
Image Quotes

There are 744 quotes

"Sex symbol is just kind of like a symbol; you don't even got to speak. It's manufactured."
"SeaWorld has done a lot in recent years to improve its image and put animal welfare first."
"The problem is, when you take the authoritarian structure that Trump came to represent and built around himself, and you hand that to somebody who looks good in pictures, that's terrifying."
"When you ride an all blacked-out muscle cruiser with the biggest production engine ever made in a motorcycle, you don't simply wear a mesh jacket; you are here for the vibe."
"It just really destroys credibility in the government at this point, the government is not making itself look good by keeping this on, they might want to make themselves look good if not us."
"This is like Grammy after-party, imagine hopping out the Maybach with this."
"He wanted to project to the world he wanted to be honest."
"You should always be seen in the best light, that's my motto."
"I always wanted people to envision me as cooler and smarter and funnier than I really am."
"It's essentially kind of like operating a brand and an image."
"Little do they know, this only makes them look like dog [ __ ]! So the pool of GOP contenders for 2024 grew this week."
"Every single day almost flexing a muscle trying to appear the way that you want to appear."
"Kylie turned 21 she proved that life in plastic is fantastic."
"It's just good to see Johny Depp still keep his character and the guy, the cool guy that we believe him to be."
"Don't invest in an image, invest in equipment."
"There's this kind of aestheticized idea of politics about the kind of image of competency and decency." - Paul Heidemann
"Stop celebrating people just because somebody put them on TV to promote the wrong images."
"Winning image is nothing more than an illusion."
"It's just going to look like little bickering children who just can't get it, and that's not a winning political move."
"It's just as important as whatever they pay you. It's your image, right?"
"Victoria and Albert rebranding of the royal family as virtuous charitable civically minded role models for the rest of the country was evidently a massive success."
"People can't get their head around is that they see me as a child. I'm not allowed to be an adult woman."
"People want to see a polished version of someone."
"Opportunities for fame, dignity, power... will enhance your public image."
"He wants to essentially send the message that he's the tough guy on Taiwan."
"Maybe that's all he has, a big scary cave and gruff voice."
"Football gets involved in politics, it's about image."
"Popular is famous plus like a positive image."
"Completely transform your character and image."
"Your image, your getting a good reputation in something definitely for work but this could be just a viral moment online, this could be a dating website, I don't know what this is."
"It was supposed to reinforce that image of him just being this average guy who found himself in a really serious and deadly situation."
"He's got to fix his image, and the only way to fix his image genuinely is to work on himself."
"Our Lady of Guadalupe will be revealed to you as the most spectacular, miraculous, and amazing image of all time."
"Work ethic is crucial for building self-image."
"We need to take it past the nakedness and put it to talent."
"That which holds the image of an angel becomes itself an angel."
"Donald Glover is a great example of bringing out that mature aspect that a beard can give you."
"God created women and men in His image."
"I now get to have fun creating an image that's cool to me."
"The image of Tutankhamun as a frail boy king has to be reassessed."
"The TRS-80, born from Tandy Radio Shack's ambition, transformed the company's image."
"Draw attention to yourself by creating an unforgettable, even controversial image."
"It's good for their image, honestly."
"It's an SUV that seems to avoid many of the compromises and hits to your image that can come with normal SUVs."
"An image is an immutable version of a container."
"It's how you present yourself and how you feel about yourself as you present yourself."
"It's not a good look for the CEO to get that down and dirty and argue with fans and argue with talent and argue with everyone on social media."
"It's how you want to be seen by others."
"Because if you don't look good, we don't look good."
"They just need the photo that shows you're skateboarding and your face."
"You know the game, this entertainment industry... you don't want to come across as desperate."
"People think you're very confident."
"It just sort of cemented that Mustang cool image."
"The studio system with its rigid control over actor's images and personal lives played a significant role in shaping The Narrative around its Stars."
"It wasn't oriented towards making other people impressed; it wasn't about image at all."
"The Obama brand offers us an image that appears radically individualistic and new."
