
New Experience Quotes

There are 240 quotes

"It's my first major flintlock fantasy outside of Lightbringer, so that was nice and refreshing for me."
"It's like breathing pure oxygen for the first time."
"Dogs come to realize very quickly that when this box gets presented to them their life is about to be incredible."
"Congratulations John, thank you for being brave enough to dip your toe into this world."
"Universal Studios has just announced something really huge: a new theme park experience coming to Texas."
"I never had one of these before, your own room, my own bed."
"It's a way for you to directly affect what Column Glassed and great and I hope you enjoy it."
"Time walking introduced a new way to experience old content."
"As soon as you hear that theme come in that you've probably not heard before like I genuinely haven't heard it before man genuine chills."
"I'm excited for that game. I have actually never played a Monkey Ball. Oh Justin, what? I know, I know."
"APB Reloaded really is just a whole new game. It's just a whole new APB."
"It's a suggestion to try something. Please try this thing I showed you."
"I've never had this before, and it is really, really good."
"Honestly, as my first Kirby game, I am thoroughly enjoying myself right now, like, thoroughly."
"Having someone on here to come talk about bass is a treat, you know. It's an opportunity to do something different." - Anthony Fantano
"Your person may not have experienced this unconditional love especially to this degree before."
"You have made it to the end of the 2021 mega campaign arena. That's right, our journey through CK3, EU4, and Vic 2 will now come to an end in Hearts of Iron IV, a game I honestly can say I've never played before in my life."
"That was my first dip into how horrifyingly painful Doom can be, and then I was shown Doom Eternal Ancient Gods Part One and that's when I knew real pain."
"It's going to be an entirely different game than we've ever played."
"Combat just never feels good as a result, and it becomes difficult to even aim your weapon."
"I'm gonna unbox my first package, this is exciting."
"I'm psyched out of my mind, I can't wait to try it, I know that I want OneWheel."
"I'm definitely going to start ordering Indian food now."
"You're experiencing a spiritual ascension, welcome to a new dimension."
"Well boys not going to lie I think I did it I started a biker gang if you guys enjoyed this video be sure to leave a like if you did subscribe if you're new any hope you enjoyed and I'll see you guys in the next one peace."
"It feels really good once you get used to how this handles."
"Should be interesting... never done this before."
"This is your first time? I'm actually really excited, and that sounds crazy, but I'm ready for this."
"Welcome back to Heroes Next Door. This one's very unique because it's something we've never done before."
"Please give me time, I've never felt like this before."
"This is a complete blind reaction. I've never watched this movie a day in my life."
"Guys I'm telling you this is a whole new experience."
"I've never done anything like that with him before."
"I feel like I'm experiencing something like this for the first time in my life."
"I really hope you guys enjoyed this this is a first for me I've never done any video like this really about like that stuff but I had so much fun filming this and I prolly sky is gonna get a lot of use out of all these bits."
"I'm enjoying it so it's kind of feels like cooking in a new kitchen."
"Getting a peanut butter chocolate chip cookie, something new."
"He had such a pure feeling of joy, something he had never experienced before."
"I went to my first kickboxing class this morning. Never done kickboxing before."
"It's just a new experience and it's something that I've always wanted to do."
"It's always very exciting. Yeah, it's always new and new people. I've never done this one, so it's a very first one for me."
"There's this energy of walking into a new experience and freezing up."
"I'm excited for her because all she wants is a different experience than what she's always had."
"Thank you so much, guys, for coming along today on my first day out in the new lorry. It's been awesome, I've really enjoyed it."
"I'm so excited, I've never tried this before."
"I'm selfishly so excited that I now get to experience it all for you for the first time."
"...almost like it's gonna be a new experience for the first time."
"I've never had that experience before."
"This album just unleashed like a whole new world when I first heard it."
"this was our first time here and so I think we're going to be able to leave it with a great first impression"
"New experience, let's hope it works."
"There's no better feeling than this, especially on a new mini driver."
"You've truly opened my eyes to raw fish."
"I'm so freaking excited because this thing that I'm doing is something that I've actually never done before."
"This is something I've never done before and I'm going to show you guys."
"I'm not going to lie to you H, I'm a little bit nervous about doing this because this is a different kind of video for me."
"Having a baby for the first time feels like the ultimate test."
"I love this. I've never actually gotten to do this before."
"There's a sense of familiarity to it which you never experienced with seth."
"This is not Brighton anymore, this is not Mitch's backyard, this is something totally different."
"Good morning folks welcome back and as you can probably tell we've never done this Fairy before."
"I'm actually pretty excited because this is gonna be the first time I've ever put on ice skates."
"I've never done that night until today, better than I expected."
