
Political Urgency Quotes

There are 218 quotes

"This next election is the only election that has ever mattered, and the country is over if we don't win."
"Nothing is more urgent than efforts to guard against foreign influence in our systems for electing officials, particularly given the upcoming 2020 election."
"America's on the edge of an abyss, and our movement is the only force on earth that can save it."
"Saving the Republic is the only priority that should be on our minds."
"We will never have another fair election again if we don't address this now. We can kiss this Republic goodbye."
"The lights on the arrest of Donald J. Trump cannot come soon enough."
"This is not about saving a party, it's about saving the future of the country."
"The increase in the prospect of being illegitimate is a direct proportion of us not being able to get these reforms passed."
"The 2024 election is our one shot to save our country and we need a leader who is ready to do that on day one."
"I can't think of a more important time for this."
"There is no alternative unless you want to see the United States dissipate before your very eyes."
"We need to vote as if our lives and our livelihoods, our liberties depend on it because they do."
"Stop the circus and get to work on what really matters to the American people: their health and their economic security."
"The president is a minute threat to the Republic, a clear and present danger who must be removed immediately."
"I understand there's so much politics right now, we're two months away from an election, but this is life and death."
"If you don't do the thinking, someone else is going to do the thinking for you."
"It is extremely important that Putin does not win."
"We are the last hope for freedom in the world. If freedom dies here, it won't reappear somewhere else."
"Democracy is on the line so if there's one exhortation I would make to people again I'm not making a bunch of money off this book but what I want you to do is share this with someone who needs to read it."
"Bernie seemed to be the one talking about the urgency of now."
"We're at a point in America where if we the people don't begin understanding this infighting on all these fronts, it's game over and we deserve it."
"Ask you stop playing politics with people's lives. The reality is that we will have a vaccine we believe before the end of this year, and it will have the capacity to save countless American lives."
"None of that means a damn thing if Rafael Warnock and John Ossof are not elected senator in Georgia."
"Democracy is under attack here and abroad, we need Joe Biden."
"We are in the battle for the soul of this nation."
"President Biden said, 'Look, we got a lot of people hurting out in our country today, and we have to act. We need to act fast.'"
"Too many people are dying, too many people are suffering. We must make our political system respond."
"The danger of a Trump nomination needs to call forth extra effort from all of us."
"This illegal and unnecessary war is a grave mistake, and Putin must stop it now."
"We need to win in November. November is about stopping fascism in the United States."
"The fate of our republic has never faced a threat as acute and as imminent as we face today."
"Americans are hurting, we just need to pass something."
"We need to raise the alarm. There are disturbing signs of complacency in our party."
"If we don't actually stop the madness now, I'm not sure we make it to 2024 as a republic."
"The biggest civil rights issue... if we do not get rid of this president, we are not talking about Democrat or Republican... we're talking about our literal freedom."
"If we don't take back the house and the Senate with Trump Republicans and the White House this beat will go on."
"The reality is if we don't recognize civil rights if we don't recognize individual rights and human rights and I'm afraid we don't have many hopes for anyone we really are up against it now."
"I mean are we are we joking do we not understand that we are right now on the precipice are they complete and total meltdown of American democracy it is one scary Prospect."
"We need to blow the lid off of this now before they steal the 2020 elections."
"If we let this slide, we may never see a free and fair election in this country again."
"There is definitely a sense of urgency in our nation's capital to put the people first and actually come together on a deal before January 1."
"There is going to be a revolt in this country if we don't get something soon."
"We like the idea of the community stamping themselves into the game."
"Do not be silent. If we're silent, we are really going to lose."
"It's a dire sign for the Democrats, but ain't nothing gonna happen unless you go out and vote."
"The changes our country needs are drastic. There is no room for gradualism, no room for half measures."
"Now is the time to pass comprehensive immigration reform."
"Every year that passes with the current administration that issue becomes more and more intense."
"With the crisis of confidence our nation now faces immediate action is now required."
"Do not let them take away your power. Do not let them take away your democracy."
"We're in an unbelievable period of time... but we're sitting here... with the democracy under threat."
"The only sane rational solution on behalf of Ukrainians is for immediate negotiations between Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin to end this madness."
"We have one chance to save it, and that chance is called 2024."
"If you're the White House, you need to both create and maintain a sense of urgency about why this bill is needed."
"We need to defeat the most dangerous president this country has ever had."
"Passing a stimulus is incredibly important... the Republican side really needs to get their act together."
"Why don't you declare that emergency, Mr. President? I wish you would." - Nancy Pelosi
"We need urgent actions, and they need to be big."
"Our democracy is slipping away, and we have to stand against it. We have to do something against it."
"There's panic in DC, the entire house is coming down."
"If we don't turn this around we're going to lose far more than what our children can be taught in school, we're going to lose our democracy."