"It's not about what you see, it's about how you look."
"As soon as you start getting competitive about popularity, that's easy to detect and it's a bad look."
"I think he knows he would not have become president without ['The Apprentice'], because it created this image, this myth, of him sitting in a high-back leather chair."
"This is about Britain's image, about trade deals, about diplomacy."
"He felt that this was the Harley-Davidson motorcycle he had wanted to create. Like the Harley-Davidson image he wanted, strong and fast."
"I kind of pivoted to a thirst trap Instagram, I'm not gonna lie."
"So the entire image gets affected but locally so that you can mask in exactly where you want that texture and detail to be."
"It's all about the show, it's all about the UK baddies."
"I look sophisticated, I look like I drink Sparkling Water."
"JoJo Siwa is like breaking away from her child star image but isn't at the same time."
"He's only associated with military Victory and so he could be all things to all people."
"More than any time prior in history, he had the ability to tailor and curate his image, and he had the talent around him to do so at an elite level."
"...black metal has this so cool image and dark vibe, there's something about it."
"You may have a romantic image of a pirate like that of Jack Sparrow, but in reality, they murder, kidnap, and maim."
"Knowing how to put an image in your book can help you put in simple things like your title page or your author photo."
"This is a great opportunity to help out Jordan's image."
"The Wilderness package appeals to buyers that need to tackle super tough terrain or at least prefer an image that they do."
"To be a star you got to look like a star."
"What is significant is how much work we must put into repairing our image and with that our Collective self-esteem."
"The greater knows that he or she is better served by not reinforcing the public image of being a narcissist through abuse."
"If you saw us anywhere other than that fucking album cover, you wasn't going to see that."
"For a monarchy with a rather staid traditional image, the arrival of a young and beautiful royal consort was a valuable boost."
"Your reputation and your image and The Narrative around you is quite pristine."
"The better something makes us look, the more likely we are to talk about it and share it."
"You never go back to it. I mean, you meet somebody, and you go, 'Wow, this person is really awesome,' and then, you go, 'Holy [__], it's that same bam! And it doesn't matter what they are, this image of who they are literally gets repainted."
"The word 'magic' is associated with 'image'... because images are associated with magic."
"If you value your perfect image, okay, and then when that perfect image is ruined, you're ruined. Oh, ha ha ha, she got caught. Ha ha ha, he's not perfect."
"People think you probably take good care of yourself."
"I think there's a lot of people maybe a fan of mermaids and because there's even names like Ariel and everything people buy this I think for the image of it"
"Do not use that word. It does not make you look cool. It makes you sound ignorant and out of touch."
"We've added an image to our website pretty easy huh?"
"The covert narcissist is preoccupied with the image they project into the world. They want to project into whatever social circles they're in, into any external environment, a perfect mom image."
"Once the image is established, you have an appearance, a place in the sky for your star."
"He realizes that people have started paying ignit Academy some attention after their recent upset against Toyota but it is not enough and he plans to win the this round in an overwhelming manner to break the image that they are losers."
"I'm trying to Rebrand and be wholesome."
"If Bam Bam had been in person for him with Jessica and flirting with her he'd have on that leather jacket with that you know the collar up and you know playing that bad boy image with that teddy bear inside."
"They were seen as the cleancut guys that didn't get in trouble."
"Once you become a star, you have to promote. You have to go live the life. Now this is you living the life as a DJ. People see it down the road. Look like you're working on Hollywood. Just work, Jigsaw truck. If you have your image up, you'll be respected."
"...paint ourselves too lurid a royal hue and we mark ourselves as the victor's prize."
"People see you shining and forget that you're dangerous."
"The seed image is an AI generated image that you provide to guide the AI in generating new images aligned with your vision."
"Present yourself how you wish to be perceived."
"It just seems like she's presenting an image to the world that she thinks people accept. But people don't accept it when they find out that it was the farthest thing from a baby shower."
"We thought when we went public with it that would embarrass him because you know, he's all about his image."
"Choosing the right image needs to be relevant, strong, and eye-catching."