"I am so proud with how this turned out I would love to take some type of clay pottery class I've never done that before and I feel like it's something that I would like a lot."
"This is actually the first time that I have ever gotten to do this, so I'm pretty excited to learn."
"That's uh, that moves quite quick, oh well. That's a bird. Hello, bird, it's my first Pokémon game, are you happy for me?"
"We're so glad that for the first time our church has gotten to experience Dr. Anita Phillips."
"This is my first time riding an ebike in my whole life, so I'm going to ride off into the sunset."
"It's like a keratin blow dry and um I've never ever had this before I'm I'm a little bit nervous."
"And it's like once they start I think really diving in, diving into that, it's going to be a whole another ball game as well."
"This is like nothing that she's ever experienced."
"It's our very first time doing this."
"I just got done mowing the lawn for the very first time, you guys. It's the first time we've been able to mow and step on and use our new grass."
"Just the first time really ever experiencing anything like that, and it was just... the most, I don't know, just so many big emotions."
"Not bad for her first day in jail."
"Okay this is amazing I can't believe I haven't tried this sooner."
"It's a whole new world that my taste buds have never experienced."
"For the first time in a long time yeah, I'm actually a little bit nervous."
"It's interesting hearing your voice on this song as well because it's a new voice I think. It seems to be singing in a higher register."
"It's a wonderful day to be riding a brand new BMW 1300 GS in Spain."
"I'm a first-time experiencer of The Last of Us."
"Wow. Welcome to our world, Bailey."
"I'm really looking forward to getting stuck in. I've never done anything like it before, but just that buzz, yeah, the buzz."
"Never knew I could feel like this."
"Lush. I've never built a pizza oven before, should be fun."
"I used the new gun today, the GTI pro, oh my god, let's look at that real quick."
"I got my first ever yellow anaconda, which was absolutely incredible."
"It turned out to be a breath of fresh air."
"I cleaned my gutters for the first time. I've never cleaned gutters before."
"I felt loved and cherished in a way I had never known before."
"It's a happiness you haven't felt with anyone before."
"Maybe this is the year I actually try one because something is speaking to me about this instrument."
"I have never owned a Bird of Paradise before, and I just love having one; it is so happy out here."
"It's a brand new fishery to me; it's the first time I've ever set eyes on the place."
"I've never have ever done anything like this before, and it's really like eye-opening."
"This is a whole new experience and I'm super excited for it."
"It's a whole brand new experience; we're both so excited."
"Good morning ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another Sammy Hitzki fishing adventure."
"It was a new experience for me here, I believe you too would have felt the same!"
"It was not a scent that made things smell better, not some sachet, some toiletry. It was something completely new, capable of creating a whole world, a magical rich world."
"I'm buzzing, absolutely buzzing, never done anything like this in my life."
"I can't wait to try this thing out."
"I'm in a honeymoon phase, but it feels like what I've been looking for."
"I've never lived on my own before so I'm really excited to do that."
"I can't believe I've been missing out this long; it just feels so different."
"I'm loving the canoe, the new canoe, the Camp Claw canoe, this thing is sweet."
"I've never had an apple pie eclair until now. It's amazing."
"I'm very excited to give this a go."
"Let's take this bad girl out for a first ride."
"Our album is very eclectic and we feel that it will give people something completely new."
"I don't know if I've ever been so excited, also nervous to hit a club."
"It's like kindergarten, but it's really difficult when you've never done it before."
"We're going to be testing this car, driving it for the first time."
"This is not season 1 and this is not season 2, this is an opportunity we had to do something really cool."
"It brought me joy that I had never ever had before."
"I'm seeing light for the first time; it's super duper bright."
"Lots to do, huh? Your very first day of school."
"Seeing it again was like doing so through fresh eyes."
"There's nothing better than feeling how a brand new bike feels."
"Mangan asked Funu to teach him how to dance as he had never done it before."
"That's exciting; I've never really had to weld anything in the car like that."
"Tonight, I'm going to be making French onion soup for the first time, never made it before."
"This is the first time I'm gonna try this one, I'm sure I'm gonna like it because of the smell."
"I'm so excited, guys. I've never had a kayak of my own before."
"Here for the first time and I love it."
"I'm feeling low, so for those that are new here, we bought our first narrowboat last summer with the intention of cruising."
"Wow, oh that was unexpectedly good, new flavors."
"I'm making posole today for the first time in my life; I'm so scared."
"Welcome back to my YouTube channel. I am so excited for today's video because we are doing something that I have never done before."
"Yes, I have a new taste test for y'all."
"First time trying crispy jko, this is going to be great."
"I've never been a hand stitcher, but I am loving this. This has been so much fun."