"Let us hope that there are people in the political elite in Washington who understand the danger and the gravity and that they will find the courage to act now and not leave it until it is too late."
"We need a revolution here our forefathers would be rolling over or probably rotating in their graves right now looking at what we've allowed to happen."
"The need for robust system analysis is urgent because it's the only force that can drain power from surging authoritarianism."
"It's really the responsibility of Assembly Speaker Carl Husty to impeach him immediately and you know, September is not soon enough. This needs to happen now. He is a danger."
"This is the election of your lifetime, the midterm election of your lifetime."
"There's no time to go wobbly here this is serious this remains our most significant Challenge and we've got to deal with the problem in front of us not push it off into the hope that this will go away over the next two to three years."
"emergency Cobra cast out 199 out Trump 2024 to save America and we will talk to you later bye."
"We are getting very close to the 100-day sprint. It is almost 100 days until the most important election of our lifetime."
"We have 81 days to save the American dream for our children."
"This is the biggest and most important election. That is not hyperbole. I mean, that is what's happening here in less than a month. It's really a big deal."
"Justice grinds slow but fine. Yet political time doesn't. So we're running out of political time, and that's what worries me."
"If we wanna beat Trump, we need real change."
"Every day the situation in the U.S becomes more dire."
"If we don't win in 2024, we have not got a country anymore."
"We need to save the country folks, our Republic's at stake."
"This isn't about Democrats and Republicans; this is about life and death. We have to get this right."
"You don't sit there and go, 'Well, I don't know if Rudy Giuliani's right or not.' We need a flipping army investigating this."
"It's really, really urgent, especially the ones that are still peddling election lies and conspiracy theories and still getting away with it within their party."
"You've got to operate as if everything is on the line and you cannot hold back."
"Americans are taking this seriously and they want to know the outcome of this proceeding before they potentially head to the polls and re-elect this man."
"We're at a very dangerous hour in this country."
"Do we want the American experiment?... If we don't get it right this election, I don't think we have a country."
"This is my last chance to tell you this... we still can be a nation in our Ascent."
"If you care about democracy and you care about the survival of our Republic then you need to understand we all have to understand that we cannot give people power who have told us that they will not honor elections."
"If we don't throw down the gauntlet, they gonna replace us anyway."
"I just hope Congress resolves this because it's you know yes super important."
"Democracy is on the line and you have a choice."
"One of the most powerful pieces of art in the United States Capitol is the Trumbull painting... submitting to the rule of law... we must begin impeachment now."
"We have to win because there are dangerous, reckless people on the other side."
"It is a disaster, it is a tragedy, and I am begging these Democratic candidates to talk about it."
"We have to wake up, America has to wake up, and we have to start being smart to deal with these tyrants. We can't continue to let them run all over us."
"Every day that we delay our decision to oppose him most decisively increases this risk."
"The timetable is the timetable of the American people needing their unemployment insurance, their direct payments, their assistance for rent and mortgage forbearance."
"We cannot let this happen this that's why this 2024 election is so important if if Republicans are not back in the White House in 2024 we are going to lose the Supreme Court and we are going to lose our country period full stop."
"We cannot take this election for granted, we just can't do it, ladies and gentlemen."
"It is absolutely imperative that Donald Trump not be elected president of the United States of America."
"The right to gay marriage was given only a few years ago. It can be taken away. Don't allow it to happen."
"If we do not defeat this, then almost nothing else matters." - Charlie Kirk
"Trump is calling for criminal indictments. Get ready for anything, and most of all, get ready to vote big, big, big."
"This is occurring as Congress is moving aggressively to pursue some of these issues."
"Election fraud is unacceptable, and that's exactly why I made it an emergency out in this session."
"A country in crisis... if we don't do it now then I think we're going to be somewhere that's not a good country to live in."
"Fear is spreading: 'Sunday Igboho should control something.'"
"It's socialism or extinction, internationalism or extinction."
"Our nation today is in the throes of a new era... that could destroy us, our Republic, our Constitution, and democracy forever if we do not take a stand today."
"It makes the election for the house and the senate more important than any we've seen in our lifetime."
"We must defeat and we will defeat the most dangerous president in the modern history of this country."
"Our republic will not survive. We must correct course."
"President Joe Biden is going to be addressing the nation momentarily, calling for action from Congress on gun safety regulations."
"I chose to run in this election at this moment because of what Dr. King called the fierce urgency of now."
"It's Thursday, October 15th, only 19 days from the election."
"There's the urgency of politics... Will they count as people?"
"Saving American democracy is more important than conceding one more millimeter to the Republicans."
"We are very close to losing our country and we need to make sure that we have the right leadership."
"Democracy is on the ballot. Damn right it is."
"I think it's very close to collapse... if we don't put a lot more money into the NHS then it will become not the first port of call for all of us." - Jeremy Corbyn
"The only thing standing between us and a complete fascist takeover of America is electing Democrats up and down the ballot in the midterm elections."
