can go and now create your own spreadsheet."
"In this video, we learned the importance of building spreadsheet smartly."
"Being able to do something smart with those spreadsheets is usually very valuable."
"I work with customers that love to get their data in spreadsheets; they like the interactivity of it versus the fixed format of a printed report."
"For a multiple page workbook, it'll repeat the first row of headings at the top, which is super important."
"Custom number formatting is important in functions like the text function and for creating labels with concatenation and true/false formulas."