"Many one percenters are associated with charities to improve upon their image or simply from the goodness of their hearts."
"When you say Batman to someone, this is probably the image of Batman that comes up in their head."
"Entertainment Weekly would release a highquality image of what would be dubbed the blast or map."
"In a world where image is everything, that's a lesson that some celebrities are learning the hard way."
"I don't just want God as my way maker and my Miracle Worker and these beautiful things that we sing. That I want to have the image of the heart of Christ. I want to be a bearer of the image of Christ."
"This image was taken after heavy rainfall covered the frozen lake."
"How you represent yourself in the world is really important."
"She somehow got a really good Agent or good PR people. They're keeping her flying below the radar on the Scientology craziness even though she may have been in longer than any of these people."
"Well you gotta hand it to Dan Quayle for finally changing his image. You used to look at him and think potato spell with an e. Now you look at them and think blood clot."
"The image is only 15 percent darker than the background of the linen cloth itself and it's very superficial."
"The s23 does have a slightly warmer color temperature and this creates a more pleasing image."
"They see you as someone who's always put together, always looks really good, and someone that they would be proud to be seen with out in public."
"Makeup is part of our image, branding, personality. Using just a little bit will already elevate your total look."
"The image of the monarchy in some ways is more important than anything, and by all respects, they have failed."
"I remember that one photo where he had the salad like the taco salad."
"Everyone thinks you're just an angel. They have no idea."
"This is going to be a mere act to improve their images."
"So we were able to successfully build the Docker image. Perfect!"
"When you're layering or trying to create that layered effect, just hollow out your image."
"There's a certain power to the image, but it's easily manipulated and susceptible to lying."
"Creating a polished image is about exuding confidence and understanding your environment."
"Can't say you love God and hate the image."
"As much as metal fans talk [__] about pop for being shallow and superficial and all flash and no substance, but if you look at what they actually reward with their attention in dollars, it's pretty clear metal is all about image just as much as pop, if not more honestly."
"Metal might be the most image-driven, gimmicky genre of all."
"Jimmy Page wrote the book on how you presented yourself."
"...everything I record goes on my YouTube account, so if I kick off, it makes me look bad as well, you know?"
"Her role in shaping Kim Jong-un's public image further reinforces the regime's desire to maintain a carefully curated narrative and project an image of stability and continuity."
"The image of the Outlaw Biker has changed over the years - today, the guy in black leather might just be your dentist or lawyer."
"But that wouldn't be the end of the misery, as in the weeks that followed, Cross would debut a new look that saw him resemble a Demolition reject, killing any credibility he had left in the process."
"I want people to see me at my best."
"It's about an image as well, they downed us about an attitude, an aesthetic."
"When you think of the flapper and the girl who drank bathtub gin and drove in an open roadster and lived a little too fast and too hard, that was her."
"People are professionals at painting the picture of perception."
"Keep mixing it up like Lane, a crazy wild kind of image that gets you money."
"These days it's all about image, it's all about what you're wearing, all about these badges, all about everything, you know, how many followers you got on Instagram."
"Everything is based on image, how attractive you are."
"Both Portland and San Francisco have had their moment in the sun as a shining example of America at its best."
"Whose image do you bear?...God Himself has placed His image on you, on me, and on every person."
"Sean is often presented with this image of nature vegan and eco-friendly."
"We feel safer and more protected by the fact that we're giving off like this family image to people."
"...something that's gonna really take that image and just make it extremely creative."
"Uzi really does know what they're doing and understands the role that style plays in shaping their image as an artist."
"We are to honor that image which we make precisely because it is a genuine and not a False Image."
"We are inclined to judge candidates very largely by their pictures in the paper and their appearances on television."
"They're selling the image and status that comes with knowing the brand, which of course is something to be expected as that is nearly always how a streetwear brand approaches marketing."
"The whole J.Cole situation... I thought it was a misstep because it didn't really feel on brand for J.Cole."
"Now it's not just about how you look, it's about your audience."