"The filibuster must go. I have never seen a matter that is so dangerous, so out of the mainstream, and so radical."
"The bloodbath that's coming in the midterm elections is going to be so monumental that the Democratic Party is panicking and they will do whatever they have to do to kill inflation."
"Vote like your life depends on it because, I'm telling you, our entire political and personal existence is at stake this year."
"We don't have time to decide to save our democracy."
"This election is the most important election of your lifetimes. Maybe we've ever had because the radical left has gone crazy."
"If you care about the future of America, you need to look at that."
"Pump the brakes, governor! We're in a fight for the soul of our nation."
"It is time to end this for the good of the senate, for the good of the country, and for the good of the democratic institutions that define us as Americans."
"We gotta win, we gotta get serious about it or else we'll have this same feeling until the end of time."
"Our democracy is at stake. The future of our country is on the line."
"We're in double-digit territory ahead of the midterm elections and we want to keep as many people as possible informed, and help everybody understand why this is indeed the most important election of our lifetime."
"Your country's at stake, the future of your kids is at stake."
"This is not be locked up lock him up and shut his mouth put a gig order on him because you are going to see something terrible happen if we don't stop him right."
"Most Americans want the Senate to move forward with confirmation hearings for a Supreme Court justice this year."
"Every day that I don't see the president out there talking about this, talking about how extreme this is, you're talking about half the population losing their human rights."
"The risk is enormous because the gap between what other countries have done and what we've done is so severe."
"Suddenly a lot of parties are trying to get you the money out the door."
"Trump must be removed from office because his style of leadership is an existential threat."
"Pass significant meaningful infrastructure legislation now."
"It's more important to defeat this force and this person in Donald Trump than almost anything else."
"99 days from now, the election of 2020. Get rid of him, get rid of all of the Republican enablers."
"We're four days away from possibly losing this country forever but we're four days away from winning it back."
"Freedom's on the line period, and the threat is significant."
"It's guaranteed implosion of our country unless we can get a handle of our borders."
"It's the brinkmanship has to end. There's no excuse for another crisis."
"We gotta address what's happening with the voting rights act."
"We've got to sort these elections, it is either the first, second, or third question that I've been asked by almost everybody I've talked to here."
"We have a window of opportunity to save the Republic."
"This election is extremely important, extremely important."
"Common sense legislation that is long overdue."
"I believe, I truly believe the time to begin impeachment proceedings against this president has come."
"Every day we delay, we empower Mansion more."
"Stop playing games, stop playing the charade, stop this stupidity, let's put the country first."
"You gotta get Trump out of office, period, even if I supported any of his policies."
"This should compel every elected official to take action and say enough is enough."
"Time to move," Bernie Sanders declared. "Get it done right now."
"This is unacceptable. The lives are at stake here." - President Joe Biden
"They see the world right now as being in this state of late stage capitalism and if they don't start a revolution right now we are all doomed."
"This is a struggle for the survival of our nation, believe me, and this will be our last chance to save it."
"Lives genuinely are on the line this election."
"Stop looking for poison pills, Senator McConnell, pass this right now, America needs it."
"If we want to keep the possibility of progress alive in our time, we have got to reassert our place in American history."
"Either our courts help us out right now or I fear we lose this country." - Carrie Lake
"We're taking control over America. This [__] cannot be president again at any cost."
"Conservatives are going to have to wake the f up if they're going to run this guy again."
"We are at a point of existential threat to our country. I don't know that we'll have a democracy in existence in 2028."
"We've got to make Trump and Mitch McConnell understand that there has never been lower urgency for strong and aggressive action."
"The fight is now, it'll be in November, and it's going to be every election for the foreseeable future."
"If we don't get this right this time, it's over. It's McCarthy back in, you put Trump back in, our democracy is over."
"Protect democracy and the global order now teetering on the brink."
"The push for the vote needs to be done ASAP." - L8
"You have to vote like American democracy is about to end because it might."
"Write the bill. Pass the darn bill. We need third stimulus."
"If they don't figure out how to do this rather soon, by the time we get to the summer they can expect to get clobbered in the midterms."
"Are you waiting until January to do the stimulus package in January, Nancy?"
"If we lose America, it's over. Your kids will never know real freedom."
"That is what we all feel, and we're trying to find in our politics something that reflects the urgency of that, and that only exists on the right in the two parties."
"There is no chance of writing the conditions I described in the earlier chapters of this book or of saving England from fascism unless we can bring an effective Socialist Party into existence."
"If we don't get serious about our politics again, we are finished."
"How many people have to die before you get up across whether you're Republican or Democrat and say we've got to stop this and we've got to bring some sanity back in this country?"
"The message from Brussels is clear: That vote cannot happen soon enough."