
Suburban Life Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"How can anyone POSSIBLY care about ANY of this? All of it was the most absolutely bizarre, middle class WASPy suburban bullshit concerns that I could not imagine real, actual human beings being that concerned about."
"Roswell, a suburb north of Atlanta, is often voted the best place to live in the Atlanta metro area."
"We literally live in the middle of Suburbia."
"The suburbs of New York City are more accustomed to a peaceful way of life, generally untouched by violent crime."
"Life in this peaceful neighborhood was pretty uneventful but I loved it that way."
"Life in suburbia is an underrated adventure, even with the very predictable daily routine."
"If the left gains power, they will demolish the suburbs, confiscate your guns, and appoint justices who will wipe away your Second Amendment and other constitutional freedoms."
"Naperville is described as very family-oriented."
"The people living in the suburbs... no longer have to live with lawlessness."
"The Basso family of Rockaway, New Jersey got the fright of their lives back in the summer of 2015 when they saw six black bears nonchalantly splashing around in their above-ground pool."
"A suburban fantasy world with mundane mythical creatures."
"All these perfect houses, like the perfect Pleasantville type of life."
"I said the housewives in the suburbs and they said, 'Oh, what a horrible thing to say.' But women, let's be politically correct, women and men in the suburbs, they're changing the zoning."
"The suburbs themselves exist as a sort of prison for the average person."
"Honestly, I'm living a suburban life, you know that? Honestly, I'm living a dream I always wanted."
"When this small family moved to Springfield in 2015 they enjoyed the peace their Suburban home brought them, that was until their home was invaded."
"One day I was trying to see outside my house, and I could see my neighbor weeding his side yard."
"It's a nice place close enough to the big city and far enough away to where you're not gonna be stuck in traffic."
"The suburbs became the symbol of upward mobility and the American dream."
"I mean, if you want to sum up what suburban life feels like, it's that. That is so smart, you made me feel like, but I'm better than you and you should know that by now."
"It's all part of the circle of suburban life."
"This quiet unassuming duplex in Suburban Seattle was the scene of an act of incredible evil."
"...if people flee your core City but still live in the suburbs then there's something still desirable about that core City that makes them want to be near it at least."
"I was writing pop songs in a rock and roll band, you know, and in a very sheltered middle American white Suburban life."
"It's the veneer of a perfect American Dream Suburban idyllic and underneath just underneath there's this rage brewing in every single person."
"Don't you guys realize how much you have in common? You both hung up your capes, you moved your families to the suburbs, and you both sleep all day. You're basically the same person."
"The way he sees it, this is the coolest thing to ever happen in their boring suburb."
"I grew up in a very unassuming suburban environment."
"That's just life. That's don't move to the suburbs if you can't handle it."
"What stretches out before us is nothing short of suburban perfection."
"It just seems to me that the suburbs are momentary dream of a mushroom God sort of streets and houses will be blown away. Something will happen but it would take a really cataclysmic event to change the shape of the land at any speed."
"It's the horror of Suburbia, which is kind of like a nice little niche in horror that I enjoy watching."
"Maybe they'll kick one past me, that's suburban hunting, you know, might have a lot of deer but you gotta get to where people don't go, where they don't play."
"Maybe it's because I'm not in the main city or it's like a dry time to go to the grocery store."
"I just feel like I keep like even at the grocery store I just feel like I'm I'm like I I think there's a set of rules of the suburbanites that like I did not get like the blueprint on and so I like breaking rules left and right"
"We're on Eileen, there's street lights on our street, some middle class neighborhood."
"The Boondocks is a show about another black family named the Freeman family who live in the Illinois suburbs."
"I love Mr. and Mrs. Dursley of number four Privet Drive. We're proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much."
"I wasn’t a weathered adult making my way through a post-apocalyptic hellscape, I was a mostly well-behaved teenager living in a well-off suburb."
"I love the burbs, what can I say?"
"Yes, those things that you see on farms and homesteads, you too can have in your suburbs."
"Just the sound of the lawn being mowed and then you walk to the mailbox to get the mail and the fresh cut grass, just lovely."
"For many of us, for the foreseeable future, the American dream will continue to include a patch of mowed green."
"Leave it to Beaver had tapped into that Zeitgeist, offering viewers a window into the suburban domestic bliss that many aspired to."
"The air smells fresh, it's quiet, lawns are being mowed."
"This neighborhood was perfectly clean and immaculate, kids running down the streets, bike bells ringing, barbecues cooking."
"For many viewers, the show represents the perfect suburban lifestyle."
"We've got ourselves a whole Suburban, you can fit the whole family of 12."
"Fayetteville, Georgia has been ranked in numerous categories as the best schools, the best suburbs, the best place to retire."
"It's a great transition for people from North America that are used to suburban communities."
"Staten Island is also known as the Forgotten borough and is also considered the most suburban part of New York City."
"My single father moved myself and my two little sisters to a not terrible but also not great suburb of Denver, Colorado."
"These houses still had decorative windows, landscaping, and working doors for engineers to go inside."
"A suburban area is near a city and it's often called the suburbs. It's less crowded than the city."
"A suburban area is near a city and is often called the suburbs."
"Nothing says suburbia quite like sitting in your car for 20 minutes in line waiting for some chicken tenders and fries you're gonna eat off your lap."
"Nestled among the undulating hills of the San Fernando Valley, a suburban haven of opulence awaits, showcasing a life of comfort and luxury."
"The dream of America is to live in a duplex and share a yard."
"As much as people like to complain about their small towns and being stuck in the suburbs, there's something so beautiful about a suburban summer."
"It's an oasis of chaos in a desert of suburban calm."
"I live a pretty mundane suburban, peaceful, boring but wholesome fulfilling life."
"Even under the pressing suburb, there's still a lot of cool stuff going on biologically, just gotta explore your surroundings."
"Families were flocking to the suburbs, and Americans were being lulled into a feeling of comfort and well-being."
"What you should really be looking for when you go to get a dog is a dog that has a multi-generational history of being able to live in the suburbs and go to soccer games and be happy taking a little walk before work and a little walk after work."
"Our suburbs, that uniquely American way of life, no longer holds the totally central place in our culture that it once did."
"Living in the suburbs don't make you any less black than living in the hood."
"It's one of the most complete suburbs near Tampa."
"There beneath the blue suburban skies."
"I like nature, but I like suburban nature."
"From the outside looking in, the house looked like almost every other house in any typical Japanese suburb."
"A life back in the real world, comfortably numb in American suburbia somewhere, with my biggest concern being that my neighbor's grass was growing better than mine."
"I like to think I live a nice life, I in a cozy three-bedroom home in a quiet neighborhood in the suburbs."