"Natasha fashioned her life to her liking, gradually increasing her influence over Valentino's image and career."
"America's PR has been down in the dumps."
"As the Monkees took control of their music, they also wanted to change the way the world saw them."
"I'm in a hood you can't go with my chain and my watch on I'm not the sort of man you really want to give a drop on."
"Adam was the image of the Most High because he walked in the righteousness of the Most High."
"...we had to pretend but I didn't have a car, I didn't have a house, did I have any of those things where we have to project wow this image."
"My image is even going to be more intense than Jim Morrison's."
"People are made in the image of God."
"Portraying oneself in a favorable light speaks to the resurrection's authenticity."
"I think the image took on kind of a life of its own that we were kind of Renegades and maybe cheap shots, but I never looked at it like that."
"So it appeared as if the famous Jeff image actually had Japanese roots."
"People want an image, and the Babylonian culture was very much about image."
"I'm not buying this just to be buying it. I'm buying it because I'm investing in my image."
"This glimpse into Kennedy's personal life adds a layer of complexity to his Public Image."
"I'm a brand and my visual image is one of those things."
"The election of an African American president changed our image in the minds of billions of people and that did a lot to restore the American Dream."
"Some people make money off their image. I make money off my image but my image is real. Like, I make sure I get people to reel me so I won't have to be caught out in public trying to do some fake [ __ ]."
"They see you as someone who potentially has options."
"Someone here had some sort of distorted view of you or they really wanted other people to have some sort of distorted view of you."
"Success in this rap game built on how people perceive you handling beef."
"Christ is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature."
"...an image that Still Remains iconic to this day."
"You left the church cuz their merch killed your image."
"If you actually want to run something on your machine using Docker, then you need a container, and that container requires an image to be built from."
"Linkedin's a great tool. Make sure you use professional pictures on LinkedIn. We don't want to see at the party. Don't want pictures of your dog. This is your job, you know what you want people at your job to see."
"So, we can say, 'I need an image.' And what image we need? We need the image called node 12 alpine."
"Never humiliate a Leo woman in public. They have a really strong sense of their image, their public image."
"The desperate father was immediately struck by the third image of a little brown-haired girl wearing a pink dress."
"Bundy clearly understood the power of perception and Public Image."
"The first image I'm going to show you is this: the railings surrounding the tomb of King Henry VII in Henry VII Chapel."
"Sometimes, your positioning can make you look like a bad guy."
"Her iconic image became a major marketing tool. Her statuesque figure, platinum blonde hair, and love for all things pink made her instantly recognizable."
"The image was natural, unretouched, and showcased Farah's genuine charm."
"Apparently, we've desired to see our image since earliest human history, but for most of human history, that intimate knowledge of your appearance was a rare thing, a luxury that was only available to the rich."
"Just like a modern influencer, Brummell wanted to focus on developing his personal brand."
"Guys they're seen as more husband material when they don't even talk about sex."
"Size isn't everything; while it's easy to be wowed by a big image, one can be equally wowed by a more accurate and dynamic one."
"Is that really authenticity, or is it really just chasing an image respectfully?"
"Associate yourself with poetic images and objects so that when they think of you, they see you through an idealized halo."
"The trick is to associate your image with something mythic through the clothes you wear, the things you say, the places you go."
"Our task is to make people interested in our dirty laundry, just not the way it actually looks."
"This is about getting ahead. I feel like your public personality is always causing a wedge or your image. Someone's always trying to sabotage you, wanting to be mean to you, hating on you for no reason. Give me more."
"What image are you trying to portray to the world?"
"What image are you purposely giving to people?"
"Images everything when you caught up in your image."
"If you want to change the image, it starts now."
"He's not the squeaky-clean goody-two-shoes everyone thought he was."
"Each of those could stand alone as a very beautiful minimalist image."
"Remember inside of google docs a chart is just an image."
"People need to look at you and they need to say, 'This guy's got his [ __ ] together.'"
"They see you as somebody very, very sexual, very sexy."
"Appearances are everything in Hollywood, the appearance of doing good."