"You have just accessed the beautiful experience. Welcome to the dawn."
"It was actually quite a delight opening this figure."
"I've never felt anything like this, every nerve ending in me tingles."
"Not a place one would typically find themselves, except in the instance it was for a new job."
"It's a whole new level of love that you experience when you have a child."
"As soon as you walk in that door, it's a very different world."
"This was going to be interesting."
"I don't think Kelton or Knox have ever had flounder before, so I think they're gonna be excited to try it."
"We are heading over to Cebu with Cebu Pacific and I am so excited, there's another place we haven't been before."
"The only problem here is that I have never done any of this before, so we're going to be learning as we go."
"I'm having so much fun on this, it's a completely different experience."
"This is going to be insane, I can't wait to try it out."
"It was like a whole new vibe, a European vibe."
"First time I've worn a mask in a long time."
"I'm so excited, I've never had it with seafood, believe it or not."
"Thank you for coming to my first Zoom."
"Not only did he win a new truck, Junior took him for a ride around the track to break it in."
"I'm so hopeful that this is gonna take, it's like such a different experience."
"It's my first ever franchise draft... so not my best draft but [expletive] it, hey, I'm excited to use my team."
"It's like driving an entirely new car, and I can't wait to put more miles on it."
"Try a new recipe... personally, I'm gonna be making chicken wings and chicken tenders."
"Congratulations, you're going to love it."
"It's really hard to know how to sum up your feelings because this is such a new experience for most of the nation."
"It's my first Porsche and honestly, what a thrill to drive."
"If this is your first vehicle or maybe your first new vehicle, getting behind the wheel will put a smile on your face."
"This thing is super solid, super excited to be using this for the first time."
"It's lunch time baby, and I'm so excited because I've never been to this restaurant."
"Now finally getting inside the all-new Wrangler and getting behind the wheel, it really does feel like this is the area where Jeep spent most of their time, money, and effort."
"I'm really excited for this, I've been to Canada before but never for motorcycle drag racing."
"Definitely this is definitely a track I've never ridden before."
"I'm intrigued; I've never had my portrait taken or sat for a portrait, so yeah, it's a new experience for me, very excited."
"Good morning, guys, from the comfy bed. I have to say, I was a little nervous with our first night of sleeping in this bed."
"Are you familiar with Earth, man? Welcome to our world."
"Congratulations, it's a new feeling for me."
"I've never drove a bike yet so let's get showered, let's get changed, let's get on it."
"So yeah, let's go ahead and open this up, I'm so excited!"
"I feel as though I have unlocked a new cosmetic in my lifestyle."
"Oh my gosh, it looks amazing, oh my goodness, it looks amazing to play with right now."
"We slept in it last night for the first time and it was quite comfortable, in fact, it was rock solid."
"My first Tokyo sunrise, my first real Tokyo morning."
"I'm pretty picky with my units, and I have to say this is about as close to a new experience that I think I would probably have unboxing this in the year 2000."
"Cheers to our first lemon ginger shot."
"I've never glued a jigsaw puzzle before, which is crazy 'cause puzzles are all I do."
"It's a bountiful harvest and this is my first time riding in this area."
"It's a fun way to celebrate like starting something new on your anniversary."
"It's awesome, I'm excited to be here and look forward to it."
"It's amazing, I can't believe I never tried this before."
"This is the first for me, so that is quite exciting."
"Good morning everyone, I'm here with my dad, who just went to his first spin class."
"I don't think anything's really changed other than, like, when we introduce each other, it's like, 'Okay, this is my wife, this is my husband.' That's changed. That's different. It feels different, but I like it."
"This is going to be a relatively new experience for all of us."
"I'm so happy for her, and I can't wait to try this."
"It's awesome, are you excited? This is your first time driving it."
"It's a different world, I feel like I'm pregnant for the first time."
"It's like a mini Christmas when you put on new glasses for the first time and you can see so much clearer than before."
"Once you land and put your feet on this soil, it's like a breath of fresh air."
"I must confess that it is my first time riding in a helicopter."
"I'm really excited, that was one of the main goals going into this race, never run there before so really happy about it."
"I'm really excited about it because I've never read anything by Karin Slaughter before."
"Welcome aboard. Oh, is this a new train? Hello!"
"It's not just about the cleaning, it's the joy of unboxing a new gadget."
"The sensation of walking on it was almost heavenly," Sapphire had never felt anything like it.
"I'm very happy, first outing with your setup."
"I've never played this before; it's quite enjoyable, though."
"It can be a little intimidating when you first get here."
"It's just totally a breath of fresh air."
"I've never been on a jet ski before, I'd love to try one."
"I'm so excited for you and I know you're nervous, but you're gonna love it."